Month End Video Game Wrap-Up: February 2025

~ Game Over ~

Wedding Witch (PC) – A horny Vampire Survivors clone that I bought and played for a joke, but then I ended up spending 10 hours 100%ing it. Whoops!

Silent Hill 2 (PC) – I’ve been itching to play the original since finishing the remake last year, and a co-worker recommended I try out the Enhanced Edition mod, so I did. It looks good for sure, and it was nice to revisit a classic. Really drove home how much bigger the remake is, too. Livestreamed the whole thing, too.

Mario & Luigi: Brothership (Switch) – Should have finished this months ago, but the whole let’s playing process really slowed me down. I liked the game a lot, but would have liked it even more if the dialog was cut down by 25-50% and it was like 10 hours shorter. That also describes how I feel about most M&L games that came after Superstar Saga.

Continue reading Month End Video Game Wrap-Up: February 2025

TE Video: Coming Soon (March 2025)

Join me on YouTube and/or Rumble for at least three videos a week. Although I might give up on Rumble, since they recently changed their monetization requirements from “none” to “an absolute shit-ton” and I’ll never see a penny there now.

I’ve also been streaming on YouTube on Friday evenings pretty consistently lately, so consider dropping by to make chat slightly less empty.

Mario & Luigi: Brothership (Switch) – This one will continue to run every Saturday in March, as it has for the last three months. However, episode 20 is the finale! It’s finally coming to an end! What a bittersweet moment it was/will be.

9 Years of Shadows (PC) – This series ends with episodes 6 and 7 on March 3 and 10 respectively. While I obviously recommend checking out the game in general, the last episode isn’t one to miss if you want to see me completely lose my cool.

A Night on the Farm (Switch) – Airing March 6, this is a little indie horror adventure about a perfectly average night on a perfectly average farm. My playthrough clocks in a just under an hour and a half, showing off three of the five(?) possible endings. If that sounds like a letdown to you, just know that the endings aren’t all that different.

Dead or School (PC) – Parts 6 and 7 go live on March 13 and 27 respectively. I’ve forgotten most of what’s actually in these episodes, but there’s a fight against a tank boss on part 7! And I make at least one Metal Gear Solid reference!

Suite 776 (PC) – Goes live on March 17. I could swear I had played this one before, but honestly, I may have just played and watched too many indie horror games at this point, and they’re all just blending together in my mind. Anyway, I like it, and it’s got a pretty fun easter egg right near the end.

Spicy Candy (PC) – Airs on March 20. More of an interactive story than a game, really. You play as a little girl who gets locked out of the house by her neglectful mother on Halloween and sets off to collect candy. GUESS WHAT HAPPENS.

Broken Through (PC) – Goes live on March 24. I’ve played all of Jordan Lindgren’s games, and this one is my favourite by far. While the “haunted video game” theme is becoming a little too common, this game does it well and was, surprisingly, legitimately spooky. I was genuinely unsettled a couple times while playing it. Fun!

Unpacking (PC) – The last video for the month, going live on March 30. A wild departure from the kinds of games I normally play, this is a cute, cozy game about unpacking boxes and organizing your belongings. It also manages to tell a heartwarming story without any traditional narrative elements.

Month End Video Game Wrap-Up: January 2025

Another year down, so many video games played… and even more un-played. *sigh* At some point I’ll figure out the “unlimited time” cheat code for life, but until then, let’s strap in for another year of… this.

~ Game Over ~

Mega Man X (SNES) – It’s tradition that this is the first game I play each new year, didn’t you know? This time I played with “rookie hunter” mode enabled on the Mega Man X Legacy Collection, and I still couldn’t get my time down to under an hour! I’m beginning to think that I’m just not capable of such a feat. Oh well.

Resident Evil: Director’s Cut (PSX) – This was launched as bait to get old people to subscribe to the more expensive tiers of PlayStation+. I’m still on the cheapest plan, but now I’m able to play it for reasons I don’t understand. Oh well! This is actually the first time I’ve finished this version of the game, though I have played the GameCube and DS remakes like a thousand times each.

Peglin (PC) – The Cruciball is finally complete. Can I move on with my life now? Peglin says “no.” (And I’m okay with that.)

Continue reading Month End Video Game Wrap-Up: January 2025

TE Video: Coming Soon (February 2025)

You know the preamble by now. Let’s jump straight to the good(?) stuff.

Mario & Luigi: Brothership (Switch) – Parts 12-15 run every Saturday from Feb 1st. No surprise, being at part 12 and all. Looks like it’s coming to a head (I just recorded part 15), and I’m pretty confident that this series will end in March.

9 Years of Shadows (PC) – Parts 2-5 run every Monday from Feb 3rd. If you haven’t checked it out yet, I definitely recommend it, as it’s pretty cool game. Very stylish, with some neat powers and tough bosses. This one will definitely conclude in March, with part 7 being the finale.

Bad Parenting #1: Mr. Red Face (PC) – One-shot goes live Feb 6. I thought this was going to be a bit more of a light-hearted spook-em-up, but it’s actually intensely dark. One of the bleakest games I’ve played in recent memory.

DEAD OR SCHOOL (PC) – Parts 4 and 5 on Feb 13 and Feb 27 respectively. I honestly don’t know if this is going to be any fun at all to watch, but I had a grand old time playing it. Check it out if you like seeing me in pain and anime nonsense.

Midnight Prowl (PC) – One-shot goes live Feb 20. Yamoto’s first game, and easily the weirdest of the three. It’s better than Akai Onna, but can’t hold a candle to Urayama. As with most of these games, I put in the effort to get both endings.

As always, any unplanned videos will get their own posts as they go live (or more likely, a few days afterward). That seems a bit unfair, honestly, but what are you going to do? You’re going to subscribe to my channel and hit that notification bell. That’s what you’re going to do.

Month End Video Game Wrap-Up: December 2024

~ Game Over ~

DEAD OR SCHOOL (PC) – I bought it because the title made me laugh out loud. Much to my surprise, it turned out to be a pretty enjoyable little hack ‘n’ slash. Could use a bit more polish, but it’s just the right difficulty level and I had a fun time playing it.

Ring Fit Adventure (Switch) – I’ve been making time to play this for an hour or so every Sunday for a couple months now, and I’ve finally, finally beaten the game on New Game+ mode. Now to start New Game++! Hopefully I’ll stick with it better this time around and finish it within 2025.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind (Switch) – A brand-spankin’ new arcade-style brawler that came out of nowhere and I purchased immediately. I have no regrets. While it could have used a little more time in the oven, it’s exactly what I both expected and hoped for.

Continue reading Month End Video Game Wrap-Up: December 2024

TE Video: Coming Soon (January 2025)

A new year is just around the corner, and with is comes a whole new programming schedule! I’m really excited for all the videos I have coming up, and doubly excited for absolutely nobody to watch them! Yay for time well spent!

Urayama (PC) – On Jan 2, we kick off the new year with a Japanese indie horror by a new (to me) developer, Yamoto. While it’s a bit rough around the edges, I had a great time playing it, and I think it’s a fun watch. Even with my commentary.

The Knight Witch (PC) – The last three episodes of this series go up on Jan 6, 13, and 20 respectively. If you haven’t been paying attention to it up to this point… well, I don’t think anything I can say is going to sell you on it.

Mario & Luigi: Brothership (Switch) – Part 8 goes live on Jan 4, with new episodes each following Saturday. I’ve kind of given up hope that anyone will care about this series, but I’m still going to see it through. At least it’s been fun for me!

DEAD OR SCHOOL (PC) – A game I had little faith in when starting, that I came to truly enjoy over time. The first three episodes of this long, long series will air on Jan 9, 23, and 30. Truth be told, at the time of this writing I’ve recorded 15 hour(ish)-long episodes and there’s no end in sight. This bad boy’s gonna be running all year.

Can’t Revert (PC) – Another indie horror on Jan 16, but this one is bad. It’s a very PT-style “walk through the same apartment over and over as scary things happen” kind of game, but with an incredibly overused plot and a bad chase sequence at the end. Still, not the worst game I’ve played recently!

9 Years of Shadows (PC) – Another metroidvania to carry on after The Knight Witch ends, this one starts on Jan 27. It’s a little more of a standard metroidvania, but with a very cool element-switching mechanic and a tenuous link to Greek mythology. I really liked this one, and I hope this series gets even one person to buy the game!

Month End Video Game Wrap-Up: November 2024

~ Game Over ~

Silent Hill 2 (2024) (PC) – Exactly what I want to see in a remake: very similar to the source material, but with lots of tweaks and surprises for veterans of the original. The combat is surprisingly fun (SH combat is usually ass) and the new puzzles are (mostly) pretty darn good.

Can’t Revert (PC) – It’s just like PT, except much less frightening. Also, makes flagrant use of the “bad dad” trope that’s so common in horror games. I had a few good laughs with it, though! There’s a let’s play video of it coming some day.

Peglin (PC) – GD Peglin is back for more…

Continue reading Month End Video Game Wrap-Up: November 2024

TE Video: Coming Soon (Dec 2024)

Oh, things have gotten wildly out of control on my YouTube channel! Over the last month, I’ve gained over 50 new subscribers, and videos are actually getting likes now!? Only problem is, the watch minutes aren’t adding up too quick. So I guess bots can like and subscribe now?

Also all my videos are on Rumble as well. But that channel’s not doing so well. Which is too bad, because the threshold for monetization is much lower there.

Anyway, here’s what’s coming up next month (for all the bots that care):

The Knight Witch – Part 5 goes live on Dec 2, and there’s a new episode every Monday. This one isn’t gaining much traction by any metric, but I didn’t expect it to. I don’t think many people know it exists. But it’s a really good game, it’s too bad it’s buried under so many other games.

Another Code Recollection – Part 12 goes live on Dec 5, and unlike The Knight Witch, this one will actually wrap up by the end of the year. However, this series is getting even less attention than The Knight Witch, which I find odd because it’s a story-heavy game, and at least in my opinion, those are the best games to watch let’s plays of. Oh well! *shrug*

Mario & Luigi: Brothership – Part 4 will air on Dec 7. While the first episode did pretty okay (50+ views), part 2 is still sitting at zero as of this writing. Ouch. I really thought there may be some draw, as it’s a new game with big name recognition, but I seem to have been mistaken. I’m honestly not even sure if I’m going to finish the game on-camera or not. But I probably will.

A Pop-Tarts Review – I’m planning at least one for December. I won’t tell you what flavour, but I will tell you that I intend on putting it up on the 25th. There will probably actually even be another one before that, but we’ll have to see how motivated I feel over the next couple of weeks.

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Completionist

You know what’s weird? I didn’t ever write all that much about Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door when it was originally released on GameCube. I did a thing where I critiqued a TV Guide review of the game, but that’s effectively it. In retrospect, it’s a bit weird because I think about TTYD all the time. Mostly because the battle victory theme is what plays in my head every time I achieve a personal victory. It’s a bit of a stretch, but it counts!

Anyway, there’s a new Switch remaster that came out a while ago, which I’ve now finished playing. Like Super Mario RPG before it, it’s unfortunately the same game with a new coat of paint, some localization tidying, a few quality-of-life improvements, and a teeny-tiny portion new content. Oh, and also both games have fantastically re-arranged soundtracks. I would actually argue that the new soundtracks are reason enough to buy and play either game, because they are marvelous.

With the TTYD remaster, I’ve finally put in the effort to actually finish the game. And not like, just get to the end of the story. I did that already back in 2004. No, this time I finished the game. I found all the badges, I collected all the star pieces, I made all the recipes, I solved all the troubles, and I beat all the optional bosses. I truly got 100% and earned the special new badge that turns Mario gold.

And it was not at all worth the effort!

Continue reading Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Completionist

Month End Video Game Wrap-Up: July 2024

~ Game Over ~

Froggo’s Adventure: Verdant Venture (PC) – A cute little game highly reminiscent (like, suspiciously so) of Kirby’s Adventure. Only it’s like seven levels long. Very reminiscent of Whipseey, only it looks more NES than GBA.

Froggo Swing ‘n Grapple (PC) – Simultaneously better and worse than its sequel (mentioned above). Better because it’s about twice as long, is much more challenging, and has more gameplay mechanics in general. Worse because the central “swing ‘n grapple” mechanic is a little too loosey-goosey and doesn’t feel great.

Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars (PS4) – An old-school RPG represented entirely in cards. It’s a bit slow and much too easy, but it’s a Yoko Taro game, so the story, characters, music, and art all make it worth the price of admission.

Continue reading Month End Video Game Wrap-Up: July 2024