Deep Ryan Lore

A random thought pooped into my head today: it has been exactly 20 years since the first time I ever asked a girl on a date. Well, like, 20 years and a day? Or a week? I’m 98% sure it was on a Saturday, but whether it was the 19th or 26th, I haven’t got a clue. I can’t pinpoint these things that precisely.

Anyway, she turned me down. To make myself feel better, I bought a PlayStation 2. Oh, how different life might have been…

Coincidentally, it’s been 10 years (and a month) since my ex-wife walked out on me. Fortunately, there are currently no women in my life in that capacity, and thus my heart cannot possibly be broken this year. The cycle of pain ends! Hooray!

(Please note that I did notice the typo in the first paragraph and almost corrected it, but then I decided that it’s funnier as-is.)

Steam Year in Review: 2024

I won’t bore you with the nitty-gritty details of my Steam Year in Review report, but it did include this little graph that I thought would be fun to share:

So, according to Steam, these are the tags that come up most often in the games I play. At least, the PC games that I play. And I have to say, it’s pretty spot-on as far as my overall tastes go. Horror is kind of my jam when it comes to PC games, because that’s kind of where the indie horror scene lives. A decent amount trickles over to console, but not nearly the wealth that you’ll find on Steam or or etc.

Metroidvanias are definitely what I was into in 2024, but mostly due to circumstance. See, I bought a metroidvania Humble Bundle in either late 2023 or early 2024, and well, time makes fools of us all. The action-adventure tag is usually-but not always-paired with metroidvanias, which explains why that one’s there too. Though I certainly can enjoy a good action-adventure that is not a metroidvania.

Now, the “female protagonist” tag is the most happenchance one of the bunch. I personally will never play or avoid a game solely based on the protagonist’s sex; it doesn’t matter to me in the least. But also, there’s no “male protagonist” tag on Steam, which is pretty darn sexist.

“Relaxing” kind of befuddled me, because the only game of the sort that I could remember playing in 2024 was Unpacking, and that was a three-hour game, so it couldn’t have been the only contributor. So I looked into it, and the answer is that I have a lot of PowerWash Simulator hours logged in 2024. Firewatch might count too; I’m not sure and I’m not going to look it up.

I don’t know how 3D platformer made it onto the graph. The only one I played on Steam in 2024 was Lunistice, and that’s another one that I wrapped in a single three-hour session. Realistically, this point should be higher on the graph, but a) 3D platformers are kind of rare these days and b) 3D platformers are definitely better played on console.

And that’s all I really have to say about that. I set my Year in Review page to be visible to the public, so if you’d like to take a gander at it for yourself, you should be able to find it here. If not… I don’t really know what to tell you.

Words and Such

I haven’t really been in the writing mood too much as of late. I know, not a great business model for a blogger, but also… I do this for fun, not for glory.

In an effort to post something, here’s a point-form list of things that I maybe would have written more about in another timeline and that may be of moderate interest. I may still write about some of them at length, but probably not.

  • I’ve been playing the new Ys game in short bursts since it released a couple weeks ago. As you may know, I’m a big, big fan of the Ys series, and Ys X: Nordics is not disappointing so far. The first few chapters were a bit slow, but it’s taking off now, and I really like the two-member party system. It’s very unique, if a bit limited in options.
  • Work has been kind of insanely busy lately. Which is a good thing, because it helps to keep me on task. Also, it’s becoming more and more apparent to me how well-respected (and maybe even well-liked) I am within the organization. As someone who’s had low self-esteem for basically his whole life, it’s really quite nice to feel confident and dependable.
  • I bought a stupidly expensive alarm clock from Nintendo recently, and I don’t regret a penny of it. I never expected such a weird thing could bring me such joy. Will likely do more words about this at some point.
  • Went to see Venom: The Last Dance recently. I’m still not sure exactly how I feel about it or why (I haven’t given it all that much consideration), but I may have been kinda bored for most of the runtime? Definitely the least enjoyable of the trilogy, in my opinion, even though the climax and epilogue were satisfying.
  • After years of sleeping on the couch with the TV on just about every night, I’ve been sleeping in my bed like a normal-ass person over the last week. I’m not really sleeping much better (still waking up at least once a night), but I am feeling a little more well-rested, and my back is definitely thanking me.
  • A couple of co-workers have been singing the praises of the roguelike poker game, Balatro, so I decided to give it a whirl on their recommendations. I’m trying my best, but I don’t know if it’s right for me. Even the tutorial felt overwhelming. And here I was thinking that I was getting over my fear of roguelikes.
  • I was going to put a link to a relevant post in the paragraph above, but it turns out that I never published it. I guess that’s something I probably should do, seems silly to have written out a full 2000-plus-word post that’s just sitting in limbo. Actually, there are at least two of those…
  • Taking a more proactive role in managing both my eating and exercise regimens throughout the year has done wonders for my health, both physical and mental. It’s been a long road, but I’ve far surpassed my weight loss goal and I’ve been feeling fantastic. It would be nice to have someone, you know, notice, but oh well! External validation is for chumps, anyway.
  • I went on a short vacation with my family at the end of September. I don’t think I wrote a single word about it, but it was awesome. Nothing terribly exciting, but it was great to simply get away and be somewhere different for a while. And also to have that QT with the people who are closest to me, of course. That’s always good.


I’ve been doing YouTube to incredibly mild success for a long time now, and I never in a million years would have expected that this is what would blow up for me.

A crappy let’s play of a crappy game of an actually pretty good film. Who would have guessed? Is suffering through terrible licensed games the way to make it big these days? I’ll never know, because I’m not going to do that.

Going by the comments, it might be mostly that people are shocked that this game even exists. But that shock has resulted in a nice big boost to my watch time and subs, so I’ll take it! We’re officially on the road to 500 subs and monetization, baby!

History of TE: 2004

Did you know that June 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the release of Mega Man Battle Network 4? Well I did. Or at least, I had a hunch, since for whatever reason my brain has been laser-focused on memories of playing that particular game – despite the fact that I didn’t really like it.

But I’m not here to type a retrospective about MMBN4. No, sir. I already did that almost a decade ago, and haven’t revisited the game since.

Today I want to just rattle off a few interesting points about 2004. It was a big year for me! Lots happened! Firstly, there was the MMBN4 release. That was big, but not for the reason you think! See, I played the Japanese ROM for a while before the NA version came out (there was a six-month delay), and because it’s an RPG, the fact that I couldn’t read Japanese was kind of a big deal. So I started trying to tech myself katakana. It obviously didn’t really take, but I was able to learn enough to read some text in the game, and I still remember a handful of the characters to this day! I don’t think that it’s a stretch to say that the best part of MMBN4 is that it made me engage in self-improvement, in some tiny way.

Continue reading History of TE: 2004

I’m Still Here

Hey, so… blogging. It’s a thing I used to do. I know that nobody cares that I haven’t really been writing anything lately, but I have excuses, and they must be made!

First off, January and the first half of February were nuts at work. Things have calmed down now, but for the first 45 days or so of 2024, I was run pretty ragged. Most days left me mentally exhausted, and that really killed my drive to do much in my spare time besides watch other people play video games on YouTube.

Oh, and as an accidental segue, AGDQ happened a few weeks back. I didn’t catch a ton of it, but the Donkey Kong Country and Donkey Kong 64 runs were amazing. And we can’t forget the Super Mario 64 drum% run. That was mind-boggling.

Then there’s my own YouTube presence, which I’ve been grinding away at, spending huge chunks of my weekends recording and editing videos that nobody will ever watch. To what end? I don’t know, and I’ve been seriously pondering why I even continue to do it. Well, the let’s plays, at least. People seem to appreciate my fast food reviews for whatever reason.

Lastly, I have been hopelessly addicted to Steelrising for the last week. This is a video game you’ve likely never heard of -I know I hadn’t- which is free on PS+ as of this post. I added it to my library, not expecting to ever actually play it, but then I did. And then I couldn’t stop. Even when I’m not playing, I’m thinking about it. Pleasant thoughts, too, which is odd because it’s a soulslike and usually those go hand-in-hand with feelings more along the lines of… intense frustration. I would like to write a full thing about this game at some point, but given my total lack of writing lately, the outlook is not terribly optimistic.

Yeah, so that’s my short list of excuses. They’re not good, but that’s why I’m categorizing them as excuses, specifically. Please note that I have completed writing my 2023 Game of the Year feature, and it’s been done since mid-December. I just haven’t had the drive to put together fancy header images. That’s literally all that’s holding me back from publishing it. Kinda sad. Maybe I’ll get around to it by the time spring rolls around.

Lowest bar: Cleared

Remember back in April when I was all like “Holy crap people watched my YouTube garbage for eight whole hours last month!”? Yeah, Spooktober 2022 was good to me, and thanks mostly to that Pokémon video I posted last month, the momentum hasn’t dropped off quite yet.

My official stance is still that I don’t actually give a damn if anybody watches the videos that I post, but man… it feels kinda nice to see those numbers go up.

it is mystery

itemLabel is a… revenge based item company? What is happening here? Why can’t I stop watching?

It all started a couple days ago when I go this video as an ad on Youtube…

Honestly, I think it’ll be most rewarding if you take the initiative and dive into the lore of these weird-ass plushies on your own, rather than just having me summarize it for you.

If you need more incentive, here is the description of Peepy from the store: “After committing a dangerous and disrespectful crime, Peepy is out on bail and ready to come to your house.”

Have a great time!

It’s Donatellos all the way down

This blog, as long-time readers know, is pretty much my never-ending quest to preserve the absolute dumbest thoughts that go through my brain. Today, we take a look at the box art of TMNT: The Cowabunga Collection in hopes of discovering the graphic designer’s favourite turtle.

Hey, I prefaced this with a disclaimer that it’s stupid. You were warned!

Continue reading It’s Donatellos all the way down