Monthend Video Game Wrap-Up – October 2015

Oh, thank goodness, all the spooky ghosts and goblins are gone for another year.

Wait, no. I like all that stuff. Darn it!

~ Game Over ~

The Beginner’s Guide (PC) – I just. Whoa. Art games, man. (But really, there are some heavy themes in here that take a long time to really digest. And possibly multiple playthroughs.)

Life is Strange: Episode 5 – Polarized (PC) – What. A. Finale. Aside from a weirdly out-of-place (but easily broken) stealth sequence, it was a really great episode. It’s been a crazy ride, and it all culminates in the most impossible choice ever, natch. Seems like most of the internet hated the endings, but I don’t think Dontnot can afford to pull a Mass Effect 3?

The Evil Within (PS3) – It was October, I needed to play something spooky, and this had been in my backlog for well over a year. How even did that happen? But it’s basically just Resident Evil 4 again, so I had a total blast with it. Playing on easy was a great idea, as I feel like certain parts could have been very frustrating if they had been harder.

Bravely Default (3DS) – Made some serious progress. Earned the “bad” ending, which is not so much bad as it is unfinished. Anyway, I’mma keep playing it to the real ending, which apparently is a slog, but whatever. I’m having fun.

Chrono Trigger (DS) – Finally, the madness is over. I have earned every possible ending. Which is a fool’s game. Don’t do it. Just look them up on YouTube. Most of them are dumb. Chrono Trigger is a terrific game, but playing it that much is very draining.

~ Now Playing ~

Super Mario Maker (WiiU) – Yeah I made some Marios. I think I did up four courses last month? Which is less than expected, but there were so many other games to play.

Splatoon (WiiU) – Two Splatfests in one month meant a whole lot of Splatooning. And yet, for all the hours I’ve sunk into this game, somehow I still haven’t finished the single-player mode. The world has gone all topsy-turvy! Black is east, up is white!

Fallout: New Vegas (PC) – I played a lot more of this in October than I did in September. Which is still not a lot, considering the scale of the game. Did a couple major quests, though. So that’s good!

Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash (3DS) – Seemed a little slow to start, but gets pretty fun after the first couple stages and once you’ve mastered Cheebo’s movement. It’s not the Chibi-Robo game that fans (including myself) really wanted, but it’ll fill the void for now. Currently on World 3.

Yoshi’s Woolly World (WiiU) – One of the most amazing games of the year. Just as good as the original Yoshi’s Island, but with absolutely gorgeous visuals and one of the best soundtracks ever composed. It took its sweet time to show up in the mail, so I’m still poking around in World 1.

Human Resource Machine (WiiU) – A game about programming a little office worker to move boxes from the in pile to the out pile. Only it’s a lot more complicated than ferrying them across the room. It’s really hard when you have very little coding experience, but it’s also really fun!

Undertale (PC) – Bought it on a combination of Internet Hype and people saying it’s like Earthbound. Put just less than an hour in so far, but I find myself trying to fit the term “Spider Bake Sale” into as many conversations as possible. Enjoying it, but not SO HYPE quite yet.

Metal Arms: Glitch in the System (XBOX) – While there were a handful of frustrating levels (on easy mode no less) and some odd design decisions here and there, I thought it was pretty darn good overall. Felt like I was constantly running out of ammo, which was really odd for a fast-paced shooter. Pretty sure the end is right around the corner.

Remember Me (PC) – Gave it a chance because we wanted to see how Dontnod’s previous game stacks up against Life is Strange. It’s certainly more gamey, but at the same time, pretty bland. The memory-futzing sequences are neat, but are they enough to carry it?

Shadow of the Colossus HD (PS3) – I get a weird anxiety about starting a game that’s been in my backlog for some time, so when I turned on the PS3 to begin The Evil Within, I ended up slaying a couple of colossi first. Four colossi into hard mode, I should probably keep going.

The Legend of Legacy (3DS) – I tried out the demo and pretty much loved it. Which is a problem because I really don’t need to start another handheld RPG while BD remains unfinished.

Picross e6 (3DS) – Honestly, I bought this the day it was released and have very slowly been picking at it since. It’s got twice as many puzzles as the previous games, but only because each puzzle has a normal and a mega version. Kinda killed my high to have to solve every puzzle twice. I cleared everything but the Mega variants long ago. Probably about a third of the way through those now.

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