Count down to final hour

So I need you to go check something out. It’s called The Amazing Screw-On Head, and by gum, it’s damn near fantastic. No, wait. It is fantastic. Seriously. Go watch this “pilot” as it were, and I assure you won’t be disappointed. Once you’re done that, take the survey to tell them how much you liked it. I know this is a call to a relatively tiny audience, but damn it, every little push counts. Even if you don’t take the time to watch the show, fill out the survey and tell them you liked it. I want to see more of this. If they made more cartoons this good, maybe I’d use my TV for more than video games.

I’ll be your bad boy

Been quite busy with MegaMan Battle Network 6 lately (Sooo good!), but I have taken the time out to get next week’s comic done (but you won’t see it until Thursday), as well as next week’s article. I’ll be posting that tomorrow. Today, YouTube videos!

I have little idea what this is, other than frickin’ sweet

For the MMBN fans: GroundCross totally pwns Tenguman

Also: the BN6 “Tribute” PAs (spoilerific…ish)

For the hell of it, the Super Smash Bros Brawl trailer

Classic awesome: music video for Rammstein’s “Links 2-3-4”

Lunar Knights trailer. I must have this game…

I’d never have a fear

I don’t really have anything to post about, but I do have a little somethin’ for ya…


A chance to grab the newest Coozy For Hire wallpapers a whole week before those who don’t bother to read my blog! These are brought to you by my extreme pride in the latest CfH comic. The big one looks a little stretched, but do you really look that closely at your wallpaper anyway? But enough of this crap, I have to go buy me some New Super Mario Bros! (Make sure to click that link, they’ve revamped the site big-time.)

Every single funky things you do

It’s a good week for webcomics. First of all, this week’s Coozy for Hire will blow you away. Secondly, I don’t want to jinx it, but Cascade Failure has now been World of Warcraft-free for three weeks. Lastly, today’s Penny Arcade blog is chock-full of hilarity and a crystal that I would kill babies for.

On the flip side, there seems to be some jerkass publishing a book about the history of webcomics when he knows nothing about them. Oh, and he also apparently makes use of several well known webcomic names and characters without having asked permission. Read more about it over on the PVP blog.

Discoveries abound

By now, everyone on the internet has seen that crazy Christmas light display that I linked to a while back. Well, thanks to the Sneeze, we now have a link to the fine details. Because I know some people were wondering.

Secondly for today, is the latest Penny-Arcade comic. I don’t think I’ll be able to take X-Men 3 seriously either now. I’ll never be able to see Kelsey Grammar as anyone but Fraiser, or at least Sideshow Bob. To tell the truth, I haven’t even seen X2 yet. But oh well. The last thing on my list of X-Men related junk is that during a trip to the IMDb, I discovered that a different actress plays Shadowcat in each film. Kooky.

Spread the Wi-Fi

Picked up my Nintendo Wi-Fi USB adapter yesterday. Been playing Mario Kart too much. I probably should have waited until after exams, but what are you gonna do? Anyhow, it turns out that I’m not the worst player in the world, as I had previously assumed, because I’ve won a bunch more races than I’ve lost. The thing that strikes me the most is the fact that I’ve waited this long to finally get into this online play business. It’s not the greatest thing ever, but it does have some kind of mysterious appeal to it that I can’t possibly hope to explain. Now if only they would implement it in more games I actually want to play. Or more games overall. Whatever. Mario Kart rocks, and I’ll be adding my friend codes to the sidebar as they come along. You know, just in case.

Today, I would like to send a plug out to the always hilariously odd White Ninja Comics. The comics aren’t very run-of-the-mill, but they always manage to have some sort of hilarious gag or punchline thrown in. Sometimes it’s horribly violent, sometimes it’s incredibly stupid. But like I said, always funny. I decided to plug White Ninja because I found today’s comic to be absolutely priceless. And also because my White Ninja t-shirt commands me to.

Birds of a feather obsess about MegaMan together

First off, there’s been an ample amount of submissions to my deviantART gallery. A few scraps, some actual drawings. All on horrible lined paper. I need to use white paper more often.

Secondly, the Child’s Play banner is back. It’s an excellent cause, and I highly recommend donating. Do it for the kids. It’s the only charitable thing I do all year, so I figure it’s worth calling out.

And now, the main course. Today we plug Filler: The Space Killer. It’s a sprite comic made by some chick I briefly had a little back-and-forth with on MOA. As you’ll quickly learn, she’s also obsessed with MegaMan, possibly even more than myself. So anyhow, the comic is generally pretty good. Sometimes it’s even had me in riotous laughter. The only thing is that sometimes you might need some prior knowledge of the MM characters to truly enjoy some of their antics. Thus is the downside of using established characters. The site also features a second comic, sprite sheets, and links. It’s also still being updated semi-regularly. For the record, I’m not a big fan of sprite comics, but I’m not going to get all hot and bothered by ’em like some people.

The new lab tech

1. I fixed some links on the sidebar there. By that, I mean, struck out a dead one, and accomodated to a changed domain name. Changes were only applied to the main page.

2. After waiting three long weeks, Jump Superstars finally arrived yesterday. I love the game, and have a hard time saying where it would rank in my current library. It’s entirely in Japanese, but I’m coping pretty well. I’ve alrady reviewed the demo, so I don’t know about an article…

3. Coozy for Hire’s second comic is up. It’s now official that new comics come out on Thursdays, and that my (comic Ryan’s) storyline will be hoggin’ the spotlight for the next three comics or so. Thus is what happens when you put me in charge of actually managing the comics.

4. Disturbed’s new CD Ten Thousand Fists is out now, and I’m picking it up today. HIM’s Dark Light is due on the 27th, as well as Corner Gas season 2. Whoopee!

It’s coming right for us!

Just some minor changes to the ol’ site today. Fixed up the banner so it’s less than half the size it originally was. If you check it out, it still says GIF, but I assure you, it’s a PNG dressed up as a GIF so that I didn’t have to change each and every page from GIF to PNG. That would have been tee-dee-ous. I also went over the second Art Gallery, and fixed it up so that all the bandwidth-devouring BMP file have been converted into more friendly PNG files. On another note, Audioscrobbler has been renamed to Last.FM, so I got that changed up (on the main page only).

In other news, I posted my bio on the BBS for one of my classes, so if anyone visits that, they’ll probably click the link I provided for the site. So I might have a spike in hits. Just thought I’d mention it. And while I’m on the subject, university is pretty cool, just (as dumb as it sounds) too many people. I can’t find anywhere nice and secluded to read/draw/video games/what-have-you. Then again, I haven’t explored the entire campus, so there is still hope. A hope that’s too far away from my classes to be worthwile, but hope no less.

I’ve been working on a new pseudo-article, and it’s such a thing that it might get updated every so often, unlike the current offerings, which have become pretty much stagnant. Be ready for that around the end of the month.

Finally, I got The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction (you may have heard me rant about how cool it was going to be), and I love it to pieces. It’s similar to GTA(X), but doesn’t get boring after an hour. Expect articleization sometime in the near future.

Oh, and Coozy For Hire should be getting off the ground any day now. Stay tuned for more.

What’s a coozy?

Ever heard of “Press Your Luck”? Cool story.

Julian Beever’s pavement art. Incredible.

OC Remix’s latest project: The Dark Side of Phobos

Funny personal ads. Also a shot at Canadians.

Now that those are out of the way, time for… Well, I forgot what I was going to write about. Yeah. So. Weather’s nice. Oh yeah! Starting up a webcomic. It’ll eventually be found up around here sometime in the future. We’re thinking weekly, but it might be less to start. Also a sidebar link has been added.