There will be an answer, let it be

It’s been a while since I announced that I’d be writing a new article, and to be honest, I still haven’t done it. On the upside, I did write a totally different one out of the blue. While it’s not a boring video game review, it is basically a 1400+ word sales pitch and an excuse to make a really flippin’ sweet banner. I did try to work some wit similar to that found at WWTDD into it, so if you enjoy that site, then you should maybe read my crappy article. Or give me money! That’s a great idea!

Begging aside, I did a little work to improve the unity of the site, and now the menu bar at the top of (most of) the article pages is all blue rather than red, and the articles page has also turned blue. Red and black is so overdone, and I want my site to look a little original. Also, I want it to look like all the pages belong together, so making the colour scheme “universal” is probably a good way of starting that. I don’t know if I should redo the articles entirely in the same colour, or if I should leave them unique from each other. I’d like to hear some opinions about it over on the forums.

The iPod Nano Review

What manner of treachery is this? Ryan has purchased an iPod? Yes, it’s true, I did decide to drop mad stacks of cash on an Apple iPod nano. I’ve always said that I’m the last person that should be allowed to have money, and this is a perfect example of why. See, I didn’t really need one, but I decided that since owning one would increase my cool points by like a jillion (not that I need cool points either…), it was a good idea. And you know, aside from the monumental cost, it was. Read on to find out why.

For one, let’s go over my plethora of excuses for buying the damn thing in the first place. First of all, it’s a totally cool and trendy little gadget, and we all know that I’m was voted most likely in my school of friends to jump on any bandwagon that passes by. Come on, all the cool kids have one. Get with it. Steve from The Sneeze has an iPod, so why shouldn’t I? Secondly, it’s so much more practical than my discman. I hate carrying shit around, and I take my discman nearly everywhere I go. The iPod is so much tinier and lighter than that big hunk of plastic that I barely even know it’s there. Plus it’s got a pretty screen and tons of storage space (~1.9 gigabytes), so I’m not constricted to only being able to have one CD at any given time. Lastly, I just had a huge wad of money to blow, so why not get something nice for a change? Better than a bunch of video games I don’t really want (seriously, there were no games I deemed worthy to own at the time). I’ve never been one to save money when I don’t need to, so I sent it off to line the pockets of the man. I love the man, don’t you? Wait… that didn’t sound right. I’m not gay. Really, I’m not. I like girls. And apparently, they like me too. Probably because of the iPod. I hear they like men with money.

Now that I’ve justified the purchase with flimsy-at-best arguments and half-lies, it’s time to get down to business. But where to start? Well, I guess the first thing you experience about something is the visual, so let’s start there.

The iPod is a pretty slick creature by nature, and the nano does it one better. Not only is it all professionally dressed up in white (or black, if you prefer) plastic, it’s got a sexy plastic coating over top to make it even shinier and slicker-looking. The back has got a nice metal sheen, which suits it quite well. I like the dual-tone idea more than just white the whole way ’round like with the original. It’s a beautiful piece of technology, yet people want to cover it up? Why would they want to do that? Sadly, the metal and plastic coating are pretty scratch prone, and the worst part is that those scratches are going to show up. If you’re careful, you should be okay, but slack off for just a little while and your sexy iPod will be a less-than-sexy iScratched. The click wheel is of the seamless variety featured on the newer generations of the original iPod, not like those old ones with the fugly buttons and all.

Even the iPod nano’s box is brilliantly designed. Like all things Apple, it takes the minimalist route, and features a very plain, but very attractive box cover that slides off revealing a smaller “booklet” style box. The nano is wedged into one side, while the other opens and contains all the extra junk (headphones, install disc, instructions, etc) that comes with it.

The compact size of the nano is clearly it’s selling point. The machine is the exact same as it’s larger, fatter counterpart. But the size is just mind-blowing in and of itself. Engineered to fit into even those useless tiny pockets-inside-the-pocket, the nano is so tiny that you’re not going to have to worry where you’ll be putting it. Hell, it’s so small they don’t even capitalize the N in nano. As the size is more or less relative to the weight, the thing weighs almost nothing. As I said earlier, when I’ve got it in my pocket, I could forget it was even there, unlike the bulky discman that I used to carry around. The plastic coating makes the unit remarkably smooth and pleasant to the touch, while the click wheel has a slightly more coarse texture, which I couldn’t possibly compare to anything, because I’ll go on record and say that nothing else in the world has that texture.

The nano’s screen may be tiny, but it’s as sharp as that huge HDTV down at the Best Buy that you only wish you could have. Just as with the GameBoy Micro (actually, you can draw a lot of parallels between the nano and the Micro), the small screen size doesn’t hamper your visibility in the least. I mean, the iPod doesn’t exactly have as much detail to display as the GameBoy does, but the idea’s somewhere on the same train of thought.

Speaking of trains of thought, I seem to have lost mine. Let’s think for a second, shall we? Oh yeah, one thing I should mention is that I positively farking hate earbuds. They’re uncomfortable and they fall out all the time. The only only reason I make an exception for the iPod’s buds is because it just feels wrong to hook up my regular headphones to the thing. It’s like burying a model in the forest when she ODs and dies in your jacuzzi instead of just leaving here there and pretending everything’s alright: it’s probably the better choice, but it just doesn’t feel right. Also, the music seems a little “blurrier” through the buds.

One thing you might not expect if you’ve lived a PC life and tried a Mac once or twice is that it’s really simple and easy to use. Once you’ve installed the iPod software and iTunes (sadly, it’s a necessary evil) on your PC, getting stuff on your iPod is as easy as hooking it up to a USB port, importing your music to iTunes and dragging the files to the iPod. It doesn’t take any time at all (assuming you’re using USB 2.0), and the iPod itself is just as easy to use. One time I tried to use a store demo, and got confused and frustrated. Now that I’ve read the instructions (which are like a 3 pages of pictures and callouts), I realize how damned simple the thing is to navigate, and not only that, but it makes finding what you want really easy. Selecting stuff with the click wheel does take longer than say, with a computer that has the benefit of a mouse, but the iPod lets you search through a good variety of categories, like albums, artists, songs, and composers (provided you’ve properly tagged your files) so you can get to what you’re looking for quickly. Also, there’s the shuffle option which just does it all for you with the tradeoff of your music being selected randomly.

Overall, while it’s an expensive package, I’d say that I’m very impressed by the little thing. It’s got both form and function, and based on the few times I’ve taken it on the bus, it really turns heads too. The ladies’ heads, that is. All right. I really have to recommend the iPod nano to anyone who likes music and is on the go a lot. If the price tag is too much for you, it does come in a slightly cheaper, 1GB variety. Or, you know, you could get an MP3 player for a reasonable price, but how lame is that? I sure wouldn’t let you in my club. And what a club it is! Very exclusive. As in “models and hot actresses only” exclusive.

I’m just your sexual thing

This month’s BotM is Poison. Look how I got right to the point there!

Yeah, so Poison. Chances are pretty good that you’ve heard of them. I mean, come on. Who hasn’t heard “Every Rose Has It’s Thorn” sometime in their life? Hippies, that’s who. And you know what I think about hippies. Well, maybe also someone who never attended a junior high dance between now and the eighties. But what are the chances of that?

Anyway, if you know Poison, there are basically two possibilites: you love them or you hate them. I’ve taken notice over my many years that there exist two breeds of people in the world: those that love 80’s music and those who hate 80’s music. And generally, when you hate 80’s music, you hate the 80’s on the whole. But how you could hate the 80’s is far beyond me. That decade brought us so much, including hair bands, the NES, and everybody’s favourite webmaster. There’s a lot more, but those are clearly the most important ones.

But back to Poison for a moment. I very much adore the band, as they take the basic rock n’ roll formula and make it their own by adding in plenty of bluesy/country twists and great music. Not to mention that they’re just plain fun to listen to. If you need a quick rock-out, pop in some Poison and you’re good to go. I know there’s a lot more to say, like how lead singer Brett Michaels is a judge on “Nashville Star,” but frankly, I really want to go play some video games right now, so I’m going to wrap it up.

This’ll probably go on record as the shortest BotM post ever, but that’s okay. I got my point across. I like Poison, I think you should listen to Poison. If you don’t like them, then that’s too damn bad. You’re missing out on some good times. So that’s the end of that. I’ll see you around. Later.

You can feel his disease

This is easily in the running for the title of Best White Ninja Comic Ever. Some other things that might interest you include the Nintendo 64 kid (who, if not for the sister, totally could have been me) and a Bob Ross game for the Revolution.

But possibly the coolest thing ever, as discoverd on The Sneeze’s sidebar, is that tomorrow morning, shortly after 1Am, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06. Of course, people who use the DD/MM/YY format (wierdos) will have to wait until next month. Just thought that was neat enough to mention.

While it’s not interesting at all from a normal person’s perspective, but all the junk coding I cut from this index page brought the filesize down to 27K, which is like half of what it used to be. Adding up all the pages I’ll be cleaning up, that would ahve saved me a good hunk of room back on Angelfire. And also, google “torrential equilibrium.” It’s not much, but I’ve changed the description a litte…

Last thing for today: I’m such a trendwhore!

I can’t help the way I am

I’ve got a story to tell, but I’ve already typed it all out once, so I’ll just stick it to the man with a link. The Revolution Project (Opera of Innovation). Seriously, it has almost nothing to do with the Nintendo Revolution, so if that would put you off, don’t fret about it. In return for this sweet could-be-article, just promise me you’ll check out O.A.R., as they’re an awesome alternative band, and it would be a shame to just let them slip by. And also Satyagraha, because they’re a cool local band co-run by ex-CN writer Doug.

Band of the month… tomorrow? Maybe Wednesday. But soon.

How ’bout a revolution?

I’ve completed the main bit of sidebar editing. There’s still some unseen stuff to do (unless you can’t see CSS formatting for some reason, then it’s going to get ugly), which I’ll get to a little later. The important changes are simply some moved/removed links. Nothing big. All the other pages featuring the sidebar will be updated in good time. Probably not today though. Just make sure you check out the links under “Friends of TE” as they’re almost all pretty cool sites. End transmission.

Gonna be a guitar hero!

March is over, and so is peak site activity. As I mentioned in my last post, now that I’m working again, I’ll have a lot less time for the site, and most of my computer time will probably be devoted to making funny funny comics. But oh well. I gave a short description of my last job a while into it, and it’s time for me to do that again.

Most people work during normal hours of the day, but not me. I work while the rest of the world sleeps, and I go to bed when children leave for school. Uh, except today. Today I’m staying up to write a little post for my blog. Anyhow, the overnight shift is a little annoying, but it’s not like I have any social obligations, so it’s not a big deal for me. The only thing that’s getting to me is that I’ve got less Ryan time, and I’m all about the Ryan time. My stupid family is around during all my awake hours now, and it’s driving me nuts. Blasted people just watch TV all goddamned day. They have no hobbies other than sitting there and telling me that I can’t listen to music while I compute because it gets in the way of their TV. Fuckers. I’ll be sure to buy a wireless access point so I can internet from my room as soon as possible.

So back to the job… My daily duties are basically pulling shit back and forth. Sometimes I have to open some boxes or stock a shelf or two, but otherwise I just lug stuff around and thorw garbage in the compactor all day. It’s exactly what I’ve been looking for in a job, and I simply love it. Easy stuff, and it really makes me work so I feel like I’m actually getting something done. The only issue is the blisters all over my feet and the chaffing of my thighs. But… that should get better in time. Right? Also, since I spend most of my time in the back, I get to spend a lot of time listeneing to the radio, which is way better than listening to customers order me around. Even better is the fact that Power (a local radio station) plays much better music in the middle of the night. So not only am I enjoying my work, but I get to rock out too. It couldn’t possibly get any better. Actually, wait, it does. On my first day I came back from break, and “Stuck in the Middle With You” was playing on the radio. Having a box-cutting knife in my hand, I took the opportunity to dance around a bit and then violently slice a flap off a box. You don’t get moments of concentrated awesome like that at Tim Horton’s.

The people I work with seem to be on the level. The supervisors are cool enough, and the guy in charge has gotta be like 25 at most. Most of the overnight crew is all old (as in too old for me) ladies, but I’m generally on my own all night, so it’s no problem. It would be nice to have a few girls my age to work with, because I could use a little visual relief now and then, but I guess I can get along all right without. We all take our breaks at the same time, which seems a bit unorthodox, but makes enough sense. I miss the quiet and solitude that come with independent breaks, but again, I can deal with it.

Let’s see… What else should I mention? Oh, I get to wear whatever I damn well please. That was kind of obvious, but I figured I’d throw it out there. Riding around on a pallet jack is awesome too. At the end of the shift (which, for me, is when all the work is done – not when 6 o’clcok rolls around), I get to scoot around the store in search of any leftover pallets, which is like the highlight of the night. Pallet jack racing should be a recognized sport. Well, it was a bit disjointed (I should have been in bed about 2 hours ago), but that about sums up all I needed to say about my new job. I love it, and if you’ve got nothing better to do, you should totally work the overnight shift at a department store. It rocks.

Mellow out or you will pay

So much to post about… So little urge to do it all… Well I guess first of all, I should mention that Comedy-Napalm has died. At least physically. The spirit of CN lives on through various websites which will be under their own heading on the sidebar there (eventually). And also the forums. I will eventually stick up all my CN junk here too, so don’t think you’ve seen the end of that crap.

Secondly, I love my job. It’s all so easy, and since it’s all physical, it actually feels like I’m working. At the same time though, it also feels kinda like I’m not really working. The whole staying up all night and sleeping all morning is a little odd, but I’ll get used to it. Did I mention that I get like an hour and a half worth of breaks? Yeah. It’s sweet. But sadly it’s gonna slow down site work a lot. I can’t remember if I did a lot of stuff while I was working at Timmy’s, but it’ll probably be a little slower than that period of time.

I’m sure there was something else I meant to say… I can’t remember what it was for the life of me though, so I’ll just quit it now. I’ll probably have all links and such fixed up soon, but I’m not sure if I’ve got the drive to get it all done tonight. I guess only time will tell.

Just gimme gimme gimme fried chicken!

So I had a “job offer” this morning. Didn’t do that at Timmy’s, so I had no idea what it would be. There, they just finished the interview and said they’d give me a call to tell me when I start. Turns out the thing was just a bunch of red tape, and it took less than half an hour, but I do have some light reading to do. Oh, and I officially have a job now.

Afterwards I went to McDonald’s to get some breakfast, and it wasn’t until I was done eating that it dawned on me that I had eaten breakfast before I left. Oops. Just thought that was kind of a funny little story.

Since I don’t have anything else important to say, I’ll just dump a few more links on you. I’ve been doing it all month, why stop now?

Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit 2006 site

Hilarious news report on a leprechaun sighting

Satoru Iwata’s keynote address transcript

Zelda: Phantom Hourglass trailer (check the right-hand sidebar)

All sorts of video game speedruns. Impressive to say the least

I would drown in your river of love

Yesterday I had not one, but two job interviews. I believe that they went rather well, and I even got a call back today for orientation. So it looks like Ryan’s a-gonna be working the night shift! Yeah, apparently that’s not such a great thing for my body, but if it puts snacks on the table, that’s all I need. I’m totally cool with the work, and the only thing I’m a little apprehensive about is how I’m going to manage to do anything else, since my whole schedule will be upside-down. In any case, it’s all good because I’ll be on the regular income train again. No matter how gihumongenormous a tax refund is, it still only lasts so long. To celebrate, I went out and spent craploads of money! First off, I scored the Hawksley Workman album Lover/Fighter, which is an incredible CD that I recommend you go and buy now on account of it’s so awesome. Next, I ran into the South Park season 7 DVD set, so I scooped that right up. On the gaming side of things, I bought Tales of Phantasia for GBA. Great game. Hell, the whole Tales series is great, and I highly recommend you give at least one game a try. The last thing I bought (and prepare yourself for this one: you’re not going to be happy with me) was a GameBoy Micro. My practical reasons for buying it just sound like excuses anyway, so we’ll just chalk it up to the fact that I’ll buy anything that Nintendo tries to sell me. Plus it’s so tiny! I was looking for Tetris DS too (actually the original reason I went shopping), but no stores have it in stock yet, so maybe tomorrow…

So that’s my tale. I’ve really got nothing else to announce today. I might finish uploading stuff to the DeviantART gallery this weekend, and there will probably be a new article soon too. Though it’ll likely be a boring game review, so don’t get too excited about that.

Oh! Hey, and don’t forget that Satoru Iwata’s giving his keynote speech at the GDC today, so expect a whole slew of Revolution-related info to be flying all about the intarweb over the next little while.