Gonna be a guitar hero!

March is over, and so is peak site activity. As I mentioned in my last post, now that I’m working again, I’ll have a lot less time for the site, and most of my computer time will probably be devoted to making funny funny comics. But oh well. I gave a short description of my last job a while into it, and it’s time for me to do that again.

Most people work during normal hours of the day, but not me. I work while the rest of the world sleeps, and I go to bed when children leave for school. Uh, except today. Today I’m staying up to write a little post for my blog. Anyhow, the overnight shift is a little annoying, but it’s not like I have any social obligations, so it’s not a big deal for me. The only thing that’s getting to me is that I’ve got less Ryan time, and I’m all about the Ryan time. My stupid family is around during all my awake hours now, and it’s driving me nuts. Blasted people just watch TV all goddamned day. They have no hobbies other than sitting there and telling me that I can’t listen to music while I compute because it gets in the way of their TV. Fuckers. I’ll be sure to buy a wireless access point so I can internet from my room as soon as possible.

So back to the job… My daily duties are basically pulling shit back and forth. Sometimes I have to open some boxes or stock a shelf or two, but otherwise I just lug stuff around and thorw garbage in the compactor all day. It’s exactly what I’ve been looking for in a job, and I simply love it. Easy stuff, and it really makes me work so I feel like I’m actually getting something done. The only issue is the blisters all over my feet and the chaffing of my thighs. But… that should get better in time. Right? Also, since I spend most of my time in the back, I get to spend a lot of time listeneing to the radio, which is way better than listening to customers order me around. Even better is the fact that Power (a local radio station) plays much better music in the middle of the night. So not only am I enjoying my work, but I get to rock out too. It couldn’t possibly get any better. Actually, wait, it does. On my first day I came back from break, and “Stuck in the Middle With You” was playing on the radio. Having a box-cutting knife in my hand, I took the opportunity to dance around a bit and then violently slice a flap off a box. You don’t get moments of concentrated awesome like that at Tim Horton’s.

The people I work with seem to be on the level. The supervisors are cool enough, and the guy in charge has gotta be like 25 at most. Most of the overnight crew is all old (as in too old for me) ladies, but I’m generally on my own all night, so it’s no problem. It would be nice to have a few girls my age to work with, because I could use a little visual relief now and then, but I guess I can get along all right without. We all take our breaks at the same time, which seems a bit unorthodox, but makes enough sense. I miss the quiet and solitude that come with independent breaks, but again, I can deal with it.

Let’s see… What else should I mention? Oh, I get to wear whatever I damn well please. That was kind of obvious, but I figured I’d throw it out there. Riding around on a pallet jack is awesome too. At the end of the shift (which, for me, is when all the work is done – not when 6 o’clcok rolls around), I get to scoot around the store in search of any leftover pallets, which is like the highlight of the night. Pallet jack racing should be a recognized sport. Well, it was a bit disjointed (I should have been in bed about 2 hours ago), but that about sums up all I needed to say about my new job. I love it, and if you’ve got nothing better to do, you should totally work the overnight shift at a department store. It rocks.

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