Adding insult to insomnia

DAMNIT! The one night I have the opportunity to get a good night’s rest and I can’t sleep. Oh well, at least I’ve found out that my Bomberman Generation FAQ never made it to GameFAQs, so I’ve decided to make my own little guide section. Take that. I’ve also added a pic of me to The Other Page. The marker is there only to cover my eyes. ~Ryan out

UPDATE! – An hour and a half since my last post, and now everything should be completely up to date. Everything I said would be here is here, except for the MegaMan 4 article I mentioned in CR3. All I have to do is take the screenshots, but you wouldn’t believe how irritating that is. Also, I found a copy of Airplane!, but it’s downloading rather slowly so it will probably be a while before I get to doing that. I guess that that’s all I have to say for now. ~Ryan out. Again.

The Quest is over

You might have been visiting my other site here and discovered something quite saddening. But, to brighten your spirits, I’ll tell you this: I’ve been working on a couple different articles. And by that, I mean I just need to put the finishing touches on them before I upload them. Whee! Now that that’s out of the way, ZELDA’S COMING IN 14 DAYS!! …yeah, that’s about all I have to say for now. Adios.