I would drown in your river of love

Yesterday I had not one, but two job interviews. I believe that they went rather well, and I even got a call back today for orientation. So it looks like Ryan’s a-gonna be working the night shift! Yeah, apparently that’s not such a great thing for my body, but if it puts snacks on the table, that’s all I need. I’m totally cool with the work, and the only thing I’m a little apprehensive about is how I’m going to manage to do anything else, since my whole schedule will be upside-down. In any case, it’s all good because I’ll be on the regular income train again. No matter how gihumongenormous a tax refund is, it still only lasts so long. To celebrate, I went out and spent craploads of money! First off, I scored the Hawksley Workman album Lover/Fighter, which is an incredible CD that I recommend you go and buy now on account of it’s so awesome. Next, I ran into the South Park season 7 DVD set, so I scooped that right up. On the gaming side of things, I bought Tales of Phantasia for GBA. Great game. Hell, the whole Tales series is great, and I highly recommend you give at least one game a try. The last thing I bought (and prepare yourself for this one: you’re not going to be happy with me) was a GameBoy Micro. My practical reasons for buying it just sound like excuses anyway, so we’ll just chalk it up to the fact that I’ll buy anything that Nintendo tries to sell me. Plus it’s so tiny! I was looking for Tetris DS too (actually the original reason I went shopping), but no stores have it in stock yet, so maybe tomorrow…

So that’s my tale. I’ve really got nothing else to announce today. I might finish uploading stuff to the DeviantART gallery this weekend, and there will probably be a new article soon too. Though it’ll likely be a boring game review, so don’t get too excited about that.

Oh! Hey, and don’t forget that Satoru Iwata’s giving his keynote speech at the GDC today, so expect a whole slew of Revolution-related info to be flying all about the intarweb over the next little while.

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