Sowing the seeds of boredom

You know what’s cool? This is almost perfectly accurate as far as what goes through my mind during a day. Especially the Lucky Charms bit. You have no idea how often I forget the Lucky Charms jingle and spent hours trying to remember it. And who would put Reese Witherspoon at #100 on a list of 100 girls you want to sleep with? She’s gotta be at the very least around 15 to 20. In any case, it’s kind of a relief to know I’m not the only one who has entire conversations with my brain.

I’ve been thinking about buying webspace lately. It’s become a serious thought, even though my site has no visitors and such a venture would end up being a huge waste of money. But first, I need a domain name. And while I’m currently drowning in options of webhosts and domain name providers, I have a much more troubling conundrum. What should I use as my domain name? I seriously have no idea. “” would be too long and hard to spell (sadly, many of my friends are horrible spellers), and I don’t really want to use my name at all. It’s a very important decision that will require much thought and many opinions. This would be a question well suited to be posted at a certain message board, but alas, said message board is long dead.

Hearts, stars and horseshoes, clovers and blue moons. Something about a rainbow, then a red balloon. I’m sure an internet query would solve my dilemma for good, but then I’d have one less thing to do with my free time.

In case you’re wondering about today’s slightly-more-random-than-usual post, I’ve decided to stay up all night, and anything that passed through my mind that I deem important will end up here.

To answer another question that may be floating around in your noggin, yes, I do actually have a day planner where I’ve written down what I should be doing with the site each day for a couple weeks in advance. Currently it’s just a text file, but someday I hope to acquire some piece of technology that will be able to perform a similar function.

I don’t know how this will go over, but I’ve come up with a new genius scheme to attract more visitors. It came to me a while back when I linked to the Sneeze and I checked my referrers page to see that he had visited my site from his referrers page. So for the next however long, I will be making regular plugs to various sites in hopes that their webmasters will check my own. This will work as long as you make sure to click on any link I post. And I promise that no more of them will lead to anything potentially scarring. Sheer idiocy, or pure genius? You make the call.

Lastly, I’ve signed up for a deviantART account… thing. It’s a lot easier to upload stuff there than it is to add to my handmade galleries. Oh, right. The link. There’s also one on the sidebar.

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