Late to the Party: Bravely Default

*There are some light spoilers in this wall of text. If you care, read at your own risk.*

When it was first revealed, Bravely Default seemed like a true renaissance of old-school Final Fantasy-styled gameplay with a very pretty coat of paint. The online circles that I run in were all atwitter about how it looked like it would be the game they had been longing for since the days of the SNES. It took a year and a half, but finally it was localized for North America. And then things went horribly wrong. It was love at first, but then as people got deeper into the game, they began to bellyache about how dumb the plot was and how the second half was nothing but repetitive padding, among other things.

My story begins many years later. While I was interested in the game from the very beginning, I didn’t hop on board the Bravely Default train right away. I played the demo and loved it, but not quite enough to buy in. I waited staunchly for a price drop, but after a year had passed and it became clear that the price was etched in stone for all eternity (it was published by Nintendo outside of Japan, after all), I gave in and pulled the trigger.

Right out of the gate, choosing to wait was a massive boon to me. BD has a streetpass/online feature that lets you sync up your characters’ job levels with those of your friends. So right from the very beginning of the game, I had access to every ability for every job. I still had to level up the jobs on my own to gain their stat bonuses, but having those abilities put me at a great advantage. You can also call upon your friends in battle to dish out an attack that they have chosen to share, which, if a strong enough attack was recorded, could wipe out early-to-mid-game bosses in a single hit. You can only summon each friend once, though, so that was a little less broken.

Speaking of jobs and bosses, I believe that the battle system is the one thing that everyone who played Bravely Default agrees on. Agrees that it is amazing, that is. The job system is ripped nearly wholesale from Final Fantasy V, which means that you have a huge list of jobs which are acquired at predetermined points, and you can switch each character into any job you like at anytime outside of combat. Every job has a list of 14 abilities, one of which remains in effect at all times that a character is using that job. Otherwise, abilities take the form of actions you can perform in battle, or passive skills that give you persistent bonuses like higher attack strength or HP recovery after battle.

Crunch the numbers here: 24 jobs with 14 abilities each, and four characters to build. That’s a lot of options at your disposal. There may be one perfect combination that will carry players from the beginning to the end of the game, but I never bothered to check. Most of the fun in a game like this is throwing together your own builds and seeing what works. The game is built in a way that encourages you to try out all of your options, and it really is exciting to finally put together a build that stomps a boss you’ve been having trouble with.

The plot is where things start to get a little bit shaky. Many would argue that all video game stories are bad, but let’s just take it on its own terms for now, okay? The basic setup is that the world’s four crystals have lost their power, which is causing all sorts of terrible environmental problems, and you must journey to reinvigorate them. Of course, there’s an evil empire out to stop you at every turn because ?????, as evil empires are wont to do. Oh hey guess what THAT’S A FINAL FANTASY ALRIGHT. A little mundane, sure, but not particularly offensive in any way.

Then you get to the second half of the game. This involves travelling through four parallel worlds and reviving all four crystals in each. Which is less repetitive than it sounds, but still a fairly shoddy way to pad out the back half of your game. Along the way, there is a theme of how you shouldn’t always just blindly do what you think is right (hence, bravely default), but it gets a little bit muddled in the melodrama and world-hopping nonsense. I do think that the first half of the story could have made a fine game on its own, but the big twist really didn’t do it any favours.

The one upside to having to repeat your quest five times is that in each subsequent world, you get to fight all the bosses who you’d previously earned jobs from (“asterisk holders”) again. In the first two repeat worlds, they’re just stronger, but in the fourth and fifth worlds they start teaming up and it makes from some really interesting battles. You also get a little more backstory for each asterisk holder in every world, which makes nearly all of them more likeable, but then you stop to consider that they’re all alternate versions of themselves, so there’s no actual character building and it’s all moot.

Okay, so the bad guys were mishandled, but what about the main characters? Sadly to say, it’s a 50/50 split. Agnes and Tiz, who are arguably the mainest characters, are both boring and show exactly zero development over the course of the story. Edea and Ringabel, who are mostly just tag-alongs, are super lovable. They are both overflowing with personality, and have actual character arcs in which they grow as people and come to realize things about both themselves and the world they live in. It’s a little shocking how night and day the character pairs are.

So yeah, it’s got its ups and downs -like any game, really- but I think that at the end of the day, Bravely Default is definitely worth playing. The gameplay is polished to a perfect shine, and if you really can’t bear the plot, nearly every cutscene can be skipped. It took me over a year to bring it to a conclusion, but it was quite a ride. If absolutely nothing else, I was elated when my big, dumb face became a background element in the final battle.

Monthend Video Game Wrap-Up – December 2015

December… the month of getting free money and then blowing it all on digital video games.

Because there are excellent sales after Xmas, you see. Not… not because I’m irresponsible or anything like that. Perish the thought.

~ Game Over ~

A.R.E.S. Extinction Agenda (PC) – An action platformer wherein you are a robot who shoots up other robots and then gains a new weapon after defeating a boss. Yeah that sounds like something I’d like. It’s only five stages long, and the controls are just a little bit off, but I had fun. Maybe even enough to buy the expansion…

~ Now Playing ~

Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U) – Basically the last game I would ever need if I still had anything resembling an attention span. The single-player component is massive beyond belief, and then there’s an online multiplayer mode that could theoretically make it last forever (or at least until Nintendo scuttles the servers).  On Chapter 9.

Zelda: Tri Force Heroes (3DS) – Honestly, I had no real intention of ever getting this game, even though the demo was a hoot. But then Santa brought it for me and I’ve been having a grand old time with online multiplayer Zelda. Never thought I’d write that sentence. Haven’t gotten too far yet though, only up to the second world.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3D (3DS) – Since I can’t play X on my lunch break or on the bus, I’ve decided to go back to the “next best” thing. You know, because I sunk 20 hours into it and then totally blew it off for something more shiny. It’s also a really good game, though bittersweet, as it reminds me of when I moved into my house. Reached Alcamoth.

Pokémon Picross (3DS) – It would be the ultimate picross game, if it weren’t bogged down with the meanest F2P systems ever. But I just gave in and bought it out, so I don’t really have to deal with that. There are a metric buttload of puzzles, but only about half of the current Pokémon are present, so I’m already frothing for a sequel. Completed all normal puzzles, now working on the Alt-World mega puzzles.

Splatoon (Wii U) – There were two Splatfests this month, but I didn’t participate in the first because I was far to enthralled with XCX. I did spend some non-Splatfest time with it as well, trying out new guns (I had grown very attached to my N-Zap ’89) and clearing the third “world” of the single-player mode.

X-COM: Enemy Within (PC) – Going back to this masterpiece to see what the expansion added was a little jarring at first, because I opted to play on Normal instead of Easy. But then I gained the ability to turn my guys into mech-riding cyborgs, and all was good. Except for the enemies that turn invisible. Nuts to those guys.

Super Smash Bros 4 (WiiU/3DS) – Hadn’t played much of it recently, and then Cloud (yes, that Cloud) happened. Also I am so pumped for Februrary, as I really can’t wait for Corrin and Bayonetta to join the fight. Corrin in particular looks like she could be my new main.

Bravely Default (3DS) – It just goes on and on forever. I hit a pretty solid wall (superboss) near the end of Chapter 6, and then Xenoblade and Picross took over my life.

Fallout 4 (PC) – I only got but a brief taste of this one, but it left a lingering desire on my tongue. I love how the world is made of all these bright pastel colours instead of the usual drab greys and browns. The live-action intro is wonderful. However, the overall voice acting quality seems to have taken a hit since New Vegas.

Dragons and clouds and witches, oh my

It’s a little sad to think that the DLC support for Super Smash Bros 4 is finally coming to and end, but man, is it ever going out with a bang.

Cloud is already available, and pretty cool. I haven’t quite gotten used to his style, but he’s certainly not as difficult to master as Ryu. Will I give him up and just go back to Ike for my Big Sword Times? Probably. Midgar is a really awesome stage, with interesting obstacles that aren’t too obtrusive. I’m looking at you, Metal Face.

I cannot wait to play Corrin. She looks like she could easily be my new main. I love Robin and all, but that chainsaw sword is way too cool. Plus, that counter, man. That counter.

Bayonetta, I have no idea how to feel about. She looks great, but I have not connection whatsoever with the character. At the very least, she seems like she’ll fit right in with the Smash crew, and that stage looks pretty darn cool as well.

Monthend Video Game Wrap-Up – August 2015

August. What is there to say about August?

Absolutely nothing.

~ Game Over ~

Mega Man 6 (NES) – Typically one of the less-appreciated Megamns. I really like it! The Rush adapters are a lot of fun, and almost make up for the lameish robot master weapons. Also it’s maybe a little on the easy side, making it a breeze to burn through in an afternoon.

Life is Strange: Episode 4 – Dark Room (PC) – I was greatly disappointed by one of the bigger story beats, but enjoyed everything else about this episode. Many times I thought something horrible was going to happen, but it never did. Because they were saving it all for the end. Yikes.

Submerged (PC) – Lovely game about boating around a city that’s half underwater and climbing up buildings. It’s like Shadow of the Colossus, but with a boat instead of a horse, and a total lack of violence.  Only takes around five or six hours to complete, too.

Mega Man 4 (NES) – What? Ryan’s playing Mega Mans? WHAT A SURPRISE. …you know how I feel about Mega Man 4.

Mega Man (NES) – Ugh… this one is pretty bad. Have I mentioned that before? No unplayable, but frustrating and kind of a joke compared to the rest of the NES games.

Mega Man 2 (NES) – And then this one is so good. Not the best, but pretty darn close.

Mega Man 3 (NES) – This one is the best. I’ve even played it so many times now that I only have a little bit of trouble with the Doc Robot stages. Hooray!

~ Now Playing ~

Five Nights at Freddy’s (iOS) – I bought the mobile version because I thought it would be easier to handle if I could play it while in my parents’ living room with people around. Nope! The tension is still unbearable. Also it crashes like nobody’s business. So I’m stuck on Night 2 forever.

Bravely Default (3DS) – Playing over a year after everyone else got bored of it has a certain benefit: a lot of the streetpass/friend list bonuses are totally broken since my allies are all done the game, many of them having maxed out job levels and whatnot. And I’m really enjoying it! I’m already getting hyped for the sequel, though I’m only on chapter 3 of this game.

Picross e6 (3DS) – Mo’ Picross, mo’ problems. Or, not. Because Picross makes me happy.

Fallout: New Vegas (PC) – Don’t know what it is, but as much as I enjoy this game, I find it very difficult to invest time in it. Also, a maxed out Sneak stat isn’t nearly as effective as I’d like it to be.

Earthbound Beginnings (NES) – Honestly, it’s starting to feel a little tedious. If Lloyd and Ana had joined the party at a respectable level, maybe things could have been different… Whatever. I’m nearing the end. Just got to keep pressing forward. Sloooooowly.

Dark Souls (360) – Yeah I went back to this for a bit. Made some progress. Probably going to keep not writing about it though.

Papo & Yo (PC) – A puzzle platformer of sorts. Wherein the boy you play as has a robot for a backpack and a monster for a buddy. Also said monster sometimes goes on horrible, violent rampages after eating frogs. Only an hour in, it’s been enjoyable.

Chrono Trigger (DS) – Logged a couple hours in here. Chipping away at my goal of unlocking all of the endings, one baby step at a time. I currently have four of thirteen.

Secret of Mana (SNES) – Started a new run because my brother had never played it past Spikey. I don’t blame him. That’s a tough (and very cheap) boss. Might take forever to finish, because we usually play Monster Hunter or Smash Bros instead.

Zelda: Four Swords Adventures (GC) – Started a new run because my buddy had never played it. Might also take forever to finish. Because we have like seventeen million games on the go right now. (We are terrible at finishing games.)

The Full List

You didn’t ask for it, but I know you’re curious. So here’s the complete list of video games I own that I’ve never played. This is not including re-releases that I haven’t played, but have played the original release (because there are lots of those too). Nor does it include games that I have played for at least one minute.

Prepare yourself, you are about to stare directly into the depths of my sickness.

Continue reading The Full List

Monthend Video Game Wrap-Up: August 2014

Hey so summertime is drawing to a close, not that that means anything for adults. I guess if you’re a teacher, it’s good times, but for the rest of us it just means that you’re covered in sweat after your commutes to and from work. Hooray.

I had another vacation week in August, so I put it to good use and cleared off a few half-finished games from my backlog. But then I started up a whole new series of games, so it’s all been moot. It’s not like I had anything else worth doing. I got my yard work done too, at least.

~ Now Playing~

Saints Row: The Third (PC) – I don’t know what to say about this yet. I’ve only completed the intro missions, and I’ve mostly been driving around the city at random, collecting stuff and doing assassination missions. I’ve done a few story missions, and unlocked a sweet penthouse base. Also an unlimited supply of fighter planes!? This is absolutely the most fun I’ve had with an open-world game of this style. But somehow it’s missing fast travel. Lame. I hate having to hoof it all the way back to base when my aircraft inevitably explodes.

Continue reading Monthend Video Game Wrap-Up: August 2014

Monthend Video Game Wrap-Up: July 2014

I touched on it briefly last month, but as you’ll see if you keep reading, I’m really getting into the swing of my personal Steam Train. It’s time to start actually playing some of the 150+ games registered on my Steam account! Also I had a week of vacation early in the month, so I had a lot of extra time for gaming this month and this may be the longest MVGW to date.

I would like to direct your attention to the banner below, which was uploaded and visible when this post went live, as opposed to a few days later. Maybe I’m actually starting to clean up my act here?

~ Now Playing ~

Tokyo Jungle (PS3) – One of the two PS3-exclusive games that I have any interest in, I’d say that Tokyo Jungle is worth owning the console for. For me, at least. It gets awfully repetitive, but there is enough randomization and a huge roster of animals (50ish, then even more as DLC), so it’s stayed fresh enough for me to pour a good number of hours into it. I’ve still only started unlocking the cooler animals though, so there’s lots and lots of game left for me to experience.

Toki Tori 2+ (PC) – Working to scratch more games off my PC to-do list, I booted up Toki Tori 2+, and it’s quite a unique game! It’s a puzzle platformer, but every puzzle has to be solved with a only two actions and the way those actions affect the environment and other animals. It’s pretty fun, and some of the puzzles are downright devious. I’ve gotten myself stuck though, and I think that I might like this game enough that I’m not willing to consult a FAQ just so that I can move on. I feel like this one is worth solving on my own. But nuts to gathering all the collectibles. That’s a fool’s errand if I’ve ever seen one.


Continue reading Monthend Video Game Wrap-Up: July 2014

Monthend Video Game Wrap-Up: June 2014

June, much like May, was a month where I played far too many games, and as such, ended up with a lot of half-finished stuff on my plate. Most of the games that I did finish were either short new games or short replays. My goal for the year was to clear out some of my backlog, not to clog it up even more.

Doesn’t help that I’ve got a few drawn-out and/or notoriously difficult games on the go here. I really need to remember in the future to only be playing one RPG at a time.

~ Now Playing ~

Mario Kart 8 (WiiU) – I wanted to skip this one, as I felt that I was done with Mario Kart. But it’s like, the one game that the wife wanted, so we got it. And then I ended up loving it. Stupid Mario Kart, being so fun.

Shovel Knight (WiiU) – Sweet Jesus God, I had no idea how amazing this game was going to be. I mean, I pledged towards the Kickstarter campaign, so I had faith in it, but it’s even better than I could have ever hoped. I did beat it already, but I’m playing again in New Game+, and probably another couple times for some cheevos. I really love this game.


Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep (PSP) – I always wonder, when a movie or game or TV series starts to expand, if the writers had the whole plot laid out from the very beginning, or if they’re just flying by the seat of their pants the whole time. The Kingdom Hearts series, I’m convinced, falls into the latter category. When even the prequel -which should probably be the one with the simplest plot- is a big confusing mess, you get the feeling that they’re likely just using a plot dartboard. At least they’re pretty fun to play, and I especially like the skill system in this one. I’ve finished one and a half of the three story paths.

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (NES) – Sometimes, you’ve just gotta go back and finish a game that you’ve never beaten without rampant cheating. If you think save states are cheating, then yes, I’m still going through the game dishonestly, but at least I’m not an invincible god with unlimited magic and moon jumps. Also, I really wish Zelda II were a better game.

Chrono Trigger (DS) – One of my goals for the year is to earn all 13 endings in Chrono Trigger. So far I’ve gotten three. The second playthrough is going pretty quickly though. If I wasn’t spreading my gaming time around so liberally, I’d probably be finished this little endeavour by this point.

Costume Quest (PC) – One of my other goals is to start playing through the hundreds of games I’ve bought in Humble Bundles and Steam sales over the last couple years (all aboard the Steam Train~), and Costume Quest fits nicely into the center of the “short” and “runs on my PC” venn diagram. Too bad it’s not very fun.

Rage of the Gladiator (3DS) – Still picking away at this one, but the hardest difficulty (which awards the true ending) is, well, hard. Suddenly the enemies who were total jokes before can kill me before I get one hit in. Wonderful.

Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii) – Didn’t really have a goal here, just spent a whole afternoon playing Smash Bros to see if I could still spend a whole afternoon playing Smash Bros. Completed the boss rush with a few guys, and failed to win All-Star mode with Link nearly a dozen times. I think I may suck at Smash.

Papers, Please (PC) – Started this up on a whim and got hooked right away. Played for about two hours, and had I not been dragged away and imprisoned for doing my job too well (ending #3), I probably could have kept going on through the night. I’m definitely going to keep playing for more endings.

Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES) – I played the crap out of DKCs 1 and 3 back when they were current, but never really got into 2. Can’t say why for sure, I suppose it came out at a time when there were more attractive games to rent? Anyway, the end is nigh for this one, and it has been a brutal trip. I want to go for the best ending, but will I have the drive to find all of those dastardly DK Coins?

Golden Sun (GBA) – You know, if I played this more than once every few weekends, I’d probably be done by now. I don’t know how I feel about it. It’s got the nice nostalgia value, and I likethe puzzles, but the battles are awfully tedious. And the dialogue! Oh my goodness, shut up!

Final Fantasy IV DS (DS) – I think that this game is only taking so long to beat because I’m afraid of how hard the final boss will be. So afraid, in fact, that I even took the time to fight all the optional bosses before I tackled the final dungeon. It’s… really hard to get through the final dungeon too, when even the more common random battles can wipe your party in a matter of seconds.

~ Game Over ~

Ittle Dew (Wii U) – At first it looks a lot like somebody made a Legend of Zelda game that looks like Scott Pilgrim, and that is actually fairly accurate. Only the gameplay leans very, very heavily on block-pushing puzzles. Sometimes there are also block-teleporting puzzles. Or a mix of the two! And then some really misplaced boss fights. Ah well, it was good fun.


Abyss (Wii U) – A game about navigating mazes while trying to control your little eyeball-squid-monster’s propulsion. I thought it was a completely different kind of game before I bought it, but I ended up liking it anyway, so that’s $2 well spent. Hooray!

Mega Man Xtreme 2 (GBC) – Technically, I guess it’s better than the first one, but it’s just didn’t grab me the way I thought it would. Then again, I think the only reason I was so excited to play Xtreme 1 was because of nostalgia. Xtreme 2 has no such advantage.

Doom 64 (N64) – As much as I love Doom, this game is just so different from what Doom was before that I couldn’t really get into it. Still way better than Doom 3, though.

~ Re-Runs ~

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (360) – It’s not the worst brawler, but it’s pretty darn bad. I played through the game in Time Attack mode to round up the last few achievements. Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to burn through the game the second time around.

Klonoa: Empire of Dreams (GBA) – I know that I did rent this game when it first came out, and that I spent a lot of time playing it in class, but I can’t recall for the life of me if I beat it or not. It was highly unusual for Young Ryan to leave a game unfinished though, so we’ll call my playthough of it on the Wii U Virtaul console a re-run.

Super Mario Bros (NES) – I beat 8-3 in a single life, without taking a hit! It was the most amazing thing I’ve ever done!


I Love Katamari (iOS) – Occasionally, to kill time, I attempt to play video games on my phone. Most of those games end up being terrible, and this one is just barely an exception. I’m not saying it’s good, but I’ve seen tilt-control games go horribly awry, and I Love Katamari at least works. Still, it’s a shabby cash-in that only wishes it could be as engaging as its big brothers. Anyway, I just poked around on this one for a bit to complete the item collection and get the final cheevo.

Final Fantasy: All The Boringest

I know I said before that I’m not intending to use my new tablet as a gaming device, but the fact of the matter is that it’s a new toy, and I need to put it through its paces. That and I’d kinda like to have one or two little games I can poke at for a for a few minutes before bed, or when I don’t have enough time left in my lunch break to finish another chapter in a book.

So I browsed whatever it is that they call the Android app store, to see what kind of games are popular with tablet users. As expected, it was pretty much all stuff I’ve never heard of and didn’t look interesting to me. Also there was Minecraft Pocket Edition for $7, which I’m still mulling over (I give it a couple weeks before I give in). I did try to install a free Minecraft clone just to get my fix, but apparently it’s either broken or incompatible with my device because it refused to download.

In the end, I found myself buried in a page full of pricey mobile ports of classic Final Fantasy titles. I kinda want one, but I really don’t want to pay $16. Then I noticed that one was listed as free. That game is Final Fantasy: All The Bravest. And I’ll tell you right now, that it’s not even worth your zero dollars. If I had a dime for every free mobile game I’ve said that about…

I guess it came out some time ago, but never caught my attention since, as I’ve mentioned many many times, I don’t really use my phone for games. Also it’s a freemium game and I try to stay away from those as much as possible because I hate that model more than anything. I’m not the kind of person who doesn’t want to pay for video games, but I’d much rather pay upfront than play a “free” game and then get shaken down over and over if I want to enjoy the game to its fullest. Just call it a freaking demo already!


The idea of the game is that you have a legion of little dudes based on the myriad of Final Fantasy jobs. You know, knights, monks, mages of all colours. Anyhow, you start with four, and as you level up, your squad will get bigger and bigger until you’re rocking a troupe of 32 guys. You can even bump it up to 40 if you send out a few tweets through the game. So you have this weird thing where it’s a classic FF battle screen, but your side is just swarming with party members instead of having the nice clean lineup of four or five.

The entire game is battling monsters and bosses. The way battles are fought is that you tap on your dudes and they do an attack. Then you wait for their ATB gauge to fill and then tap them again. Do this until the enemy dies. That is literally all there is. Different job do different attack animations, but they all simply attack. It’s mindless and repetitive, not even giving you the satisfaction of feeling like you’re the one who led your team to victory.

So all you do is swipe around the screen and watch as your guys just keep attacking over and over. Until they die, at least, which is often, because every guy on your team dies in a single hit from an enemy. If your team wipes, you have two options. You can wait, as one guy will regenerate every three minutes, so you can just flip over to a book and read for a bit while you wait for your team to recover. The best thing about the game is that when your squad is ready to go again, the alert sound is a little 16-bit chocobo wark.

The other way to recover your team is to use a gold hourglass, which is where things take a sharp turn for the worse. Gold hourglasses, you see, cost real dollars. And they’re only the tip of that iceberg.

While you recruit the 25 generic job class characters as you play through the game, you can also have actual legacy characters join up with you. There are a total of 35 premium characters to buy, but they cost $1.06 each and are handed out randomly. So if you want to have a cute little Rinoa sprite in your party, you might have to pay upwards of $35 before she shows up. It’s terrible.

There are also a few world packs that cost like $4 or something each, which give you a little bang for your buck, since they give you a whole new set of levels, enemies and weapons, rather than just plunking in one random character who may or may not show up in your randomly-selected party.


So if there isn’t anything to the gameplay and the microtransactions are useless and exploitative, what is the appeal of this game? Honestly, I don’t really know. The only thing close to actual FF gameplay is farming enemies for rare weapon drops. I suppose it’s trying to coast on nostalgia, but it does a pretty bad job at that. You can’t see any of the beloved characters without paying out the nose, and even the overworld maps are incredibly generic and lazy. There is a catalog of all the characters, weapons, and enemies you’ve seen that has humorous descriptions to read, but that’s really not enough.

The music is good. There’s that, I guess. It’s all from past FF games, as it should be.

The bottom line is that if you’re looking at the Final Fantasy: All The Bravest page in an app store of some sort, it’s not worth your time. I played through it (and didn’t spend a cent) and I strongly regret the time I spent with it. I could have been doing anything else and been more satisfied. I could have been playing an incomplete, poorly-controlling version of Minecraft instead. You know, that actually sounds pretty good right now…

Monthend Video Game Wrap-Up: May 2014

May came in like a lion and… well, it was pretty heavy on games I wanted to play throughout. A stark contrast to an April that saw almost no new games and gave me ample time to work on my enormous backlog. Luckily, most of May’s releases were cheap Virtual Console Mega Man games, so I didn’t have to choose between video games or paying the bills.

But yeah, May 1st saw one of the best eShop updates in a long time, and then the new Kirby and Mario Golf came out on the second. Also there was that massive Humble Store spring sale. Needless to say, I’ve been keeping very busy, which is great because the wait for Smash Bros would be killing me if my 3DS (and PC, I guess) weren’t so jam packed with games I want to play.

~ Now Playing ~

Mario Golf: World Tour (3DS) – I never got into Mario Golf on N64, but I played the stuffing out of the GameCube entry. I waited very impatiently through several delays for this one, and it was so worth it. The Castle Club “story” mode is a bit confusing and overcomplicated, but a free play mode exists, so ignoring that business is pretty easy.

Continue reading Monthend Video Game Wrap-Up: May 2014