Gamers suck

Kay, so I don’t know if you’ve been following E3 at all this year, but it’s really making me sick of the internet. I’ve only really been keeping up with Nintendo World Report ‘s coverage of the Nintendo side of things, and if this wasn’t something I’m so deeply invested into, I probably would have buggered off right after their press conference on Tuesday.

Here’s the issue: I was happy looking at new media for games and a new console that I will be enjoying later this year. Nearly everyone who posted comments on the site was there to whine about how the presentations weren’t good enough or about how much the games shown are going to suck. What? I thought this was a Nintendo fansite? Also, you haven’t played these games yet!

Most comments are pretty similar to this: “Nintendo did a crappy show because they didn’t tell me about every single game that’s in development. Give me more. I am entitled to more. Everything you showed sucks because I already knew about it. Nintendo Land sucks and New Super Mario Bros sucks and I don’t care about Pikmin 3. Show me what Retro is doing!”

It’s a little exhausting. I guess this is more or less the status quo for the internet though, and I just never paid that much attention before now. I suppose that maybe I was on this ridiculous bandwagon back in the day in some capacity, but mostly I just remeber being happy to digest all the new previews and videos provided to me, and not just bitch about how there should be more.

It’s kind of the same thing that happened with Xenoblade Chronicles. You had this game that wasn’t going to be released in North America, and gamers desperately worked to get it brought over. Operation Rainfall was ultimatley two-thirds successful (Xenoblade and The Last Story are go, Pandora’s Tower is still absent). This was a movement of gamers who unrelentingly demanded these games for themselves. Then when Xenoblade was released, half of them turned around and bitched about how the graphics aren’t good enough instead of savouring the hard-fought victory and enjoying the best game available on the Wii.

MegaMan Legends 3 had kind of the opposite story, but the same outcome. The game was announced, and the developers were kind enough to actually set up a website where fans could submit their thoughts on character designs and other aspects of the game. Then Capcom decided to can it because they didn’t think it’d be profitable enough. I was heartbroken of course, but the other nerds flew into an absolute rage, demanding that Capcom continue development because they deserved the game. Why? What did you do to deserve it? What makes you think you’re so special?

I’ll talk more about my personal opinion on Nintendo’s E3 showing in another post, but for now I just want to distance myself from these other gamers who feel they deserve so much more than the game makers are giving them. Yes, E3 could have been more exciting, but stop whining about it. You’re lucky these people are putting so much money and effort into trying to entertain you in the first place. If you don’t like it, go do a better job yourself. It seems like all anyone can do anymore is complain.

Forever is a long, long time

So you may have noticed that I’ve been ignoring the blog for a while. I guess that’s just the kind of thing that’s bound to happen when you get married. That’s okay though. I have stuff to type thoughts about now. None of them particularly interesting to anyone but me, but that’s kinda the point.

I’m going to try may hand at publishing another article in the near future too. That’s kind of exciting. It’s another TE staple too, so froth with demand!

Random musings

I just realized how ironic it is that I said “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” was too much of a mouthful for a title. (You know, because my website’s name is an octosyllabic monster)

My Super Talking Time Bros 2 LP is coming along swimmingly, though I feel the onset of burnout. I guess devoting every spare second I’ve had to it for the past week was maybe a bad idea. Gotta learn to pace myself better.

In any time I have that I’m not putting toward STTB2, I’ve been soaking up more completely useless trivia than you can shake a gunblade at from the Final Fantasy Wiki. Do you understand the plot, character motivations, and mythology of Final Fantasy XIII? Because I do. I probably know more about FFXIII’s story than FFXIII does.

I’ve finally started reading Monster Nation, the sequel to the superb Monster Island. It’s good, but not quite as hard to put down as Island was.

Trying to eat less sucks. Now I’m hungry all the time. Even right after a meal.

I cannot believe how many more people are on the 4:42 bus home as opposed to the 5:14. I had to stand for half the ride home yesterday! I have never been so put upon as this.

I was looking at DLC costumes for Final Fantasy XIII-2, and can’t help but think that Square-Enix got something backwards. Noel is a more competent Medic than Serah, and she’s a better Ravager than he is, but Noel got the black mage costume and Serah the white mage. Geez, gender roles. Also Noel’s black mage outfit lacks a pointy hat. Epic fail.

Why does iTunes delete all the ringtones off my iPhone whenever I install the new firmware? Nothing else ever vanishes. Just the ringtones.

Is Minecraft still big enough that Mojang is really getting away with charging $25(ish) for it? I was super excited about gettiing the Xbox version until I saw the price.

Chisel Master 3D

Finally, I am able to cross my full clear of Picross 3D off my 2011 video game checklist. I completed the last puzzle yesterday on my lunch break, and did a long-delayed fist pump to celebrate.

Considering that Picross 3D came out near the end of the DS’s lifespan, I can’t help but wonder why they didn’t hold it back for the 3DS. Maybe that would have resulted in a few lost sales at the time, but it would have been a really great launch title: something the 3DS sorely lacked. More than four people might have bought it then, too.

Anyway, that’s just another small victory for me. Now to get back to ignoring that list…

Teenage Martian Ninja Turtles

I don’t know if anyone but me keeps up with this kind of stuff, but there’s a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie in production. It’s actually just called “Ninja Turtles,” which is kind of a strange departure from the norm, but I suppose it helps to streamline a title that’s a bit of a mouthful, as well as define it from other works that use the whole title.

The big news about this one though, is that it’s being produced by Michael Bay, and he’s changing the lore so that the turtles are aliens instead of mutants. The fan community is in an uproar, with hateful letters to Bay flying left and right. You might think that being the TMNT fanboy that I am, I would be pushing my way to the front of this spiteful bandwagon. In fact, I am not. At first I wasn’t ready to believe it, but after spending a good hour or so reading what we know about this film so far, I’m not too worried about the change.

I will admit that I do worry about how Bay is going to handle the Turtles otherwise. He’s not exactly a man who understands the concept of “subtlety” and that’s kind of the whole point of ninjas. Overall though, I trust him to keep mostly in line with where the franchise should be. I really loved the reboots of Friday the 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street, even if they did take themselves a little too seriously. TMNT is a fairly light-hearted franchise, so I’m really just hoping that it’s not all grimacing and dull colour palettes. Even the grim black-and-white comic book Turtles lighten up and start cracking wise after the first couple issues.

Anyway, the alien turtles thing. It’s a little ridiculous, but I can’t imagine that it would change the story that much. It’s been confirmed that the Turtles will be the same characters we all know and love, so does their origin really matter? I’ll admit that I had reservations about it at first, but sitting down and really assessing the situation cooled off my terror gauge pretty quickly. Especially given the fact that Eastman and Laird have both been privy to a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff that the general public doesn’t have access to yet, and they’re both pretty optimistic about the project. Their direct involvement seems to be limited, but as long as they’re showing upturned thumbs, I believe that everything will turn out alright.

The other thing you really have to consider is that there are plenty of other franchises that have been rebooted or otherwise completely rebuilt that have worked out for the best. In my case, I am thinking explicitly about the Silent Hill series. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, if you want to get really specific. Aside from names, Harry’s line of progression through the town, and the general atmosphere of unease, there really isn’t all that much in common between it and the original Silent Hill. And that was okay! Though Shattered Memories changes nearly everything about the game it is inspired by, I have room enough in my heart for both, because they are both quality products. Yes, someone went in and changed a story that I am very familiar with and treasure as a part of my personal development, but they did a really good job of it! Who’s to say that Michael Bay can’t do the same by altering a mostly irrelevant part of the Turtles lore?

“But… they’re from space!” you may scream like a moron on fire. Yes, they are. Did you know that in the original TMNT lore, the mutagen that made the Turtles into what they are was from space? Kinda makes the transition seem a little less like a major shift than just cutting out the middle man. Yeah, yeah, I know there was none of that in your 80’s cartoon or 90’s movies, but that’s the straight dope. And consider those too; this isn’t the first time a production studio has taken creative liberties with the Turtles’ lore. Hell, the 80’s cartoon took all sorts of wacky departures from Turtles canon, so I think it’ll be okay here. Even worse is that most people (fools) believe that cartoon to be the Turtles canon because it was the most mainstream iteration of the TMNT.

So I guess what I’m saying here is not to make any snap judgements. Yes, the Turtles are going to be from space. It’s not a huge departure from the original lore, so stop saying that the upcoming movie is “sodomizing your childhood.” You’re being nitpicky dumbasses. We don’t really know anything about this movie yet, and odds are that it will be pretty good. As long as it doesn’t take and inspiration from The Next Mutation, I don’t think there’s anything to worry about. If it does turn out to be awful, I really doubt it will be because the Turtles came from space. There are much more important places for you to direct your hate: maybe send some towards that retarded-looking Battleship movie for existing. And for casting Rihanna. God, I hate Rihanna.


So one of our branches decided to start up a soccer league within the company. While I declined the opportunity to play, I was also selected to design and draw the “jerseys” for their team, The Ron Burgundys. This offer I was happy to accept.

This isn’t the whole thing, but it’s most of the logo. My rough drafts were a little more ambitious than the final product, but that’s mostly because t-shirts (and I assume all manners of clothing) are ridiculously hard to draw on. I’m pretty satisfied with the final results; hopefully the team likes my work as much as I do.

The thing I’m really digging is that I’m becoming something of a go-to guy for low-profile art projects at work. It’s not exactly the fame and fortune I once hoped my “skill” would bring me, but I certainly can’t complain. People are asking me do draw things for them because they enjoy my work. I like it. The really nice thing is that no matter how crappy I think my output is, everyone is really supportive and tells me it’s great. Maybe it doesn’t push me to improve like criticism sometimes does (usually it just makes me want to give up forever), but it sure makes me feel better about myself.