Month End Video Game Wrap-Up: July 2024

~ Game Over ~

Froggo’s Adventure: Verdant Venture (PC) – A cute little game highly reminiscent (like, suspiciously so) of Kirby’s Adventure. Only it’s like seven levels long. Very reminiscent of Whipseey, only it looks more NES than GBA.

Froggo Swing ‘n Grapple (PC) – Simultaneously better and worse than its sequel (mentioned above). Better because it’s about twice as long, is much more challenging, and has more gameplay mechanics in general. Worse because the central “swing ‘n grapple” mechanic is a little too loosey-goosey and doesn’t feel great.

Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars (PS4) – An old-school RPG represented entirely in cards. It’s a bit slow and much too easy, but it’s a Yoko Taro game, so the story, characters, music, and art all make it worth the price of admission.

TMNT Arcade: Wrath of the Mutants (Switch) – Look, it’s in my contract that I have to play every TMNT game, even this port of a rather sloppy arcade game. Thankfully, it’s somewhat better than the arcade experience, with more stages and… well, I think that’s the only major change.

Sizeable (PC) – A simple puzzle game where you grow and shrink objects in little “terrariums” to affect change and find secrets. Roughly an afternoon worth of fun.

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch) – Kept playing to complete all the collections and beat the optional bosses (which I never did in the original). I’ve gotta say, this game is up there with Final Fantasy X for making you do some ridiculous things for that 100%.

WarioWare Inc (GBA) – Did all the grinding to unlock everything. Probably not worth it, but it was for video content, so… I guess that’s something.

The Knight Witch (PC) – Metroidvania crossed with a bullet-hell shooter. Not a combination I’d ever think to make, but a pretty darn good one.

My Eyes Inside Out (PC) – Horror game trilogy found on The first chapter is very short and basic, but fun enough. I would say that chapter 2 is legitimately good, and chapter 3 kind of pooped the bed. Another afternoon well-spent.

Movie Night (PC) – A 15-minute horror experience with a good twist!

Bulb Boy (PC) – Point-and-click horror, with a good dose of humour. Unfortunately, it’s short, easy, and linear, but I had a good enough time. Made me laugh out loud at least twice, and it’s another title out of my Steam backlog.

9 Years of Shadows (PC) – Yet another metroidvania (there have been a lot of those this year), this one a little more traditional. It’s more like a Shantaevania, with character transformations and a gothic castle atmosphere. But also a lot of Greek mythology references and you’re followed around by a possessed teddy bear, so… this game a lot going on. And it’s good! Just not spectacular.

~ Progress Notes ~

Beyond Good & Evil (PC) – Gone to the moon!

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (PS5) – Chapter 10

~ Purchases ~

  • Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars (PS4)
  • Dragon’s Dogma II (PS5)
  • TMNT Arcade: Wrath of the Mutants (Switch)
  • Dave the Diver (Switch)
  • Sizeable (PC)

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