It’s running through my brain

Yesterday I discovered the Playstation Store for the first time. This is both fantastic and not good at all.

I suppose I knew that it existed. As I understood it though, it could only be accessed via PS3 and then the games could be transferred to your PSP. If that was ever the case, it’s not anymore. And now I have access to PSOne Classics, and my credit card bill is going to inflate dramatically.

I’ve already bought Breath of Fire IV, Tomb Raider and Gex 3: Enter the Gecko. BoFIV and Tomb Raider because the kids at Gamespite keep telling my how good they are and how I missed out, and Gex 3 because I remember playing and enjoying the N64 version as a whippersnapper. In retrospect, it’s a game that only a child should enjoy; a second-rate Banjo-Kazooie.

The most interesting thing about Gex 3 is that it’s just loaded with pop-culture references. And this was in an age before Family Guy. At least, Gex: Enter the Gecko (Gex 2) predated Family Guy by about a year, and it used the same schtick. After a little research, it seems like Enter the Gecko was actually released before Banjo-Kazooie, making my comment in the last paragraph a little backwards, but you’d think that Crystal Dynamics would have learned from the best for Gex 3. That is to say, the best for 3D platforming collectathons anyway.

I actually cannot wait to dig into Tomb Raider. I remember hating the demo with a passion, but I’ve heard enough people say that once you get around the lame controls and gunplay mechanics there’s a great adventure buried in there. I hope to excavate this supposed relic. Hyuk hyuk.

And Breath of Fire IV? I’ve played the first dungeons in the first two BoF games, and have delved a bit farther into Dragon Quarter (which I need to get back to…), but otherwise I have very little experience with the series. RPGs also seem better suited than complex action games to be played on a system that’s missing two buttons and an analog stick from the original controller. Also, I probably don’t need to buy a third copy of Final Fantasy VIII. Though I inevitably will. The idea of being able to play FFVIII anywhere is way too tempting. And when I can, I fear my 3DS and all other PSP games I own will become completely irrelevant. The only thing that’s really stopping me from doing so right now is the fact that my tiny memory stick is full and I don’t want to buy a new one.

In conclusion, I’m glad the most these games go for is $10 (sans tax!). That’s considerably less than people are trying to make me pay for used physical copies! Hooray!

It’s been hard to find

I picked up Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together a while back, because I love me some tactical strategy games. Two years ago I committed to finishing Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions, and burned my way through it over the summer months. I figured I’d do the same for Tactics Ogre this year. So far, not looking so good.

It’s mostly just that I’m not setting aside any time to play it. I started playing maybe three weeks ago and generally just pick it up during my lunch hours at work. Yeah, that’s an optimal time for handheld games, but when each battle can take anywhere up to half an hour, it makes progress slow. Especially considering that I can spend just as much time between battles tweaking my army’s equipment and skills. Playing the random encounter battles only serves to slow story progression even more. It’s definitely a game that requires a big time commitment.

So far, I’m enjoying TO almost equally to FFT. The big difference is that FFT makes life a little easier for players in several ways. The most obvious one regards skills. In FFT, each class has a skill set, and once you earn enough JP (Job Points) to buy any of the skills within that set, they’re free to use. Permanently ingrained in your character. You walk into battle, and as long as your dude has the Black Magic skill set equipped, he can use any Black Magic he knows. Passive skills and reaction skills are a little more limited, but your abilities are all good to go.

Tactics Ogre is similar, but more complex. You still buy skills, but each unit has a certain allotment of skill slots in which they can be equipped. You can use your points to buy more slots, but they’re expensive. And all skills must be equipped. Passive abilities, stat boosts, counterattacks, usable skills, etc. all take up a valuable slot. It’s not a bad system by any means, but it means you have to grind twice as much so you can buy the skills and the skill slots to put them in.

The other little difference is in attack magic. So far in TO, all the healing and stat-/status-affecting spells I’ve seen just happen where they’re casted. All spells work this way in FFT. The target tiles are highlighted, and the fireball appears there. But attack spells in TO are projectiles, and therefore need a clear path to their target. I’ve fried the heads of many of my own allies because it took me a while to get accustomed to this rule and how to determine the trajectory of the spell (though there is an ability that makes said trajectory visible).

Fortunately, the game also includes a rewind feature called the Chariot Tarot, which can turn battles back by up to 50 turns. While FFT is easier overall (and can be broken much easier), the Chariot system makes life more bearable because you can rewind and basically try to get things right if a battle goes south. Mostly I just use it when I wang one of my own guys in the head with a spell.

None of this is to say that I’m against the game though! I like that it’s challenging but not brutally so. If you do FFT right, the challenge level goes out the window pretty quickly. There are one or two sticky fights, but really as soon as you get ninjas you’re golden. And then when Cid joins? It should just say “you win” at that point. TO doesn’t seem to have such luxuries. But of course, I’m still only a few fights into Chapter 2, so there’s plenty of room left for game-breaking. And that’s what I want, deep down inside. As much as I enjoy the feeling of winning a hard-fought battle by the skin of my teeth (more on that in a second), I truly love marching into battle with unstoppable, dual-wielding demigods. With the skill system here though… I don’t see it happening. At least not if there’s a slot cap. That would be tragic.

As far as winning a battle by a hair, I got into this one random fight yesterday against a bunch of zombified people and skeletons. Such units are all classified as undead, and undead units will come back to life (with full HP!) three turns after they’ve been killed. The only way (currently available) to stop this is with the Exorcism spell. I did not have this spell at the time. Now, felling seven or eight units within three “rounds” of combat isn’t exactly easy, but somehow I managed to make it through and you bet your ass the first thing I did afterward was pick up a few copies of the scroll that teaches Exorcism.

The one thing I really like about the game though, is that you level up classes instead of individual units. Which sucks if you change one of your dudes to a new class and he has to start at Lv1 again, but as long as you bring a good mix of classes to each battle, it should be more beneficial than anything. At least it seems that way for now. Changing classes is a bitch anyway, because unlike FTT where you get new classes by leveling other ones, here you need a special ticket (One for every job class! Collect them all!) every time you want to do a class change. So you can’t just go and change your main dude between black mage and knight every fight. I mean, you can, but it’ll cost you. Not that there’s any reason to do that anyway.

I still love the meat of the game, but there are a few freedoms taken away here that I miss. Not that they’re important of useful freedoms, but if I want to make a paladin that can chuck fireballs, I think I should be able to. Actually, I haven’t seen a paladin class yet, so maybe they can chuck fireballs. A knight that chucks fireballs then. No, spell fencers are not good enough for me!

That sun won’t shine

This morning, I hit 100 consecutive days of playing Dissidia: Final Fantasy. That, combined with the time I’ve been logging in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together probably makes my PSP my most often used video game system. If you’d suggested such a fact to me five years ago, I probably would have kicked your teeth in. With words, of course.

Despite my obvious obsession, I still have a lot to accomplish in the game before I feel comfortable moving onto the sequel. My current goal is to earn the “get every character to level 50” accomplishment, which is not so bad with the good guys, but it’s a slow, boring grind to get all the villains up past L30. Once you hit that point though, it’s pretty smooth sailing. Oddly, I never thought that I would feel that a fighting game had too many fighters to choose from.

Now it’s time to party

I was very excited last week when I heard that the Catherine demo was available for my enjoyment. Alas, it was for Gold members only, so I was stuck waiting for it until… Tuesday I think? In any case, it’s available to the general public now, so I downloaded that.

Let me start by saying that I was interested in Catherine before it was cool. Because I’m super hip. The kids over at Talking Time were all abuzz about it when the first trailer was announced, because it seemed to be a Shin Megami Tensei spinoff of some sort. SMT, and the Persona games in particular, are a big thing over there, so a sexy spinoff was big news. Turns out it has little to do with SMT, and is not even branded as part of the series, but after playing it I can see that there are a few similarities.

Catherine is a puzzle game. Technically it is a falling block game, but not in the “match-three” way that falling block games are. In this one, you must climb a tower made of blocks before they fall out from under you. It’s a little more complicated than that, but such is the basic premise of the gameplay. Also, there is a story that plays out in between the tower-climbing. And this is where it parallels SMT, or Persona 3, at least. During the daytime, you walk around and talk to people, affecting your relationships with them as you go. And then at nighttime, it’s tower climb time. This is the same formula that P3 follows, except that in that game there is an RPG instead of puzzles during the night segments. Again, that’s a very basic summary, but it gets my point across.

After playing the demo, I’m not only interested in Catherine because the Talking Time crew told me to be, but mostly because if you ignore the fact that it is not technically a Persona game, it’s a Persona game I can play. I really would like to get into the series, but from what I’ve heard, they seem to have an issue with requiring perfection. Having to memorize enemy weaknesses and switch up your party all the time to take advantage of them is a little more than I want to deal with in a standard RPG. In a tactical RPG? Sure, that’s part of the genre’s charm. But coming off of Final Fantasy XIII, where your characters learn weaknesses and exploit them automatically, having to tweak your characters/party for each encounter? Too much work.

So Catherine here, the other reason I want to get into it is because the social element and story really interest me. Your social interactions appear to have an effect on how the story plays out, even if it just results in whether your character (Vincent) picks the blond (Catherine) or the brunette (Katherine) in the end, it looks like it’ll be a fun ride. Of course, me being me, I’d definitely do everything to rope Vince into marrying his longtime girlfriend. It’s nice to feel like you have that choice, anyway.

I do want to play the full game, but I’m wondering if it’ll be worth the entry price. $60 is an awful lot for someone with so little disposable income to pay for a game about climbing blocks. I’m sure that I’ll enjoy the daytime segments and the story more than enough to justify the price. It’s hard to say whether I’d play it more than once though. Maybe it’d make a good birthday gift? It is only a month and a half away… Then again, I did play Silent Hill: Shattered Memories several times, and that game was even less about gameplay than Catherine is. I suppose it’ll probably boil down to whether I have enough self-control to avoid buying it or not, though I know how guilty I’ll feel if I do. Huh. Listen to me ramble about finances. Not exactly the most entertaining thing to blog about. Point is, the demo is good, but not $60 good.

In a related story, I’m highly considering getting SMT: Devil Survivor Overclocked for 3DS next month. This one is a tactical RPG, so that’s perfect! I love tactical RPGs! Which reminds me, the PSP port of Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together has been sitting on my floor unopened for at least a month now. Probably should put Dissidia down for a while and start hacking away at that.

(At this point, you’re likely trying to reason out exactly why I think I need to buy more video games.)

We cannot afford to be afraid anymore

Portal 2 was on sale for half price last weekend, so guess what I spent the said weekend doing. Not Portal 2, that’s for sure!

Actually, while I spent most of my weekend playing Sanctum and being murdered by Gigantuars in Final Fantasy XIII, I did set aside a couple hours for Portal 2, and I even booted it up for a few test chambers before bed last night. So far, I am not disappointed in the least. Everyone else figured this out months ago, but wow, Portal 2 is awesome. I’ve just finished up Chapter Three, and I am about as anxious to keep going as I am with a good book.

The thing I think I’m most amazed about (so far) is the difficulty level. With Portal I spent at least a few minutes solving each test chamber. Some, like the one near the end where you have to launch yourself from tower to tower took significantly longer, though now that I think about it, that one in particular took a long time because I had trouble executing my solution. I don’t recall many of the puzzles requiring you to make portals on the fly as you bounce around in the air, so that one always sticks out in my mind. The point is, I was certainly not as good at Portal while I was playing Portal as I was once I had finished Portal. Common sense, no?

Portal 2, on the other hand, is a breeze. At least up to Chapter Four. For almost all the test chambers I’ve passed through, it only took a cursory glance at the room and the tools I had to work with before I knew exactly what to do. It the case of one of the last I played, there was a light bridge, a laser and a companion cube. The cube sits on the bridge, blocking the laser which, when unblocked, would raise a platform to the exit. The cube would also have to be placed on a button to open the door. Trouble was, once the cube stops blocking the laser the lift is up and you can’t get to the door. Tiny spoilers ahead, because I’m going to describe the solution.

What you have to do here is get up onto the light bridge and make a portal at the end of it, then another one on the opposite side of the room, so the bridge goes through and creates a second one parallel to the original. You’ll then set the cube on the second bridge, positioned directly above the button. Here, it will also continue to block the laser. Then you run onto the lift, and create a new portal somewhere else, removing the second bridge. The cube will fall on the button, leaving the laser unblocked, making the lift rise and the door open. Victory!

This isn’t even the trickiest puzzle I’ve encountered so far, but it is the only one I actually had to stop and think about for a minute. Solving it did provide a very satisfying sense of discovery, and that’s what I love about both Portal and it’s sequel. I usually don’t have the patience to puzzle out solutions in games, and will often end up on GameFAQs after five minutes or so. Normally I much prefer the sense of progression to figuring out puzzles on my own. But Portal’s puzzles aren’t like those in other games. There are no obtuse puzzles that you need to keep notes for. Trial and error is minimal, and it never takes long to come up with and implement a new solution if your first didn’t pan out. If you’re poking around the rooms, it’s not because you’re looking for clues, it’s because you’re looking for secrets and enjoying the detailed environments. Mind you, I’m still not very far in Portal 2, so there is potential for it to get significantly harder, but this is the trend I’ve seen so far.

Otherwise? The narrative elements have been fantastic up to this point, and I can’t imagine it won’t hold up to the end. I can easily see how Wheatley is supposed to be the new star of the show, but I have to say that I slightly prefer GLaDOS’ abrasive sincerity to his goofiness. After Portal, GLaDOS earned the rank as one of my favourite video game characters, and her Portal 2 appearance (which really shouldn’t be a spoiler to anyone) only serves to help keep her there. Her writing is top-notch, and the fact that she is totally bitter about the first game’s ending is great. I have kind of an idea of how I think things are going to play out, and if it’s even close, I think it’ll serve the character very well. My hypothesis is a little cliche (hero and antihero team up to defeat common enemy), but GLaDOS is a psychopath, so it’s pretty unlikely. And the hook at the end of Chapter Three is eating away at my soul, killing me a little for every minute I’m not playing. Like I said, it’s gripped me like a good book and I can’t wait to dive back into that world and see how things unfold. I might have to completely ignore Stephanie tonight and hammer away at this game. At least get half an hour in. My goal is to be finished by Sunday night, anyway.

You’ve given me some hope

Geez, I’ve been bad at blogging lately. A week and a half off work and not even a crappy filler post? Shameful.

So during said week, there was quite a lot going on (at least for me). My one goal for the week though, was to get to the end of Final Fantasy XIII. It may have been on Monday, I don’t quite remember, but I did beat it. Hooray! There used to be a time when it would have taken maybe two weeks for me to power through to the end of it, and not two and a half months. Hell, even that’s pretty speedy for me these days. I am so not done with the game though, as there are still a good two dozen marks to hunt, and plenty of achievements to earn. Maybe some aren’t so worth the necessary time/grind investment (the one for having every weapon and piece of equipment, for example), but I think it’s a fun enough game that I’ll stick to it for a while at least.

I’ve also been very slowly plucking away at Final Fantasy on my phone whenever I have five minutes to spare. And actually, now that I think about it, I’m currently playing through 5 different FF game. The aforementioned two, as well as Dissidia, Final Fantasy IV DS (wherein I am brickwalled at Rubicante), and Final Fantasy XII (wherein I stalled out again because my PS2 isn’t hooked up). I think I may have a problem. Especially considering that I intend to move into both Dissidia 012 and Final Fantasy II once I finish their predecessors. Can you believe that there was a good four- or five-year period where I was opposed to RPGs?

In other news, Resident Evil: the Mercenaries 3D is exactly as addictive as the Mercs mode in RE5. Only it’s free to play online! Hooray!

Get on your bikes and ride!

First thing to mention today, I’ve been thinking about this for a while now, and I’m working on a new little side project for this summer. The, uh, “field research” is going quite well, and it should be ready to launch on the first of July. I’m thinking that since it’s a wannabe-professional writing project that I should probably hire an editor, but we’ll see how it goes. Maybe it’ll work, maybe not. We’ll see come the end of the summer.

Also, how great is Link’s Awakening DX? I think it’s pretty awesome, though it is probably the single most obvious piece of evidence that I’m not nearly as patient with my games as I used to be. See, right at the beginning of the game, you can buy a bow from the shop. But it’s 980(?) rupees, which is way more than you can afford at the outset of the quest. But there is a crane minigame that, for the cost of 10 rupees and a little professional insight, you can grind and have that money much faster than you’d acquire it normally. Each play costs 10 rupees and there are two thirty-rupee prizes, so you have a net gain of 40 rupees a run, which means it takes 25 rounds to secure the necessary funds. It takes roughly a minute to grab both rupee prizes, which doesn’t sound so bad, but who wants to grind a crane game for half an hour? So for the first time ever, I’m skipping the bow for now. I’ll wait to come back once I’ve got the cash or the need for the weapon. I seem to remember having more rupees than I’d ever need by the third dungeon, and I don’t recall the bow ever being required to advance. As far as I can remember it’s more of a convenience, which is a far cry from modern Zelda games that have you use it all the time.

Lastly, where my recent Final Fantasy addiction is involved, I think I need to take a break from Dissidia and focus on Final Fantasy XIII. The game (Dissidia, that is) informs me that I’ve played it for forty-something days in a row now. That’s great and all, but at this point I’m mostly just grinding up my characters so that they’re overpowered when I start up Dissidia 012. FFXIII, on the other hand, I am crazy about and need to spend more time with. Over the last few weeks I’ve been powering my way through the “slow” part to the game, but it’s been slow going, getting in maybe one play session a week that lasts more than an hour. I really have no qualms with what I’ve played so far though. Yes, it’s running through enemy-filled hallways to the next cutscene, but I like it that way! Plus, the battles are dynamic enough that I don’t care if I’m just mashing the auto-battle command over and over. Not to mention that the game rewards you for ending battles as quickly as possible, and I love that the game doesn’t keep an average of your battle results. I would hate to open my menu and see a less-than perfect four-star rating there every time, spitting on my pride. Really, I could talk about FFXIII all day long, but this post is long enough already and I’ll save it for another time.

We’ve got a line in the sky

The past 24 hours have both strained and bolstered my love for Nintendo. Not equally, but we’ll get there. For now, let’s just focus on the worst of it, and then end on a positive note.

Yesterday we were promised a system update for the 3DS that enabled, among other things, the eShop. This is a feature that should have been included at the release of the hardware, but I can understand that they wanted to make sure it was as good as it could be, and delays are always better than half-assed product. But then the update was pushed back and back again up to yesterday. And then I got a message saying it would be available in the evening. I waited all damn day, and when did the update go live? 11:40. PM. If not for the fact that I love my system update, I might still be a little bitter about that one.

The eShop, however, is the glorious ship upon which all my hopes and dreams ride. See, ever since before the original Wii (more on that later) launched, I’ve been dreaming of a time where classic GameBoy games would be provided via some sort of download service. And now they are! Yeah, maybe the only ones worth a look are Link’s Awakening DX (still my favourite Zelda ever) and Super Mario Land (debatable), but some day Pokémons in all colours of the rainbow will be available, and maybe more importantly, the Wario Land series. And Donkey Kong ’94! Oh, and the Kirby’s Dream Land and Final Fantasy Legend series! And Metal Gear Solid! …I could go on like this all day. For now I’ll just revel in my favouritest Zelda and the fact that I actually really like Super Mario Land.

And now, about today’s overload of Nintendo goodness. Where to even start? To put it simply, I think the 3DS is about to really come into its own. The first-party lineup alone is more than I need, nevermind the love Capcom’s showing: two Resident Evils and the all-important MegaMan Legends 3. But that Wii U? I am ever so excited about it! With the first Wii, I admit, I was just as skeptical as everyone else, but I have no doubts that Wii U will deliver on every count. USB hard drive compatibility? Check. Awesome new tablet controller? Check. Some decent horsepower? Check. Console that’s an adorable cross of Wii and 360? Check and double check.

Let’s just get one thing straight; I think that the name Wii U is so, so terrible. That is not the name of a game console, that’s the sound a fire truck makes!

But on the plus side, we’re going to have a plethora of great games to play! Think about it this way: Four Swords could get a real revival! And not like I’ll play any of them (Arkham City being the only possible exception), but there are a buttload of “core” games headed to Wii U too, which nearly knocked me off my seat. Anyway, I should go and actually watch that press conference now. Following like five live blogs of it was all well and good, but I’d like to see some of this stuff in action.

You’re mad

Still plugging away at Final Fantasy on my iPhone, not really sure what I should do next, because I got the airship right after Lich, and then went on to get my class changes right away. Thought Pants might be better off with magic. He’s not.

It’s been a long time since I’ve played this game too, and that was the first time. Having gone so far off course on my second playthrough makes me feel really cool because I don’t really think about sequence breaking when I play games. But it’s so easy in Final Fantasy! If you wander around enough (and have a vague idea of what you’re looking for), the game basically cracks right open once you kill Lich and get that canoe.

Oh, and check this out! During my first outing, I played FF1 pretty rigidly, always using my fight commands and saving as much of my black mage’s MP for bosses as I could. Large mobs were annoying and took several rounds to defeat. It was not efficient at all. This time I’ve been wantonly blasting whoever I can with magic, and it turns out that you generally will have enough MP to go around anyway. And then I got the Gauntlets and Healing Rod.

I never realized that items like these were in the game; you can equip them for weak stat bonuses, but really what you want is to use them as items. When using these particular pieces of equipment in battle, they cast thundara and heal respectively. With no MP cost. And they never get used up or go away. So now that Gus can cast thundara every round with no MP drainage, cannon fodder enemies are rendered completely moot. Even nine-monster squads are vanquished in a single turn. I don’t know why the game even bothers to keep sending them out.

I honestly cannot wait to see what other items like this I can find. Something that casts healara would be nice, because while ~50 to the team each turn is more than enough for dungeon crawls, it’s not quite enough to keep up with the bonus dungeon bosses and their unusually strong magic. But then again, I suppose that’s what all my unused MP is for.

I ain’t gonna be easy

I know that when you make a game that revolves around issuing commands that has a touch-only interface, you’re probably gonna have to represent some of those commands with icons. But why, exactly, is the item icon in the iOS version of Final Fantasy a teapot?

I mean, okay, I guess a teapot in general might be classified as an item, but never in the game do you gain a teapot as an item. Your characters never interact with an teapot. There are no enemies shaped like teapots. I don’t even think NPC houses have teapots. I suppose that the teapot is a little less generic than using a bag or maybe a backpack as the item command, but it’s still completely irrelevant.

The teapot doesn’t even represent any items you can carry. Why not make the item icon a potion? That’s likely the most common item subset you’ll be using. Why am I thinking way too hard about this? And where do you go after beating Lich?