Birds of a feather obsess about MegaMan together

First off, there’s been an ample amount of submissions to my deviantART gallery. A few scraps, some actual drawings. All on horrible lined paper. I need to use white paper more often.

Secondly, the Child’s Play banner is back. It’s an excellent cause, and I highly recommend donating. Do it for the kids. It’s the only charitable thing I do all year, so I figure it’s worth calling out.

And now, the main course. Today we plug Filler: The Space Killer. It’s a sprite comic made by some chick I briefly had a little back-and-forth with on MOA. As you’ll quickly learn, she’s also obsessed with MegaMan, possibly even more than myself. So anyhow, the comic is generally pretty good. Sometimes it’s even had me in riotous laughter. The only thing is that sometimes you might need some prior knowledge of the MM characters to truly enjoy some of their antics. Thus is the downside of using established characters. The site also features a second comic, sprite sheets, and links. It’s also still being updated semi-regularly. For the record, I’m not a big fan of sprite comics, but I’m not going to get all hot and bothered by ’em like some people.

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