Back to good

I probably won’t have an article up this week. I’ve been doing a lot of gaming and being out these past nights (which has been a nice change from the sitting in front of the PC all night I had been doing for the past few weeks), and I’ve finally fully recovered from that horrible bout with emotion I was having. It’s nice to have the old me back. Now on to why I’m making this post. I have three very important orders of business.

1. NEW ZELDA TRAILER! Here’s the link. Prepare your drool buckets, nerds, this is the greatest thing ever.

2. MUSASHI! Yep. Only five days until Samurai Legend Musashi comes out. I loved the first one, and from what little info I’ve gleaned from the site, the sequel looks to be kick ass. I know I usually don’t have many words of praise for samurai, but Brave Fencer Musashi is my second favorite Playstation game ever. The first being Final Fantasy Tactics.

3. BROKEN! It seems that old Edwin’s site is brokies at the moment. Oh, wait. Stroat. Stroat’s site. I wasn’t orginally gonna say anything, but he figures maybe some people visit both here and there. It’s possible.

I really want to write more, but I’ve got nothing. I guess it’s back to listening to Beck for me. Alt-rock is sweet.

Starting from zero, got nothing to lose

The February archive is now up. Or, it will be shortly after this post is completed. Maybe I shoulda done that first. Oops.

I’m not sure if I ever mentioned, but I saw Jacob’s Ladder a while back. It seems a bit of an obscure title, and you know how I love the obscure. Truth be told though, I only hunted it down because I heard that the Silent Hill games draw a portion of their creepiness from it. And boy, is it true. Well, it’s not quite as big an influence as I was led to believe, but you can definitely see the similarities. Oh, and it was a pretty good movie as well. Confusing as all Hell until the end (which was a cop-out to boot), but I would certainly recommend it to those who like movies that are out of the ordinary. Oh, and if you didn’t know by the title, you probably wouldn’t pick up on it anyway, but there are lots of biblical references here. Good movie. Wouldn’t buy it, but good movie. It’s really hard to find, but there’s a torrent for it over at Novatina. It’s under “mystery”, but it’s really more of a thriller. Not that I’m championing piracy or anything…

On a related topic, I got Silent Hill 3 and 4 the other day. I’m about halfway through 3 and haven’t even started 4 yet. Such good games, and the only ones I cannot play with the lights off, even with my newfound policy of facing my fears. Creepy stuff. And the best part is that I got ’em for $15 and $25, respectively. I picked up I-Ninja for $10 as well. It’s totally worth $10. this whole “buying preowned games” thing is working out really well for me and my wallet. Three good, slightly used games for less than one new one? Sounds like a killer deal to me. And as an added surprise, SH3 comes with the soundtrack packaged in! I didn’t know that! Ah, material posessions: my one true love.

Oh yeah, and I updated my profile page, for those who care. While I’m at it, I’ll mention that I lost like seven pounds over the last week. This is alarming, because I was in no way trying to lose weight. All these people on TV working so hard to drop the fat, and then I come along and start losing it without even trying. Ah irony, thou art a snide bastard indeed.

And my fate remains unchanged

Another chapter in my life comes to an end that is both surprising and predictable. I stared my greatest fear in the eyes, and proceeded to do what had to be done. In the end, I’m still doomed to spend my nights alone at the computer writing about stupid things. But I have grown, and learned that sometimes, even when you have no courage, you just have to give ‘er. I also learned that the outcome wasn’t what I really cared about, but rather that I was out to prove to myself that I’m not as weak as I used to think. I’m not disappointed. I don’t regret my actions. I have no time for sorrow. I’m happy that I faced my fears head-on. I know that with a little more time and research, I could have avoided the let-down, but like I said, I have no regrets. I guess you’ll be happy too now that you won’t have to read about this anymore. Oh, and if you have no idea what I’m talking about, you might want to consider reading the last couple posts a little closer.

Band of the Month – March 2005

2000 hits!!! Booya! I retain my title of Webmaster Grand Champion!

Okay, enough of that. I was gonna make a banner for the occasion, but I have a tendency to not get things done (you should be familiar with this particular trait by now), and well, it never got done and it’s too late now. On the other hand, it looks like you’re gonna be getting your article sooner rather than later. I gave it my best shot, but lonely is the fate of the man who burns for a girl who works almost literally all the time. Oh well, there’s always next week. For now, it’s time I get my Band of the Month on.

It’s probably not a great idea for me to choose Boston as this month’s BotM, as I really don’t know much of their stuff, save for the greatest hits. So while this one could be very short, just remember that the other BotMs that I thought would be short didn’t turn out too bad. Anyhow, I’ve bought not a single Boston album, but I do quite like the band. Obviously enough. I think it started way back when my dad got the greatest hits CD. A lot of the time, I hear a band, think nothing of them, and then come back some time later to really get into them. Boston is a perfect example of this. Though I may be thinking of the Eagles. Either way, that’s how I’m gonna say it went down.

I have to say, I think the first song that really drew me to the band is one of their slower hits, “Amanda”. I can only faintly remember the time when I started listening to them, but I do recall that I’ve always liked that song. That one and “Foreplay/Long Time”. So of course, since I liked the songs I checked out some more, and hooray! I like Boston. Some other choice songs would include “Rock & Roll Band”, “Cool the Engines”, and “Smokin'”. Yeah, Boston is a pretty solid example of what rock n’ roll should be like, with some brilliant guitar work and just an overall great sound. The aforementioned and aptly titled “Rock & Roll Band” is a great example, for those who need one. “Higher Power” is another really good one, as it really puts the guitars in the spotlight, right where they belong, being so awesome and all. Though in essence, it is more reminiscent of metal than rock n’ roll.

After a little research, I’ve discovered that Boston has released six albums, including the greatest hits compilation. First up and apparently most popular among fans was their self-titled debut. While it is only eight songs long (shameful, but the trend continues throughout), they’re all pretty awesome, and this is probably the one I would pick up were I to get any. Next is Don’t Look Back, which I’ve been told is another popular one, but I’ll admit I only know the title track. The third release, Third Stage, seems to have been a bit of a mixed bag. I would say it’s okay, but I only know three songs from it, so my opinion is invalid at best. It’s got “Amanda” and “Cool the Engines”, two songs that I love, and “Can’tcha Say (You Believe in Me)”, which is a sweet ballad, but gains power at several points, particularly when the chorus comes around.

The other two albums, Walk On and Corporate America are what some might call very “un-Boston”. I know not a single song from either disc, so I really can’t tell you what’s going on, but people are really giving these ones a beating in the reviews. In either case, the last one (though released before Corporate America) is their greatest hits disc. It seems fine to me, but the fans say that a few songs don’t belong, and could have been replaced by some that really should have made the cut (“Can’tcha Say”, for one, is commonly mentioned when listing songs that should’ve been there). The odd thing that I’ve discovered, is that there were huge gaps in between each album. Hell, it was apparently eight years between Don’t Look Back and Third Stage. I guess they’re kinda like the Nintendo of music.

So in closing, I like the classic Boston. I don’t know any of their more recent stuff, but if the reviews on are anything to go by, I’m not missing out on a whole lot. For what I know, I give the band a high recommendation. If you like rock n’ roll, chances are you’ll get into Boston pretty quick (if you haven’t already). As usual, the songs I mentioned are the ones I think you should listen to first, but keep in mind that I didn’t mention a lot of good ones too, so if you’re gonna be looking into them, just take what you can get and run with it. Chances of disappointment are very low.

The mouth opens, but the words won’t come out

Another milestone has come about. I’ve recorded 2000 hits. Shazam. Sometimes I really wonder why I bother.

Gah. And to think I was so excited about my first thousand hits that I wrote a freaking article. And this time it means nothing to me. I mean, I’m writing one for the weekend (hoping for Sunday here), but that was gonna happen anyway. I’ve just been a little bipolar lately, so maybe I’ll be enthused about it tomorrow. I don’t know. Right now I just dread having to go to work tomorrow, a feeling that hasn’t come over me for a couple weeks now. I really should have posted yesterday… I was in a good mood then.

Oh, there is one positive note on my agenda. I saw “Harold and Kumar go to White Castle” the other night, and I was pleased. It wasn’t great, but it was easily worth my time. There were a couple hilarious lines, and a lot of boobies. You know, forget what I said before. It was a great movie. I might even buy it. Man, I wish I was watching it right now… The only real problem with it is that it left me with a serious case of the munchies. A real hankerin’ for somma those little burgers.

So yeah, I might have an article up for yah’s this weekend. If it’s not there by Sunday night, that means I’ve got a date, suckas. (Though in that scenario, unlikely as it may be, it should be up on Tuesday at latest.) Yeah, I wanted to be more subtle with that one, but wording isn’t my strong suit. Oh well, wish me luck. I’ll need all I can get.

Exhibiting uncharacteristic behaviour

I really don’t have much to say today. I watched those charming Don Hertzfeldt cartoons again today. If you’ve never seen ’em, or just haven’t watched in a while, I recommend doing so. Sometimes making no sense is the best way to go about it.

I’m totally making a “silly hats only” sign for my room. Oh, and if you don’t have them immediately available, the media archive at GorillaMask has them all. I’d host them for you myself, but you know, the no webspace thing.

As a bit of a follow-up, I got the full version of MegaMan X8. After the atrocity that was X7, it’s really nice to see that X8 turned out to be excellent in every respect. It’s rather tough, the graphics are great (the cutscene style is beautiful), the sound is awesome, and it’s much more fun than its predecessor. All this, and there are unlockable things! Like characters! And weapons! Most amazing of all is the fact that after inputting a code, you can face off against an 8-bit CutMan! They even remixed the old boss theme. It’s absolutely hilarious, and it’s just in there because some Capcom dude thought it would be fun. You get nothing for finding it, and it lasts all of maybe 10 seconds. I love it. I’d take a screenshot, but hooking the PS2 up to the PC is a rather complicated production, and you know how I am about doing stuff. After all the Battle Network E-Card bullshit, this game has restored all of my faith in Capcom.

EDIT: I was in the neighborhood, and, well, here’s your damn picture. It’s tiny though.

I can see her in my head

The other day, Gabe from Penny-Arcade stated that “Fast Car” by Tracy Chapman is the best song ever written. I’d like to point out while that it is an excellent contender for the title, I have to disagree that it takes the top spot. The greatest song ever is Duran Duran’s cover of “White Lines” (original by Grandmaster Flash). It’s an awesome song that is this prefect mix of rock, rap, techno, and even a litle dance. Also noteworthy is Kansas’ “Perfect Lover”, if only because it’s about a guy who’s in love with am imaginary girl, a scenario I know all too well.

So It’s Friday. You know what usually happens a couple days after Friday? That’s right. A new Steve article. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. This one is the most anticipated Steve article of all time. Well, in the little circle here, anyway. Ouside readers have no idea what I’m going on about. So that’s up.

Oh, and there’s finally a game that makes me truly consider buying a PS2. Follow the link to see more.

I’ve got nothing else. Go download all the songs I mentioned above. They’re all great. Rangdangdiggitydangdadang.

And now we dance

There have been some rumors going around lately, and I’m happy to tell you all that they’re all true. It has taken a while, but now an event of super-sized proportions has come about, and I’m quite proud to announce… that I’ve written a new article.

Not what you were expecting? Too effin’ bad.

In any case, you know where to find it. It’s in the back with all the others. I have other things to discuss. Like last night. Here we are, big company meeting, and of course I’m not listneing. See, they’d left paper and pens on the tables, and true to form, I spent the evening doodling. In itself, not worthy of mention, but it’s what came about halfway through that amazed me. People at my table were awed by my stuff, and I guess word traveled through the room, cause at one point, people were crowded all around the table to take a gander at my stuff. I was honoured by a few people asking if they could have some of my stuff, and even did a few (free) comissions. By God, I’ve gotta improve and start charging. Anyhow, I’m gonna post all the stuff that wasn’t given away as the February edition of the Work Blog, so be prepared for that to happen anytime soon. I think that’s about all I needed to say for today.

Level up! Ryan gains +7 self-confidence!

Maybe pay more attention to the headlines from now on if you care to follow this little side-story. Writing about, uh, certain matters explicitly is against my wishes to keep my more feelingy feelings and this blog separate. So far I’m doing alright, but the last few posts have been more against that policy than I like. Even this one is a bit out of place. But I shall continue my explaination, so bear with it or just skip to the next paragraph. I mean, the last couple posts (16th and 13th, really) discuss topics that I had hoped to keep my site completely clean of, but I guess it’s kind of a good idea to have a place to vent. I have trouble talking to people about stuff, and I know keeping everything locked inside to fester as a mental illness is a bad idea. Hell, even this post here is completely shattering my dreams of a “guy without feelings” reputation. But I’ll try to keep the feely stuff to a bare minimum, and if it’s necessary, I’ll make sure it’s uncomprehensible or coated in a finely crafted metaphor.

As for why I’m posting today, the new Steve article is up. Sadly, they won’t be coming weekly anymore, but only every three weeks. Seems it’s too much of a workload for him. I’d call him a wuss, but I’m no better for writing stuff.

And now, some links that I’ve gotten from recent IM conversations! (and other places!) – I think it’s a joke… I can’t be sure. I’ve got nothing better to link to though.

Conquer – Some online game a friend plays. I’m downloading it right now, so I can’t tell you how it is. And I’ll probably never touch on it again.

MegaTokyo – Apparently quite a good comic. Something about Largo being real funny. I don’t know, I’m just throwing out whatever here.

Dad’s Home – A flash animation that slightly confuses me, but gets a link because of the F-Zero music that fits in just so perfectly.

Online Word Counter – Because those of us out there without a program that does the job will find it handy.

Drat. They were just contacts

But if you wanna see something that is just as beautiful and just as blue, but not quite so artificial, click on this link here. I’d have just posted the pic, but my sentence plays out better as a link.

In related news, I’ve got no balls. Testicles, yes, but the ballage is at a bare minimum at best. I only mention this because I’m that ashamed of myself. As I once said, “You can’t get pussy if you are a pussy.” I think I was talking about myself then too. I don’t deserve my pimp name. (But I’mma keep it anyway).

So getting away from that paragraph I can’t believe I’m going to let stay, I’m pissed at Capcom again. Remember when I told you about the Rockman.EXE 5 Forte Cross deal? If not, you’ll get really lost here, but anyhow, my story goes on. So the only way so far to get the valuable card that unlocks the Forte Cross ability, is to go to the Rockman.EXE movie. I mean, it doesn’t matter much to me, cause by the time the game gets here they’ll have gutted it of any E-Reader compatibility, but I still hate when you can only get stuff by promotional offers! This is why I loathe Nintendo’s “You can only get the uber-rare Pokemon from promotional deals that only take place in New freaking York” bullcrap. Everything to be unlocked in video games should be unlocked by skill and the amount of time you invest in the game, not by stupid promotions. You should have access to all of the game, including the really cool stuff. You paid for the thing, you deserve to be able to play 100% of it. Sure, it’s a great money-making scheme for them, but I’m sure it’s turned away at least one player for every $100 it makes.

Lastly, StarFox: Assault kicks ass. I’d like to say more, but this one is definitely article material. After I get some more multiplayer time in, I’ll have that up for you. And the new Wario Ware game is getting one too. My plan is to review every Wario Ware game that comes out, so that guarantees at least two more. Woo hoo. Shit, I was supposed to keep that a secret. Crap.

Oh, and I fixed the broken Steve article of two weeks ago. I might have done so earlier, but nobody frickin’ tells me these things! When you see a big problem like that, send me a goddamn E-mail! Yeah, so now the asshole article is actually there, and not simply a copy of the vegetable article.