Mellow out or you will pay

So much to post about… So little urge to do it all… Well I guess first of all, I should mention that Comedy-Napalm has died. At least physically. The spirit of CN lives on through various websites which will be under their own heading on the sidebar there (eventually). And also the forums. I will eventually stick up all my CN junk here too, so don’t think you’ve seen the end of that crap.

Secondly, I love my job. It’s all so easy, and since it’s all physical, it actually feels like I’m working. At the same time though, it also feels kinda like I’m not really working. The whole staying up all night and sleeping all morning is a little odd, but I’ll get used to it. Did I mention that I get like an hour and a half worth of breaks? Yeah. It’s sweet. But sadly it’s gonna slow down site work a lot. I can’t remember if I did a lot of stuff while I was working at Timmy’s, but it’ll probably be a little slower than that period of time.

I’m sure there was something else I meant to say… I can’t remember what it was for the life of me though, so I’ll just quit it now. I’ll probably have all links and such fixed up soon, but I’m not sure if I’ve got the drive to get it all done tonight. I guess only time will tell.

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