What? I have a blog?

You know what sucks? Finding a house. It’s not really a terrible process but it sucks up so much of your free time… Actually it’s not that bad, but between that and wedding stuff and work it’s very hard to make time for stupid things like maintaining a blog. I don’t even really have that much on my mind lately, so it’s not like I have a need to blog that is going unsatisfied.

Anyway. You ever heard of Lana Del Rey? I hadn’t, but for the duration of January, my Xbox decided that I really needed to know about her and what a great singer she is. Generally I don’t listen to my Xbox’s music recommendations, but worst case scenario, I’d be GISing a pretty girl. It was from that subsequent Google search that I learned she had a song called “Video Games” so okay. This is going well, might as well look into it. Also the word “sexpot” comes up a lot, but that is irrelevant.

I also learned from the Google search that she had recently “bombed” on SNL, and that the internet was making a really big deal of it. So while I’d never heard of her, she was known to people who hate comedy.

I continued to take my curiosity to YouTube, because it seemed like the quickest way to get the deal on this chick. The first song that came up was “Blue Jeans” and I listened about halfway through the song before I clicked back and loaded up the “Video Games” video. That one lasted until about the two-thirds mark before I closed the browser window.

Lana Del Rey’s music strategy is apparently to make it as unbearably boring as she possibly can. Adele, despite all the hype around her, is boring as fuck, but at least she sounds like she’s interested in the songs she’s singing. Lana, on the other hand, seems to be boring herself to death and sounds like she’d rather be stuffing her arm in a meat grinder than recording a song. I don’t know if she’s just purposely trying to act aloof, if that’s going to be her thing, but it certainly doesn’t make me care about her music. I suppose it beats being another Gaga. Don’t misunderstand me here, because I don’t think slower, more somber songs are bad. I like dark, artsy stuff, but it has to be done right. “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” is one of my favourite Beatles songs. Matthew Good’s Hospital Music is an amazingly deep album. Lana Del Rey just fails to interest me at all.

Normally I would just brush an artist like this aside and completely forget they exist, but the fact that that she called a song “Video Games” makes me semi-involved. Actually, it doesn’t involve me at all, but it’s something I want to ramble on about. So this song is dreary and boring and just not fun at all. Unless this is a song about Tom Clancy video games, that’s really the opposite of how it should be. Actually it’s not really about video games at all, it’s just a word she ends a few verses with. And an easy way to bait nerds like me into paying attention.

Regardless of whether the song is actually about video games though, I feel like a song called “Video Games” should be fun.  You know, like video games. It’s a legitimate reason to use chiptunes. Though it would be unfair to blame the actual music here. It’s not bad, and I probably wouldn’t mind listening to it if it weren’t overshadowed by the insufferable vocal track. Video games are fun, they are there to entertain, to help people forget their woes for a while and have a good time. This song is exactly the opposite of that. Yeah, I guess there are boring and depressing games, but they generally are not good games.

Speaking of YouTube, the video is pretty stupid too. Actually, so is the video for “Blue Jeans.” They’re both dumb viral/hipster mash-ups of other people’s home videos, with little bits of Lana making pouty faces spliced in. I mean, I’m not sure if they’re actually real people’s video bits that have been collaged together. They could absolutely be staged. But the fact of the matter is that the videos are completely unrelated to anything and only serve to bore me even harder.

Her Wikipedia page makes it sound like Del Rey put the videos together on her own. Given the amateurish quality (and blatant egotism), I could believe that. The only times collages aren’t stupid are when children make them (because it’s cute) and when somebody makes one that’s actually meaningful. These videos aren’t meaningful: they’re just random clips hastily slapped together. No relation, no progression, no reasonable deeper meaning. It’s just stupid hipster garbage.

So the music and videos are all absolute hipster fodder (except now that she’s getting popular, the hipsters won’t have anything to do with her), but Lana herself… not at all. She’s still a far cry from trash like Britney, but she’s got a fairly mainstream popstar look to her. And that’s just not acceptable. If you’re going to act like a hipster, look like a hipster. Get you some thick black glasses, a bad haircut, and a goofy hat at least. Probably a year-round scarf would be a good idea too. Or, better yet, just stop making lame-ass hipster songs.

So yeah, if this thing seems detached and poorly written, it’s because I was trying to stretch my thoughts too thin. I really just wanted to complain about a couple boring songs. And hipsters. I’ve been reading too many long, thoughtful blogs, and have forgottent that my sweet spot is more in concise, to-the-point writing. Also I haven’t blogged in like forever. Give me a damn break.

I am ego

Last week, there was a big celebration for work. Part of that was having a team of two from each branch compete in “Minute to Win it” challenges. Somehow I managed to convince everyone from my branch that naming our team “Team Ryan” was a good idea. It was that or “Team Jacob.”

All in all it’s just a…

…nother dent in my car.

You can’t see it very well in photograph, but most of my driver’s side door is crushed ever-so-slightly inward. Some old lady backed into me as I was heading back to work with my lunch, and even a delicious Subway sandwich couldn’t assuage the sadness caused by having to spend the next 40 minutes on the phone with some MPI monkey.

TE @ C4

It’s gotta be… weeks now since I went to Central Canadian Comic Con. It was cool, I must say. Though I guess I’m not as much of a nerd as I thought it was because it was (local) Nerd Mecca and I wasn’t super-psyched about it. Oh well. I took a few (blurry) pictures while I was there. Everything from Minecraft to papercraft, and even one ass that did not belong in that costume. Actually I took a few pictures of those, but I figured one is enough to prove my point and deleted the rest. Be thankful. There’s an alternate universe where this post is all pictures of asses that shouldn’t be seen by human eyes.









An open letter to snow

Dear snow,

Go away. I don’t like you and you obviously don’t like me. You make me leave for work early and make it difficult to see where I’m driving. You turn relaxing car rides into slow, dangerous chores. And that’s not the worst of it! I can deal with the slow driving, but I hate that you like to make my clothes all wet. There are few thngs that annoy me more than wet clothes. I despise walking around with the ankles of my pants all wet, in turn making my socks wet. And when I open my car door and you fly all over my seat in an attempt to make my butt wet and uncomfortable? What a horrible thing to do to a person. You constantly get all over everything and then into everything, creating wet/frozen messes. It’s like nature tried to come up with something more annyoing than sand. And it succeeded with you, snow!

In closing, nobody likes you, snow. You should just kill yourself.



Funk Master R Valentine

Gained 23 JP! Job level up!

I think the title here sells the idea of this post pretty well. I’ve finally moved up a rung on the career ladder, and today I start my new job. It’s not really that far a stretch from what I was doing before, but there are a few differences and a lot of responsibility that separates what I’m doing now from what I’ve been doing the last two years.

I won’t lie, I’m more than a little worried that it’ll be too much for me. I know that it won’t, but I’ve got a persistent nagging in the back of my head telling me that I’m going. Low self esteem’s a bitch.

All anxieties aside, there are a few nice perks to this new position. Number one obviously being the small increase in pay. It’s not a huge amount, but there’s another, more substantial jump once I finish the training program that I’m working on. This should at least slightly assuage my fears of not making enough money to live.

The second, much more immediate benefit is that I’m moving to a new branch, and it’s about half the distance from my house as compared to the one I come from. I’m pretty pumped that I gat to sleep in an extra half hour every day and that I’ll be using about half the gas that I do now. Even better is that the swap managed to happen less than a week after our first real snowfall. I wasn’t exactly looking forward to driving back and forth across the city every day for another winter.

Third on my list of exciting things is that my new branch isn’t made out of windows. Yes, it looks nice, but I’m kind of over being blinded by the sun for several hours a day. I’m not completely sure this isn’t going to be a problem, because today will be my first time ever being in my new branch. I’ve driven by it a couple times though, and I doubt the sun will bother me there.

The last big thing I’m looking forward to is that my new branch seems to be quite a bit busier than the previous one. I’m sure I’ve spent enough time complaining about how slow the old branch is, so it’ll be a nice change of pace to be busy. That in addition to all the other work I’ll be doing will probably have me singing the opposite tune before long: that I don’t have enough time to get everything done. But I prefer it that way, so awesome.

If there’s any one negative aspect of this move, it’s that I don’t really want to have to get to know a new bunch of people (again). Not that I think the new branch crew won’t be a good set of co-workers, but I quite like the old set of staff. It may have been too far from home and poorly defended from sunlight, but that branch had some of the most fun people I’ve ever worked with. Oh well. We’ll still have company events.

Better than good

I took a few pictures that night. This is the only one that even sort of turned out well.

You might think I’d have a lot to say about the concert, and maybe you’re wondering why I haven’t. It’s as simple as this: I don’t want to analyze it. There were good parts and parts I wondered about, but overall, Matthew Good was fantastic. It was the best concert I’ve ever been to, and I’m pretty sure it won’t be topped (unless Freddie Mercury comes back to life). It was everything I was hoping for and more. It was one of the best nights of my life, and I wish I had a DVD of it.

Gentleman, yes. Scholar? Not as much.

I had a job interview today. It was for a position that seemed like it would fit me to a tee. And the interview went well! I’ve done a lot of them this year, so I feel like I’ve gotten pretty good at the art of talking myself up. Prolly not going to be getting it though.

For as good as I think the interview went, there was one big sour spot in the middle which I think really killed me. Like in many interviews before, I could feel the interviewers give up on me as soon as the subject of education came around. It’s not even that I need a degree or whatever. The education requirement is two self-study courses, and they would give me time to complete them if I got the job. You know that look in someone’s eyes when they know they’re not going to hire you? I’m getting to know it a bit too well, and I’m pretty sure I saw it this morning.

I made sure to note that I was more than willing to enroll in the courses though! So hopefully that will save me. And for the first time I’m not stressing out trying to figure out how I could honour that commitment. The basic courses are less than $1000 combined, with some rather expensive optional study tools available. I’d have six months to complete the harder one, and 18 for the easier of the two. The passing grade of both exams is 60%. This is something I could absolutely do. Even if I don’t get the job, I’m considering taking one (or maybe even both) of them just so that I can put something in the “education” portion of my resumé. It would be my best spent $1000 in quite some time.

Worst case scenario, I just keep hoping that Great West Life will hire me (not that I’ve put in an application). I have no issue with Cambrian (lack of promotions aside) and fully intend to continue my career with them, but I’ve heard from multiple sources that GWL pays incredibly well for work that untrained chimps would be overqualified for.

In other news, the old posts that I’ve been uploading seem to be a little quirky where lines are concerned, and I’m pretty sure that’s due to the fact that I was writing them up in Angelfire’s page editor. At least, that’s my current best theory. If you’re looking at archived posts between July ’04 and January ’06 (I’ve only re-archived up to October ’04) and you see funny line breaks, help a brother out. It takes like five seconds to post a comment that says “there are funny line breaks here.”


Marriage Preparation Weekend was pretty fun, actually. Even though it ate up almost the entirety of said weekend, I don’t feel like it was a waste of time.

The majority of the weekend was listening to speakers about what we’d need to consider and how to handle the changes in our relationship once we’re married. Things like finances, communication, family planning, and (quite hilariously) sex were all discussed at length. There were a few worksheets that we filled out between presentations, but they were all just to stimulate conversation between the couples. It was kind of like taking a really, really short semester of university without any tests.

Being that it’s a church-mandated course, there was of course a way for God to fit into everything. And that’s cool with me. I actually feel kind of bad that I neglect my faith as much as I do. The really nice thing that they did though was to really demystify some Bible-related stuff. I learned a lot about what really goes on in there. Turns out it’s not nearly as restricting as the loonies want you to think. Most importantly of course, is that God intends for a husband and wife to really enjoy each other, if you know what I mean.  The Bible’s a lot easier to stand behind now that the Catholic church has mellowed out and uses it as a way to help people enrich their lives, and not as a tool to control them.

I feel that I probably shouldn’t be getting to into that kind of stuff here. I don’t feel like making myself an even bigger target for intolerance than usual. The end result of the weekend is that we’ve taken in a lot of information, and certainly have a few more things to consider within the next few months. Also, sevenish months is starting to seem like it might not really be that far off. We’re just working on little things at a time for the wedding, as the big stuff (dress, venues, photographers) is all taken care of, so it’s not really a concern whether or not we’re prepared for the celebration itself.

What I’m fretting about is our living situation. We’ve decided that we will not flush away money and live in apartment, so it’s condo or house for us. Condos seem to come and go very quickly though, and houses are in pretty high demand in the areas we’d like to live, driving bidding wars up by tens of thousands of dollars (or so I’ve heard). I’ve been poking around some real estate websites over the last few months, but we haven’t started looking for a place in earnest yet. Which is okay for now, because the stress of just thinking about it is almost more than I can bear.  Still not as sacry as babies though.

Oh well. I knew getting married was going to bring with it a few complications. It was just nice to have a weekend of people saying that despite those complications, it’s the best decision I’m ever going to make. Also they fed us like royalty. That was awesome. Best weekend course ever.

NB: Despite how this post may sound, I’m very excited for both marriage and moving out. I just wish they were a little easier.