Now you’re in my house

So I got this “house” thing during the week.

I don’t actually get to use it for almost two months, but damn am I glad the hunt is over. All the lawyer and banking stuff that I’m wrapped up in at this point is a little annoying, but our realtor is making life really easy for us, and it’s not nearly as stressful as the process of looking for and bidding on a house.

I’ve been working on a budget for us, and at this point it looks like we may have to choose between internet and food. So my blogging time is probably going to be limited to work hours.

J/ks, we’re not really that poor. We’re definitely going to need to make every penny count for the first little while, though. Why didn’t anyone tell me that being a grown-up would be so expensive? But uor parents keep telling me that we’ve got a big score to look forward to in the way of wedding presentation, which should help make ends meet for a while.

All financial worries aside, I’m very excited to finally have my own place! I just wish we could move in a little sooner. It’s going to be amazing to not have all of my stuff crammed into one room 🙂

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