A month with Pokémon GO

Pokémon GO hasn’t been out in Canada for a while month yet, but due to some sneaky sneakiness, I’ve had it for a month now. I was totally enamoured of it for the first few days, but how about now? When it comes to phone games, I often get very excited at first and then cool on them just as quickly. Did Pokémon GO avoid that fate?

The answer is both yes and no.

While I was very excited about AR Pokémon times at first, the massive load on the servers made the experience very touch-and-go. So I did sort of let my infatuation with it fade, as it was always a gamble whether I’d actually be able to play or not. Things seem to be getting better, as the game is locking up significantly less often now than it did even two weeks ago. Then again, I might just be getting lucky.

As is often the case with multiplayer-focused games, the actual “game” part of Pokémon GO seems like a massive waste of time for me, and not worth the trouble. There’s the subset of people who will invest all of their time in the game and dominate it, leaving those of us who play casually with no hope of even a temporary victory. And of course, since this is a phone game, folks with cash to burn can also just pay to win. I put a couple dollars in to buy a bag upgrade because I found myself constantly running out of item space, but that’s all I’m ever going to spend on it. So it seems completely futile for me to even try to play the gym battles when they’re stocked with Pokémon at levels that I can’t fathom.

However, I do find it fun to simply wander around and catch Pokémon. The thrill of the hunt is enough for me right now, but I’m sure that it’ll wear off before long. Exploration options are pretty limited when your only method of travel is by foot and you’re also quite lazy. I feel like before long, my Pokémon GO experience will dwindle down to walking around with the app open to hatch all those eggs. That seems to be the real best hope of catching them all.

It’s no secret that I’m a bit of a contrarian, and as weird as it is, I’m a little put off by the massive hype surrounding the game. I should be ecstatic that more people are into something Pokémon-related than ever before, but for whatever reason I find it making me want to distance myself from the phenomenon until it dies down a bit. I know it’s ridiculous, and I hate myself for being such a hipster douche.

So yeah, time will tell. I was one of the few who were incredibly excited about PoGo before it launched, which makes it odd that I’m not as over the moon about it as so many others. Maybe a couple updates with new features will truly rekindle my flame for it, but for now, it’ll just be a thing I may or may not boot up when I go for a walk. Full disclosure: It’s probably going to get booted up more often than not.

Also I still inexplicably want the stupid bracelet. What the heck is wrong with me?

Feel the burn

Should you happen to follow me on Facebook, you probably already know that I’ve taken up running as a way of trying to get into better shape this summer. In my case, it’s really closer to awkward jogging, but that still a lot better than my usual zombie-like shambling. I’m putting a lot of effort into it, too. I try to get out at least every second day, and if I really feel like I can’t push myself that hard, I’ll still make sure to go for a walk, just so that I’m doing something.

Results are mixed thus far. While my legs are pretty much constantly sore from being put through the most activity they’ve seen since I was a child, I do typically feel really great after a run. Oddly enough, despite my massively increased exercise and not eating any differently than I used to, my belt is actually feeling tighter. Which sucks. I’ve also gained a couple kilograms, but I’m going to chalk it up as muscle (I’ve also been working my dumbbells harder than ever). If I accepted it as fat weight, I’d instantly lose all motivation to keep going.

Also, when I was out yesterday, I slipped in a puddle of sludge and tore up my knee a little. I didn’t realize it right away, but it got pretty bloody! Check it out!

Continue reading Feel the burn

Junk Food from Solo Market


Some number of weeks ago -I’ve forgotten already because I’m a senile old fart- I had taken a vacation week off work. And when the cards of fate line up so that my parents and I are on vacation at the same time, that can only mean one thing: a day-long road trip to some places around rural Manitoba.

“Day-long” may be puffing it up a bit, though. It’s more like half a day at most. Truth be told, we all get bored of seeing a whole lot of nothing fairly quickly.

This year’s road trip began with a tasty brunch out at a funky little place just outside of the city. I don’t remember what it was called, but it’s squirreled away behind two golf courses. It was so pretty and rustic and woodly, I immediately brought up how I felt like I had wandered onto the set of Gilmore Girls. To which my father let out an exasperated sigh, and the rest of us enjoyed the rest of the day making Gilmore Girls references.

That’s not really relevant to this post though. I just needed an excuse to bring up Gilmore Girls.

Continue reading Junk Food from Solo Market

Pokémon makes me Go places

I’ve had it for only a matter of hours, and Pokémon Go, the new mobile AR game from Niantic, has already persuaded me to explore a little and check out places I never would have gone otherwise. Since the game encourages you to check out local landmarks (historic sites, parks, murals, statues, etc), I’ve already seen a few things around my workplace that I haven’t noticed in the four years I’ve been here. It’s even cooler when the associated landmarks have little blurbs about them, to add learning to the fun and exercise.

Good on you, Pokémon Go. Good on you.

I’m still not gonna buy that massively overpriced bracelet, though. I want it, but even I cannot justify the cost.

Skool Dayz

So here’s something interesting that I haven’t touched on at all on this blog: I’ve gone back to school! Yep, I am now officially a college student, with all the prestige that the title brings. And only several years from now, I will (hopefully) be able to claim the coveted certificate of accounting.

Normally I wouldn’t bother trying to learn any marketable skills, and just continue to coast through life on slightly more than minimum wage, but since it relates to my chosen “profession,” my employer is paying for it all. Not a bad deal, by any means. And with any luck, it will keep me relevant in my position for a few more years to come.

The course I’m currently in has been fairly easy so far, but aside from the material, I’m learning some very important lessons about myself. First, and most importantly, I am absolutely terrible at remembering definitions. I mean, I know what things mean, and I can match them up if you give me a list, but if I had to write out definitions from memory, I would be 100% boned. Weird!

The other thing, which I kind of already knew, is that school eats up a lot of time, and apparently I freak out a little bit if I don’t get enough Ryan Time during the week. I think that’s something I’m just going to have to let go of though, and somehow figure out how to develop good study habits. That’s going to be the hardest part, because I have been living fairly care-free for quite a while now.

So yeah, it’s quite a shock to my system, but it’s a good thing overall. And I guess that as a little bonus, it’s something I can sort of use as a conversation piece. Accounting isn’t interesting in and of itself, but it’s a heck of a lot more than I usually have to talk about.

Thanks for indulging me briefly. We now return to our regularly scheduled babbling mindlessly about video games.

Ice to see you

I think that the worst feeling in the world, is that feeling when you get in the shower and turn on the tap, only to realize that you forgot to turn off the showerhead the previous day.

That split-second of dread, and realizing what’s about to happen is probably even worse than the impending blast of ice-cold water that arrives soon afterward. It’s just enough time to look up and say “aw, fudge” dramatically, but not quite enough time to leap out of the way.

Drinking with the grain of the liquor

Last night was my office Xmas party. Normally I hate these functions, as I have a long history at being awful at mingling. So I spent the entire week dreading the evening, as I do every year.

It wasn’t so bad though. Actually, I had a really good time. I ended up talking to a lot of people, and even sat at a table separate from the rest of my department. So somehow I managed to survive and even have a good time despite being miles away from my comfort zone. Who would have thought?

Of course, by “somehow” I mean “thanks to the liquor.”

I haven’t had a drink in over 5 years for reasons that I will not get into, but last night I decided that it was time to let go of that particular anxiety and have a few liquor drinks. I wouldn’t say that I was full-on drunk, but I’m pretty sure that there was a noticeable shift in my demeanor. I most certainly cracked a number of jokes that I would not have had the nerve to get out if I’d been sober.

Despite the fact that things turned out well, I can’t help but feel like I’ve taken the first step down a long, dark, downward spiral…


My Friday evening

While one of my favourite ways to spend a crisp fall evening is to go for a nice, romantic stroll, it’s not really an activity that I can enjoy to its fullest potential these days.

But snuggling under a thick blanket with video games and a mug of hot chocolate filled to the brim with mini-marshmallows is a good way to pass the time too. So happy right now.

Also there is a piping hot pizza just out of the frame.