I got the lot of them for like two bucks at Walmart.
It really is an amazing place
I got the lot of them for like two bucks at Walmart.
It really is an amazing place
When I was a dumb little kid, I used to think that the word ‘scenario’ was pronounced ‘scenarino’ (like, scene-a-rino). Undoubtedly, it’s more fun to say that way. But it is wrong. Fortunately, I don’t recall ever saying it out loud and being corrected. I probably just figured it out on my own as I got older and less stupid.
That’s a thing that just popped into my head this morning as I was getting dressed. Figured I’d share it. It’s not a very interesting story.
Oh, thank goodness, all the spooky ghosts and goblins are gone for another year.
Wait, no. I like all that stuff. Darn it!
The Beginner’s Guide (PC) – I just. Whoa. Art games, man. (But really, there are some heavy themes in here that take a long time to really digest. And possibly multiple playthroughs.)
Life is Strange: Episode 5 – Polarized (PC) – What. A. Finale. Aside from a weirdly out-of-place (but easily broken) stealth sequence, it was a really great episode. It’s been a crazy ride, and it all culminates in the most impossible choice ever, natch. Seems like most of the internet hated the endings, but I don’t think Dontnot can afford to pull a Mass Effect 3?
The Evil Within (PS3) – It was October, I needed to play something spooky, and this had been in my backlog for well over a year. How even did that happen? But it’s basically just Resident Evil 4 again, so I had a total blast with it. Playing on easy was a great idea, as I feel like certain parts could have been very frustrating if they had been harder.
Bravely Default (3DS) – Made some serious progress. Earned the “bad” ending, which is not so much bad as it is unfinished. Anyway, I’mma keep playing it to the real ending, which apparently is a slog, but whatever. I’m having fun.
Chrono Trigger (DS) – Finally, the madness is over. I have earned every possible ending. Which is a fool’s game. Don’t do it. Just look them up on YouTube. Most of them are dumb. Chrono Trigger is a terrific game, but playing it that much is very draining.
While one of my favourite ways to spend a crisp fall evening is to go for a nice, romantic stroll, it’s not really an activity that I can enjoy to its fullest potential these days.
But snuggling under a thick blanket with video games and a mug of hot chocolate filled to the brim with mini-marshmallows is a good way to pass the time too. So happy right now.
Also there is a piping hot pizza just out of the frame.
It’s hard to think that there was a short period of time where I used to use Microsoft FrontPage to update my website. I wonder how long that lasted. I’ve been working with the WordPress editor for what feels like forever now, but I only remember ever writing in Notepad.
I think that if we’ve learned anything this week, it’s that 2004 was a really wacky year for me.
Often, when I reference a previous work of mine, I will go back and read it over again. When I wrote up that last post, it spurred me to go back and actually read the good ol’ Work Blog (and not only because I had to dig up the link from Angelfire).
I mentioned in the last post that I’d be okay with someone flirting with me anonymously in the present day, but after reading the Work Blog over, I realize that what happened there was not flirting at all. No, I’d completely forgotten that it was a flat-out proposition for sex. You know, as long as I was going to bother doing the detective work.
Most days I don’t eat lunch. I can’t be arsed to prepare something the night before, and I don’t get up in the morning with nearly enough time to make a lunch. If I do have a lunch, it’s almost always because either a) I’ve bought something at a restaurant, or b) I threw a pack of instant noodles in my bag.
The noodles, as instant noodles are wont to do, require some time in the microwave. Those three minutes are usually pretty boring. A couple weeks ago, I noticed that there was a pad of sticky notes and a mason jar of writing utensils on the counter in the lunch room.
Sometimes I do irresponsible things.
My time working at Toys R Us was full of them, some more innocuous than others.
My job required me to carry around a pen and paper at all times, because I would have to take notes at a moment’s notice. As an “artist” of some description, I have an insatiable urge to doodle whenever any sort of drawing tools are nearby.
So, over the three years I worked there, I left many a doodle behind. On walls, on wooden boards, sometimes even on papers! All in the storeroom, of course. It would be really irresponsible to be defacing parts of the store that a customer might see.
Admittedly, sometimes I did find myself doodling on product boxes. Only the bike boxes, though, which were just plain brown with packing labels stuck to them. They were so boring.
I never drew anything obscene, of course. Just little goofy faces and the like. Something that might make a person smile when they found it.
Alright, fine. I drew penises on occasion. But only in dust!
Living alone is pretty great. I can make myself a giant plate of spicy potato wedges and broccoli for dinner, and then eat it in bed while watching Adventure Time. And nobody’s going to give me crap for it.
Not that the Ex would have complained about any part of that besides the spiciness of the wedges. But I’m trying to feel empowered here. Stop poking holes, me!
This year marks the 30th anniversary of Super Mario Bros. I never really think of most Mario games when I think of my favourite video games (with the obvious exception of Super Mario 64), but they have always excelled, and I continue to buy and play them all with gusto.
If nothing else, Super Mario Maker has reminded me of how much fun it is to just sit down and play some Mario. But there is so much more to it! Mario Maker is crammed to the gills with not only the tools necessary to create, distribute, and play Mario courses, but also heaping spoonfuls of pure love.