TE Video: coming Soon (February 2025)

You know the preamble by now. Let’s jump straight to the good(?) stuff.

Mario & Luigi: Brothership (Switch) – Parts 12-15 run every Saturday from Feb 1st. No surprise, being at part 12 and all. Looks like it’s coming to a head (I just recorded part 15), and I’m pretty confident that this series will end in March.

9 Years of Shadows (PC) – Parts 2-5 run every Monday from Feb 3rd. If you haven’t checked it out yet, I definitely recommend it, as it’s pretty cool game. Very stylish, with some neat powers and tough bosses. This one will definitely conclude in March, with part 7 being the finale.

Bad Parenting #1: Mr. Red Face (PC) – One-shot goes live Feb 6. I thought this was going to be a bit more of a light-hearted spook-em-up, but it’s actually intensely dark. One of the bleakest games I’ve played in recent memory.

DEAD OR SCHOOL (PC) – Parts 4 and 5 on Feb 13 and Feb 27 respectively. I honestly don’t know if this is going to be any fun at all to watch, but I had a grand old time playing it. Check it out if you like seeing me in pain and anime nonsense.

Midnight Prowl (PC) – One-shot goes live Feb 20. Yamoto’s first game, and easily the weirdest of the three. It’s better than Akai Onna, but can’t hold a candle to Urayama. As with most of these games, I put in the effort to get both endings.

As always, any unplanned videos will get their own posts as they go live (or more likely, a few days afterward). That seems a bit unfair, honestly, but what are you going to do? You’re going to subscribe to my channel and hit that notification bell. That’s what you’re going to do.

Meta horror

I played this game called Among Ashes last week. It’s a surprisingly good indie horror game, definitely one of the best of the year. A fantastic example of how video games can tell stories in ways that other media couldn’t even dream of.

I’d appreciate if you’d watch the let’s play I recorded of it (embedded below). But if you really can’t stand me (why are you here?), you should at least watch someone else’s let’s play of it. I truly believe that this game deserves more attention.

Or, you know, maybe even buy a copy. You cheap bastard.

TE Video: coming Soon (January 2025)

A new year is just around the corner, and with is comes a whole new programming schedule! I’m really excited for all the videos I have coming up, and doubly excited for absolutely nobody to watch them! Yay for time well spent!

Urayama (PC) – On Jan 2, we kick off the new year with a Japanese indie horror by a new (to me) developer, Yamoto. While it’s a bit rough around the edges, I had a great time playing it, and I think it’s a fun watch. Even with my commentary.

The Knight Witch (PC) – The last three episodes of this series go up on Jan 6, 13, and 20 respectively. If you haven’t been paying attention to it up to this point… well, I don’t think anything I can say is going to sell you on it.

Mario & Luigi: Brothership (Switch) – Part 8 goes live on Jan 4, with new episodes each following Saturday. I’ve kind of given up hope that anyone will care about this series, but I’m still going to see it through. At least it’s been fun for me!

DEAD OR SCHOOL (PC) – A game I had little faith in when starting, that I came to truly enjoy over time. The first three episodes of this long, long series will air on Jan 9, 23, and 30. Truth be told, at the time of this writing I’ve recorded 15 hour(ish)-long episodes and there’s no end in sight. This bad boy’s gonna be running all year.

Can’t Revert (PC) – Another indie horror on Jan 16, but this one is bad. It’s a very PT-style “walk through the same apartment over and over as scary things happen” kind of game, but with an incredibly overused plot and a bad chase sequence at the end. Still, not the worst game I’ve played recently!

9 Years of Shadows (PC) – Another metroidvania to carry on after The Knight Witch ends, this one starts on Jan 27. It’s a little more of a standard metroidvania, but with a very cool element-switching mechanic and a tenuous link to Greek mythology. I really liked this one, and I hope this series gets even one person to buy the game!

TE Video: Coming Soon (Dec 2024)

Oh, things have gotten wildly out of control on my YouTube channel! Over the last month, I’ve gained over 50 new subscribers, and videos are actually getting likes now!? Only problem is, the watch minutes aren’t adding up too quick. So I guess bots can like and subscribe now?

Also all my videos are on Rumble as well. But that channel’s not doing so well. Which is too bad, because the threshold for monetization is much lower there.

Anyway, here’s what’s coming up next month (for all the bots that care):

The Knight Witch – Part 5 goes live on Dec 2, and there’s a new episode every Monday. This one isn’t gaining much traction by any metric, but I didn’t expect it to. I don’t think many people know it exists. But it’s a really good game, it’s too bad it’s buried under so many other games.

Another Code Recollection – Part 12 goes live on Dec 5, and unlike The Knight Witch, this one will actually wrap up by the end of the year. However, this series is getting even less attention than The Knight Witch, which I find odd because it’s a story-heavy game, and at least in my opinion, those are the best games to watch let’s plays of. Oh well! *shrug*

Mario & Luigi: Brothership – Part 4 will air on Dec 7. While the first episode did pretty okay (50+ views), part 2 is still sitting at zero as of this writing. Ouch. I really thought there may be some draw, as it’s a new game with big name recognition, but I seem to have been mistaken. I’m honestly not even sure if I’m going to finish the game on-camera or not. But I probably will.

A Pop-Tarts Review – I’m planning at least one for December. I won’t tell you what flavour, but I will tell you that I intend on putting it up on the 25th. There will probably actually even be another one before that, but we’ll have to see how motivated I feel over the next couple of weeks.

TE Video: Coming Soon (Nov 2024)

You know the drill by now, yes? Videos go live every Monday and Thursday on both my YouTube and Rumble channels. Feel free to watch them on the platform of your choice, but remember that Rumble is much more likely to pay me.

The Knight Witch (PC) – A new series starting Nov 4, this is a metroidvania that plays like a bullet-hell shooter. It’s got a alright story and a great main character, which should be a good draw. It’s also a hella long series, consisting of a whopping 12 episodes, so it’ll be running until late January.

Another Code Recollection (Switch) – Starts Nov 7. Picking up in the second half of the game, I feel a little bad for benching this one for so long. This is all new content to me, as I’d never played the original release of this half. It’s pretty good, and very much story-based, if that’s what you’re into. This series coincidentally will run until Boxing Day, which is the final Thursday of 2024.

That’s all for November. And for December, too, actually. And 2024! Oh no, how did we get to the end of another year already!?

TE Video: Coming Soon (Oct 2024)

Spooktober is nearly upon us! To celebrate, I’ve not only got exclusively horror games on deck for the month, but I’ll also be posting three videos a week instead of the usual two! Make sure to keep an eye on your subscription feeds on Saturdays!

Bloody Ink (PC) – [Oct 1, 7, 14, & 21] – This four-part series is the newest offering from Doesn’t Matter Games. The first video is actually of the demo, which is packaged in with the full game and acts as a prologue. It’s all very Doesn’t Matter, but didn’t quite tickle my fancy the way that Lost Alone did.

Who Knocks (PC) – [Oct 3 & 10] – Conversely, this is Doesn’t Matter Games’ first game. Playing them back-to-back really illuminates how the DMG formula hasn’t really changed over time, but it has been refined with a number of quality-of-life improvements. I think this is actually my second-favourite game from DMG.

Continue reading TE Video: Coming Soon (Oct 2024)

TE Video: Coming Soon (Sept 2024)

Here’s your monthly reminder to subscribe to my video channels on Rumble and YouTube. Also, if you could actually watch the videos too, that would be awesome and muchly appreciated. I have no idea how important the watch time metric is to the algorithm these days, but it couldn’t hurt to see it improve.

That said, what’s coming down the pipe in September?

Sizeable (PC) – The finale episode airs Sept 2. The first two are just me completing the game, and this one is hunting down and finishing all the secret levels. A lot of fun was had by me. Will you enjoy watching me enjoy playing the game?

Wario Ware, Inc: Mega Microgames! (GBA) – Episode 5 goes live on Sept 5. This is the beginning of “the grind” portion of the series, and I could see how even folks who are interested in this game might drop off here. Roughly half of Part 5 is just me racking up a ridiculously high score in Sheriff, Part 6 is over two hours of farming microgames (yikes), and Part 7… is a surprise!

Continue reading TE Video: Coming Soon (Sept 2024)

Wherein 2021 is Productive

At least, in the sense that I have been creating a lot of product in 2021. It’s only halfway through January and I have already scheduled two videos to go live each week on the TE YouTube channel until the end of February. That probably amounts to more videos than I posted through the entirety of 2020. Not that I’m going to bother counting.

Continue reading Wherein 2021 is Productive

Ode to Mega May

In 2015, I recorded myself playing through Mega Man 4. I never did anything with the files because… I really don’t quite remember why. Probably because I was too lazy to watch and process them.

Anyway, I went and did all that work last month and put the finished videos on YouTube as a celebration of Mega May. Because I didn’t actually play any Mega Man games. Had to do something, you know? The first episode is embedded below.

The series is… not doing well. Nobody watches my Let’s Play videos. Maybe that’s why I didn’t bother processing and uploading these before? And after all the trouble I went through (barely any) to whip up those spiffy title cards.