TE Video: Coming Soon (Oct 2024)

Spooktober is nearly upon us! To celebrate, I’ve not only got exclusively horror games on deck for the month, but I’ll also be posting three videos a week instead of the usual two! Make sure to keep an eye on your subscription feeds on Saturdays!

Bloody Ink (PC) – [Oct 1, 7, 14, & 21] – This four-part series is the newest offering from Doesn’t Matter Games. The first video is actually of the demo, which is packaged in with the full game and acts as a prologue. It’s all very Doesn’t Matter, but didn’t quite tickle my fancy the way that Lost Alone did.

Who Knocks (PC) – [Oct 3 & 10] – Conversely, this is Doesn’t Matter Games’ first game. Playing them back-to-back really illuminates how the DMG formula hasn’t really changed over time, but it has been refined with a number of quality-of-life improvements. I think this is actually my second-favourite game from DMG.

Movie Night (PC) – [Oct 5th] – Apparently it’s been rebranded as Amanda’s Movie Night now, but when I played it, it was just Movie Night. A fun little horror story with a good twist. It is also the shortest game of Spooktober 2024, at just over 15 minutes.

Something Bad is on the Moon (PC) – [Oct 12th] – Another short one, this game genuinely surprised me, and this video probably contains my biggest jumpscare ever caught on camera. It wasn’t even really just that scary, but the moment was perfect to freak me right the heck out.

My Eyes Inside Out (PC) – [Oct 17th] – I actually downloaded this for Spooktober 2022, but never got around to playing it. I didn’t realize at the time that it was also just the first chapter in a trilogy. Fortunately, all three chapters are now available, and I packed them all into one video. Chapter Two is the best by a wide margin.

The Other One (PC) – [Oct 19th] – Yet another short indie horror experience. Probably a third of the length of this video is me trying to figure out how to get the secret tending. Smells strangely of poop and garlic.

Bulb Boy (PC) – [Oct 24th] – I think that this was the first game to go down to $0.01 on the Nintendo Switch eShop. But I own it on PC, so I probably paid more than that. It’s a point-and-click adventure horror, but with a very Ren & Stimpy kind of humour to it. Needless to say, I had a good time.

Leshy Prelude (PC) – [Oct 26th] – Mining the depths of itch.io, I found this “game” of a game. I actually really like the concept, but the gameplay is a bit too chaotic and unpolished for my tastes. Still, it was cool experience and I’d like to see a more fleshed-out version.

FNAF: Into the Pit (PC) – [Oct 28th] – Yeah, I know that I already posted a very long let’s play of this back in August. But in this one I enable the speedrun timer and get the 2-star ending. Someday I’ll post a video of me earning the 3-star ending, but I don’t really know when that will be. Yet.

[REDACTED] – [Oct 31st] – Sorry, this one’s a secret. Mostly because I actually haven’t recorded anything yet and am still not 100% sure what I want to do.

And that, my friends, is what you have to look forward to from TE Video this Spooktober. I tried to play a pretty wide variety of games, so even if most of them don’t really interest you, I hope that at least one does. I had a great time recording all of these videos, so it would be nice if someone got a little bit of joy from watching them.

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