Socially disturbed

Man, sitting around the University all day is boring. There’s a three-hour gap between my classes from Tuesday to Thrusday and I’ve got nothing to do, or at least no secluded place to do it. It’s stupid to think I could find such a haven, but I really hate people. Just their existence pisses me off. If there were a room where I could set up shop and study or whatnot during the off-time, and not have to worry about passersby or door-knockers (which nullifies my washroom strategy), that would be great. But no such room exists. So I have to sit around in the computer lab all day, in the presence of putrid humans. Nowhere else is any better, but at least I have internet access there. And the best thing is the complete lack of internet blocking software. It would surely be frowned upon, and I never would, but I could potentially look up porn should I feel the need. So all my complaining aside, no real news today. But the first comic at Coozy For Hire should be up tonight. If not, we’ve got some filler. Mmm filler. So I’ve got to go off to class now. Maybe I’ll use all this spare time I have to increase article production. You’d like that, now wouldn’t you?

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