The open-world on rails

note: added a couple more paragraphs on June 12, denoted by asterisks

I’ve mentioned a couple times already that I bought into the THQ Nordic Playstation Humble Bundle some time ago. Once I finished playing Destroy All Humans! again (which was the entire purpose of buying the bundle), I decided that I ought to give another one of the included games a go. You know, since I had them and all.

First up on the list (because it’s sorted alphabetically) was ArcaniA: The Complete Tale. I had no idea whatsoever what it was, but I went ahead and installed it anyway. Over the course of my journeys, I discovered that it’s the fourth game in the Gothic series, which I had never heard of previous to this. That’s probably because it’s a painfully generic PC RPG series.

Anyway, it seems that Arcania (I’m not capitalizing the last A any more) is the first of the series to land on consoles, which means it’s the only one I’ll ever play. Oh, and that’s also because man is Arcania ever generic. It feels exactly like what Fable would be if it had absolutely zero charm and personality. And I think Fable is really the best comparison gameplay-wise as well. Arcania has less to do and no good/evil gimmick, but the combat is janky, and the game has a very linear “open world” that you can only progress through as you hit all the proper plot triggers.

**As a quick aside, Arcania technically does have a lot to do, because there are ten thousand random objects that you can interact with in the world. But not a one of them does anything. Not the cook pot, not the alchemy table, not the smithing anvil. Nothing. Lying in a bed doesn’t even restore HP or pass time. In fact, the “role-play elements” are so pointless that there is an option to turn them off completely. So I can’t help but be completely baffled as to why they’re even there in the first place. Why? WHY??**

That’s not to say that Arcania is bad, per se. It’s just not at all living up to its potential. There’s still fun in exploring and combat. Though I have to admit that the game’s bugginess does try its best to get in the way of any fun you’re having. Enemies will vanish and reappear behind you. Your hitbox is absolutely massive, which makes successful dodges a bit of a coin toss. If you step off the beaten path, you character will begin to slide around uncontrollably, which may end up dumping you out of bounds and into the waiting arms of death.

Actually, I think that the only reason I’m enjoying it is because I’m playing on the Super Very Hard Mode. Every battle is for all the beans in the can, and enemies in groups of more than one [1] can decimate you in the blink of an eye. It’s fun to gauge every encounter and try to figure out the best strategy for handling them. Usually the best strategy is to backpedal while firing off arrows, but I try to save that for when I’ve been killed a half dozen times by the same monster gang and need to move on. If combat were easy, I think that I would have been bored out of my mind before the intro chapter was over.

I think that the thing I dislike most about the game is actually the main character. He’s a nameless tough guy who is an absolute dick to everyone at all times. Okay, sure, he’s an amnesiac whose village was burned to the ground (along with his fiancée and unborn child) by the Evil Empire, but that doesn’t mean he has to be a complete jackoff to everyone. And what’s the deal with his lack of a name? You can’t edit this character in any way, so it’s not like you’re really role-playing here. He’s always gonna be the same gruff bro in everyone’s game. It’s just the cherry on top of the ice cream sundae of Arcania’s questionable design decisions.

**Speaking of which, did I mention how weird the teleportation system is? There’s no fast-travel, and teleporters come in pairs that only warp to each other. Most of these warp pads are close enough together that it’s literally just as fast to walk the distance as it would be to wait for the game to go through the teleporting animation and load you over to the destination pad. The system is so pointless that you can see where even the developer realized this, as the warp pads just stop appearing three-fifths of the way through the game.**

Anyway, I’m going to keep at it. I’m at least 25 hours deep at this point with what looks like the end of the main quest in sight. I mean, I’ve run out of map and the game hasn’t ever asked me to backtrack to this point, so that’s got to be it. I don’t really want to play the included DLC campaign, but it looks like I’ll have to if I want to wrangle up the easy platinum trophy. Then I can finally move on to the next C-tier game from that bundle at some point. Probably Destroy All Humans! 2.

Bounce and throw

So, I bought a basketball two weeks ago.

Yeah. I know. It’s weird.

I went out to throw the ball around a bit by myself that weekend, and had a pretty good time having finally found something to do while being outside (that isn’t walking around aimlessly). Then last Saturday morning, my dad, my brother and I all went out to “shoot hoops” for a couple hours. I learned to play Horse and had so much fun. I literally did not want to leave the court when it was time to go.

It’s really weird. Don’t worry, we’re on the same page there.

I know I like to project a “sports are the worst” kind of image, but that’s really not me. I like sports. I just can’t be arsed to follow professional sports. I don’t give a flying flip about players or stats or championships or maniacal fans who devote their entire lives to their team. But I like going out and doing the things. At least, to some degree.

I’m still a lazy, overweight, out-of-shape slob. So typically I can’t sustain that kind of physical exertion for long. But basketball -or at least just shooting around for fun- doesn’t require me to push myself too hard, so it’s basically the perfect way to get into being more active. I’m outside and off my butt and actually being engaged in something, which is exactly what I need.

I’m lobbying to make Saturday morning basketball a regular thing, though my suggestions have been met with grumbled maybes. I’ll still go out by my lonesome if it comes down to it, but it’s nicer to have a couple people to share the burden of chasing after a stray rebound.

How long will this new hobby last? To be honest, probably just for the summer. I am not exactly renowned for my sticktoitiveness. I have a definite tendency to get all worked up about something for a while, then drop it completely when some other shiny, new thing comes along. Especially since there’s that big ol’ “winter” thing that will completely kill any momentum for a good six months. But we’ll see!

Pokémon Direct thoughts

A new Pokémon Direct happened today! I have thoughts! Excited thoughts!

Pokkén Tournament DX – I’ll be honest, it’s not what I was hoping for, but it’s about what I expected. You can’t fault Nintendo for taking all the big games from a system that nobody owned and re-releasing them on the hot new machine that everybody (who matters) wants.

But I’m at a very tough crossroads with this one. On one hand, I don’t really want to buy Pokkén again. $80 seems like a lot for any fighting game that isn’t Smash. On the other hand, it has become obvious that they’re never releasing the DLC characters for the Wii U version, so this will be my chance to finally play as my beloved Scizor. Plus Decidueye is super cool and will probably be a lot more useful in Pokkén than the actual Pokémon games.

Ah, who am I kidding? I’m absolutely going to buy it again. Pokkén will be an excellent bus game.

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon – This is not what anyone expected. The whole world was set on getting Pokémon Stars for Switch, not an alternate telling of Sun/Moon on 3DS again. But that’s just the way Game Freak works. They love clinging to the system they’re comfortable on.

Again, I’m a little hesitant to get too excited here. I mean, we really only got a little teaser; I need to know a lot more before I decide how much I care about this one. Pokémon Sun and Moon were wonderful games, and if they craft the UItras as well as they did Black 2 and White 2, I would say we’ve got a definite Buy on our hands here. But that’s going to require at least three things: a convincing new plot, at least one new island to explore, and the return of that sweet movie-making mini-game.

Ohhhhh and new Alolan Forms. Those have to be a thing.

At the very least, the mystery of Necrozma is solved(ish): he becomes armour for Solgaleo and Lunala. Should have been more obvious, since he’s a prism and his ability is Prism Armor. It’s also another parallel to BW2, where Kyurem can fuse with Reshiram and Zekrom.

Pokémon Gold and Silver on 3DS Virtual Console – IMO this should have happened long ago, not in this coming September. Finally, we’ll be able to play a legit version of these games without having to worry about the dreaded battery issue! But seriously, what was the freakin’ holdup?

Actually I think that this is what I’m most excited for out of the three announcements. Though it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise, considering how much I love retro gaming. Gold and Silver are great, though to date I have logged uncountable hours into them and still haven’t completed an English version of either one. I very much look forward to leaving one (or both?) half-finished yet again.

What really boggles my mind is the complete absence of Pokémon Crystal, the GBC-exclusive third version. Its extra features and animated sprites are awesome, but really I want it mostly because it was the first Pokémon game that let you play as a girl.

Ode to Mega May

In 2015, I recorded myself playing through Mega Man 4. I never did anything with the files because… I really don’t quite remember why. Probably because I was too lazy to watch and process them.

Anyway, I went and did all that work last month and put the finished videos on YouTube as a celebration of Mega May. Because I didn’t actually play any Mega Man games. Had to do something, you know? The first episode is embedded below.

The series is… not doing well. Nobody watches my Let’s Play videos. Maybe that’s why I didn’t bother processing and uploading these before? And after all the trouble I went through (barely any) to whip up those spiffy title cards.


After posting all those comics last month, I suppose it’s only right to follow up with some less panel-bound doodles. Like this one here!

The more I look at this, the less it looks like something I would have drawn. But I did! Make no mistake about it! This is entirely a product of opening up Photoshop and just going with the flow. Literally the only thing that I had set out to do was to draw something in Photoshop instead of Flash. Get with the times and all that, you know?

Continue reading Absof**kinglutely

Monthend Video Game Wrap-Up – May 2017

This may be the longest list to date… I don’t know quite how it happened, seeing as I feel like I’ve been playing far fewer video games than usual. Ack! Maybe it’s time to start logging playtime?

~ Game Over ~

Bye-Bye, BoxBoy! (3DS) – Is it the Best Box Boy? Yeah. Yeah it is. They’ve definitely pushed the series as far as it can go, and I’m glad it’s (ostensibly) being retired before it loses its lustre.

KAMIKO (Switch) – I thought “This looks neat, I’ll buy it off the Japan eShop because there’s no way it’ll ever come out in North America” but was stymied because the Japan eShop doesn’t accept my MasterCard. And then it came out in North America the very next week. Welp!

ABZÛ (PS4) – Something about a diver saving an underwater ecosystem from the ravages of machines. I don’t really get it, but it was super pretty. Also, so many cool fishies!

Blazing Star (Switch) – A NEO-GEO shoot-’em-up that is visually amazing (duh). It also taught me what separates a good shmup from an annoying shmup: enemies that soak up bullets. Also most of the playable ships are kind of terrible. Windina is always the way to go.

Stardew Valley (PC) – We accomplished everything that isn’t a horrible slog. Once we acquired the Junimo Hut, it just seemed like there was nothing else worth doing. And so it’s finally over.

Dark Witch Music Episode: Rudymical (Switch) – The title gives away that this is not your average Legend of Dark Witch game. In fact, it is instead a weird rhythm game that demands nothing less than perfection. Despite that, I still kinda liked it.

Destroy All Humans! (PS4) – Bought the PlayStation Humble Bundle just to replay this. Honestly, a little underwhelming on the gameplay front, but I loooove the B-movie aesthetic/plot.

Snipperclips (Switch) – Chopped my way to the end of the single-player levels. It’s a very clever game, but is so much more fun when you’re working with other players. And I say that from experience, having previously solved all the multiplayer stages with a full four-person team.

ARMS Global Testpunch (Switch) – Okay, so I didn’t really “beat” it because it’s just a demo… But I really wanted to list it because it absolutely sold me on ARMS. Of course.

Continue reading Monthend Video Game Wrap-Up – May 2017

Greasy Money : The Liquor Guide

Hey! Let’s talk about Trailer Park Boys: Greasy Money a little more today.

Actually, let’s not talk, per se. This is going to be more of a mini-guide than the usual opinion piece. Greasy Money is a fairly standard idle game, though it does have a number of bells and whistles to differentiate itself from the thousands of other idle games on the iTunes App Store and As many of those other games, it deals with several different types of currency.

First, there’s cash. It’s fun, because there’s actually a story conceit as to why you’re making millions upon billions of dollars in the game. Usually that just gets completely ignored. Cash is mainly earned from your businesses. It can also be gained by cracking open trunks, which is kind of waste, because anything else you get from a trunk will be infinitely more valuable. Literally the only thing you can do with cash is invest it back in your businesses to attract more customers, which will increase the business’ cash output. And so the cycle continues.

Next are the hashcoins. These are the premium currency, and while the game does dole out a fair amount in the tutorial seasons, you will typically have to pay real money for more. You can also find one or two in a trunk from time to time, but they’re going to accumulate very slowly. Hashcoins are spent in the in-game store to buy premium trunks, time skips, and liquor.

Speaking of liquor, that’s the final currency type. This is the semi-premium currency, in that you don’t have to buy it with your heard-earned hashcoins, but you’re not going to be earning a useable amount very quickly. Liquor also happens to be the most valuable stuff in the game, as it’s used to upgrade your businesses and characters, and to buy new cards. There are tons of ways to get liquor, but most don’t pay out very well. The purpose of this guide is to tell you all the ways to get your liquor so that you can make the most out of your time with the game.

Side note: I suppose that technically, the character/business cards are also a form of currency, but forget those for now. They are essentially just a specialized form of liquor, anyhow.

That said, let’s take a look at all the ways you can earn liquor:

Continue reading Greasy Money : The Liquor Guide