I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that my surprise bag articles are the most popular content on this website. At the very least, they’re the ones that the most strangers have e-mailed me about. If we wanted to drill down even more, said e-mails were all in relation to the Dick Turtle surprise bags in particular.
Even with that fact set aside, I always got a kick out of opening surprise bags and writing about the strange things found inside. But a few years ago, I noticed that times had changed, and surprise bags weren’t all that, you know, surprising anymore. They got generic. You’d always get the same kinds of boring stuff in each one, and it’s become very difficult to find any that seem unique. Gone are the days of getting a random assortment of Baby trading cards and Spanish Tic-Tacs!
However! There appears to still be some light left in the world, localized entirely within the garage of someone in a nearby neighbourhood, at that. A couple of friends routinely go garage saleing during the summer, and they just happened to notice that one household was selling (presumably) home-made surprise bags. They very thoughtfully purchased a couple bags and delivered them directly to my doorstep. What a kind gesture/obligation!
Right off the bat, I think it’s obvious why I’m assuming these are home-made. They’re basic paper bags with some low-effort doodles on them. Not that I’m judging! It’s just… even the Big Dollar surprise bags were printed, and those are by far the cheapest-looking surprise bags I’ve ever seen on sale in a store. If I were to see any that looked even cheaper? My eyes would probably transform into beating cartoon hearts as I scoop them all up into my arms.
“Sketchy” is exactly the trait I’m looking for in a surprise bag, is what I’m getting at.
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