TE Video: Coming Soon (Aug 2024)

Happy Friday! I don’t know if I’m going to do this every month, but I like the idea of writing up a preview of all the video content I’ll be releasing in the next month, so here we are.

Please note that while the original home of TE Video is on YouTube, I’ve got my Rumble channels up and running now, and they’re actually earning me money. Only a few cents so far, but considering that all the videos I’ve uploaded to Rumble have a total of maybe 150 views between them, that’s not bad! It should go without saying, but if you would be so kind as to watch my stuff on Rumble instead of YouTube, that would mean a lot to me.

(Also, I think I listed most of these last month, but ehhhhhhhhh)

Quest For Camelot (GBC) – The first episode went live yesterday, and second half will be up on August 1st. This is a weird, little game, and it’s not good! The first episode, to my best recollection, is pretty normal, but you’ll get to watch my sanity unravel in real time in part 2.

Killer Frequency (PC) – Like Quest for Camelot, the first part of this is already live. Parts 2 and 3 will go up on July 29 and Aug 5, respectively. There’s nothing particularly hilarious from me in this one, but I think it’s a really great game and you should at least watch it, if not play it yourself.

Wario Ware, Inc: Mega Microgames! (GBA) – First episode goes up on Aug 8, with subsequent episodes airing every Thursday afterward. This one ended up going way beyond the original scope I had planned: finish the game in a series of four half-hour-ish episodes. Then I decided to unlock everything which ballooned the series to seven episodes, and one of them is over two hours long. Whoops!

Willy’s Wonderland (Switch) – Did you ever see this movie? I’m overdue for a re-watch, personally. Oh, right, the game. Uh… well, it’s about as good as you may expect for a movie tie-in game that got released three years after the movie. This one goes live on Aug 12, and I can’t think of a good reason why you should watch it other than to see exactly how badly one can spend three dollars. At least it’s just a one-shot.

Sizeable (PC) – I’ve been big on puzzle games in 2024, and this is a very little puzzle game. And that’s not saying anything bad about the game; it’s just all about manipulating objects in itty-bitty dioramas to solve puzzles. The first of three episodes goes live on Aug 19, and I actually think this is a pretty fun one. You may even get some sick satisfaction from watching me get stumped by incredibly obvious puzzles.

And that’s August! Mostly! I plan to get at least one Pop-Tarts Review out the door next month, but I don’t record those in advance like I do with let’s plays, so I can’t really say much more about it. September is just around the corner, and then… Spooktober! Finally!

I actually have most of my Spooktober 2024 videos recorded already, so if you go back and look through my 2024 Month End Wrap-Ups, you may be able to guess some of the games that will be featured. I’ve scheduled three videos per week again this year, and since I’m so far ahead, might even do some additional stuff on top of that. So there’s plenty to look forward to this year! Hooray!

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