Just killed a man

You know what’s ridiculous? Paying money for things. Don’t get me wrong, I buy stuff all the time. Or when I get the opportunity anyway. Money is a little tight right now so spending on unnecessary goods is last on the priority list. Especially when things are so way overpriced. Like the DVD/Blu-ray sets of Fringe.

I want to watch this series because it seems like a show that I’d enjoy. But everything in the world is stopping me from doing that legally. Netflix, which has been my go-to place for TV, does not carry it yet. Because stupid Canadian Netflix is stupid and has a considerably smaller library than American Netflix. Best Buy will sell me the more desirable Blu-ray set, but for $80 a pop. I make bad financial decisions, but I am surely not paying that much for a single season of a show I’m not totally sure I’m into yet. They have the DVD version available for $65, which is closer to what I’d be willing to pay for the BD set, but not for DVD. Wal-Mart will supply me with the DVD sets for $30 each, only not a single Wal-Mart in the city has season one in stock. Ever.

Also, Wal-Mart doesn’t sell TV Blu-rays? WTF?

So I guess for now I’m illegally downloading the series. Yeah, ya heard me. That’s what I did with the first episode, which is all I’ve watched so far. It’s good stuff though! At least, I enjoyed it. I always find serious TV shows very hard to start watching, and if there isn’t a hook that caters to my interests, I will pass them by without a second thought not matter how good a reputation they have. CSI? Not interested. The Sopranos? Pass. Game of Thrones? Oh God it looks so boring. Actually, I don’t think there’s ever been an HBO series that I’ve even been marginally interested in.

The ones I do like always have a specific little something that pulls me in. For example, I probably would have let LOST go, if not for that scary thing that was roaring in the jungle and uprooting trees at the end of episode one. What is it? A dinosaur? A monster? Something more sinister? There were plenty of reasons for me to stick with LOST (NB: Hurley), but that spooky thing in the jungle was the number one thing that caught my interest and made me watch the second episode immediately afterwards. I wanted to know what that thing was, dammit! And I would watch as many episodes as it took to find out.

Fringe doesn’t benefit from something so blatantly mysterious and intriguing, but rather the promise of many such things in smaller, episode-sized doses. From what I understand, the show is about a bunch of misfits solving mysteries and battling evil with “fringe science.” Already in episode one we’ve seen a creepy virus that makes skin invisible and mental linkage through copious amounts of drugs, so I have a feeling things will get pretty crazy pretty quickly.

The show also seems to be going in the opposite direction of Dollhouse when it comes to the subject of maintaining a running plot. As I explained yesterday, Dollhouse is working things together very slowly, while in the first episode, Fringe has already established basic character backgrounds, a huge corporation that may or may not have evil intentions, a possible secret society, and countless other plot threads that are clearly leading into something bigger. In short, it’s the sci-fi cop drama version of LOST. Which is almost exactly what I want to be watching. Really, my ideal TV situation would be watching LOST for a third time. Alas, I need to branch out a bit.

Hopefully the rest of Fringe continues to tickle my fancy as well as the first episode did. Judging by the little bits I’ve read about it on Wikipedia, I don’t think I’m going to end up disappointed. The fact that it’s a Bad Robot production also leaves me greatly optimistic, as other TV shows by said company include LOST and Alias, not to mention my 2011 Movie of the Year, Super 8. So yeah, I’ve got a pretty good feeling about this one. Just wish it wasn’t so danged expensive to watch it legitimately.

Might be from Hell

I’ve decided that I’m going to try to spend most -if not all- of this week talking about TV. Mostly so that I can tell people that my blog is about random stuff, and not just video games. Also, because I have thoughts on TV shows that I want to share! I may have mentioned that yesterday.

So, Dollhouse. I watch this one every Sunday morning when I’m getting my weekly exercise on the elliptical. You might say that spending 50 minutes exercising a week is not enough, and you may be right. But this is my scheduled exercise, which I do very reliably, as opposed to any other exercise I get being more spontaneous. During the warmer months I spend at least an hour in the pool afterward, so it’s a pretty good day for my physical wellness. Adding Dollhouse to the routine has also bumped up the elliptical workout from 30 minutes to the aforementioned 50, which seems like a lot more time when I’m actually on the machine.

Hey, I thought this post was about a television program, not my slowly improving exercise habits!

I’m four episodes in right now, and I’ve got to say that I feel like it’s starting out a bit too slowly. The premise of the show is that there is this semi-secret organization called the Dollhouse, which wipes the minds of willing candidates and then contracts them out to do jobs. The “Actives” are then programmed with whatever skills and personality traits the job demands, and then some. It’s a neat premise, thought not exactly what I expected. I guess I read the summary on the DVD case as though our main character, Echo, was always herself, just with new skills programmed in for whatever she’s going to be doing that episode, like changing jobs in Final Fantasy Tactics. But nope, in every episode she plays a different character, and they all begin and end with her as a totally blank slate. It doesn’t really hinder the show, but you definitely feel less attachment to Echo, because you don’t really have that one character to follow, but the same actress playing a new one every time.

This format leads to the show having a sort of “caper of the week” feel to it, which I’m not really into. I prefer to have my serialized programming follow an overall plot thread. Little frays in said thread are fine if you want to add side-stories and character development, but up to this point each Dollhouse episode could be more or less a self-contained story. It does seem to be dangling carrots hinting at consistency and a grander plot, but so far they’ve all been repetitive background noise. By which I mean characters keep talking about stuff, but they’re always saying the same thing and never developing anything further. It could all come to a head in episode five and I’ll have egg all over my face, but I kind of doubt it. Any consistency here is enjoying a very slow burn.

Of course, it’s worth mentioning that the show was cancelled after two seasons, so it could end up that all these loose ends will be hastily cobbled into a big, sloppy mess just to put a wrap on whatever story they’re telling. That might be even worse than having no continuity. Could end up that they winds themselves into a rich, if somewhat short tapestry. Who knows? I sure can’t tell where it’s going yet, but I have theories.

Dollhouse is certainly an entertaining show, but like I said, I’m not too keen on the fact that our main character isn’t (yet) really a character. The independent episode plots are cool, but I think the show will get much more interesting once the secondary stories start to develop and take the forefront. That said, Alias is still the top dog* when it comes to this specific brand of fiction. Sydney Bristow could go on any number of zany missions, but she was still always headed towards a clear goal. For Echo, not so much. But I’ll stick with it. Worst case scenario, there are only 22 more episodes, and they do provide an incentive to get a little exercise.

*In all fairness, my experience with Alias is from season three onwards, and even then I mostly “watched” it as background noise to Dissidia and Picross 3D. I certainly enjoyed what I saw though.

Everybody hide!

In regards to that post I made a long time ago about FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood being too similar to the original anime series, yeah, I’ve got my foot in my mouth now. The first 13 or so episodes do a very quick roundup of the major events that transpire in the first half of the original series, and then things branch off in so many different directions that wouldn’t even know where to begin if I tried.

This is awesome. What was looking like a smoother retelling of a story I knew has become an entirely new story, with at least two scoops worth of new characters, some entirely repurposed characters, a whole mess of new plot threads, and just a bunch of overall awesomeness. The bad guys are badder, the mysteries are thicker, and I simply cannot get enough! I don’t think I’ve been this enraptured in a show since LOST. In fact, I know I haven’t.

Other shows I’m watching right now include Dollhouse, which I watch on Sudays while I’m on the elliptical, and Fringe, which I’ve only watched one episode of, but it feels like it’s going somewhere cool. Also Community, what I believe to be the funniest show currently on TV. Not that I watch it on TV per se. All of my serial programming comes to me either on optical discs of some sort, or through the magic of Netfilx. I have many thoughts to share about all three shows mentioned above, though most of said thoughts should probably wait until I’ve gotten deeper into each series.

In summation, I don’t really have anything to say today.

Now it’s time to party

I was very excited last week when I heard that the Catherine demo was available for my enjoyment. Alas, it was for Gold members only, so I was stuck waiting for it until… Tuesday I think? In any case, it’s available to the general public now, so I downloaded that.

Let me start by saying that I was interested in Catherine before it was cool. Because I’m super hip. The kids over at Talking Time were all abuzz about it when the first trailer was announced, because it seemed to be a Shin Megami Tensei spinoff of some sort. SMT, and the Persona games in particular, are a big thing over there, so a sexy spinoff was big news. Turns out it has little to do with SMT, and is not even branded as part of the series, but after playing it I can see that there are a few similarities.

Catherine is a puzzle game. Technically it is a falling block game, but not in the “match-three” way that falling block games are. In this one, you must climb a tower made of blocks before they fall out from under you. It’s a little more complicated than that, but such is the basic premise of the gameplay. Also, there is a story that plays out in between the tower-climbing. And this is where it parallels SMT, or Persona 3, at least. During the daytime, you walk around and talk to people, affecting your relationships with them as you go. And then at nighttime, it’s tower climb time. This is the same formula that P3 follows, except that in that game there is an RPG instead of puzzles during the night segments. Again, that’s a very basic summary, but it gets my point across.

After playing the demo, I’m not only interested in Catherine because the Talking Time crew told me to be, but mostly because if you ignore the fact that it is not technically a Persona game, it’s a Persona game I can play. I really would like to get into the series, but from what I’ve heard, they seem to have an issue with requiring perfection. Having to memorize enemy weaknesses and switch up your party all the time to take advantage of them is a little more than I want to deal with in a standard RPG. In a tactical RPG? Sure, that’s part of the genre’s charm. But coming off of Final Fantasy XIII, where your characters learn weaknesses and exploit them automatically, having to tweak your characters/party for each encounter? Too much work.

So Catherine here, the other reason I want to get into it is because the social element and story really interest me. Your social interactions appear to have an effect on how the story plays out, even if it just results in whether your character (Vincent) picks the blond (Catherine) or the brunette (Katherine) in the end, it looks like it’ll be a fun ride. Of course, me being me, I’d definitely do everything to rope Vince into marrying his longtime girlfriend. It’s nice to feel like you have that choice, anyway.

I do want to play the full game, but I’m wondering if it’ll be worth the entry price. $60 is an awful lot for someone with so little disposable income to pay for a game about climbing blocks. I’m sure that I’ll enjoy the daytime segments and the story more than enough to justify the price. It’s hard to say whether I’d play it more than once though. Maybe it’d make a good birthday gift? It is only a month and a half away… Then again, I did play Silent Hill: Shattered Memories several times, and that game was even less about gameplay than Catherine is. I suppose it’ll probably boil down to whether I have enough self-control to avoid buying it or not, though I know how guilty I’ll feel if I do. Huh. Listen to me ramble about finances. Not exactly the most entertaining thing to blog about. Point is, the demo is good, but not $60 good.

In a related story, I’m highly considering getting SMT: Devil Survivor Overclocked for 3DS next month. This one is a tactical RPG, so that’s perfect! I love tactical RPGs! Which reminds me, the PSP port of Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together has been sitting on my floor unopened for at least a month now. Probably should put Dissidia down for a while and start hacking away at that.

(At this point, you’re likely trying to reason out exactly why I think I need to buy more video games.)

It started somewhere in my chest

Hmmm… Updates are coming fairly often these last couple weeks, aren’t they? This could be trouble. But at least I’m getting my thoughts out of my head and onto paper, unimportant though they may be. I mean, almost everything I’ve blogged over the last few months has been about video games. What happened to my ability to blog about slightly less stupid things? Not that Marshmallow Mateys or girls with fake blue eyes are much more interesting. So I’ll try to come up with more random/entertaining things to post. In the meantime, vidja games!

I bought the Bit.Trip Runner soundtrack on iTunes a while back (like… January?), and the game itself before that, but I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned them here. Which is a shame, because they’re just the best.

Well, that’s a mouthful, but Runner is definitely a solid game, and it’s a real shame that I don’t really play it. I guess that might have something to do with the steep difficulty curve, but that in and of itself might only be a problem because I have a big stupid ape brain. The game is about learning button cues and having the reflexes to execute them in different orders at different speeds. It’s laid out as a man running across various terrain, with a multitude of objects that will impede his progress. Every object requires a different action. For example, you simply jump over small obstacles like rocks and elevated ground, but there are two coloured balls that fly at you in a wave pattern. One will always end up high, which you have to slide under, and one will always go low, which requires a jump. It’s your job to remember which colour goes high and which goes low.

Really, the game is essentially a guitar (or any other kind of rhythm game, for that matter) game, except your notes are obstacles instead of a cue that literally tells you which button to press. And the rhythm game comparison goes even farther than that, because every action makes sound effect that mesh in with the music. There are two types of collectibles scattered throughout each stage: gold and powerups. The gold is just a “try to get them all” thing, so it can be safely ignored. The powerups mostly just boost your score, but they also carry the much cooler benefit of altering the background music, layering on additional melodies and instruments every time you pick one up, which is a super cool effect.

As I mentioned before, the failing here is that the game is hard. Like, I was “stuck partway through world one” hard. Only after playing that particular stage for hours did I manage to memorize it well enough to make it through. Now I’m almost to the end of the third world and hit another brick wall. It’s still a fun game, but you can only fail the same stage so many times before you move onto something you can be more successful at. The nice thing is that while even a nudge from an obstacle will halt your progress, it really only rewinds you. Commander Video is sent back very quickly to the beginning of the stage, and you’re back up and running after a short countdown. No “you lose” screens, no waiting for the level to re-load. It’s all very snappy in pace, and I love that.

Did I mention how much I love the music? I think I might have, but it bears repeating. Man I love the music in this game.

I highly recommend giving Bit.Trip Runner a shot. It’s the only Bit.Trip game that I’ve found compelling enough to try, and I’m glad I did. Even Stephanie had trouble putting it down the one time I made her play it. It’s available on WiiWare ($8) and Steam ($??), and if those are too expensive, there’s a game on the App Store called Action Hero which is a very simplified version of the same game style. I’m sure there are other ones too, but Bit.Trip Runner stands head and shoulders above the rest, if only because its music meshes in with the gameplay so nicely and transparently. Plus the bonus stages are based on Pitfall!, so that’s pretty rad.

Gimme the honky tonk blues

MegaMan Legends 3 was cancelled yesterday. This is absolutely heart-wrenching news for me for a lot of reasons. Obviously, because I’m a MegaMan fanboy (though I’ve been somewhat less vocal about that recently), but also because that’s the 3DS game I was waiting for. I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s the reason I bought my 3DS, but it would likely have been reason #2 if I had an enumerated list of reasons why I bought the machine.

It’s also sad because the Legends series is far and away my favourite incarnation of MegaMan. The platformers are great and all, but not one classic MegaMan game had the charm and personality that Legends exuded. MegaMan Powered Up! certainly tried, but even with its cutesy style, it still lacked the pure soul that makes Legends so unique.

While the graphics in the Legends games are blocky, they still look damn spiffy for PS1 games. Hell, these games are partly defined by their colourful palettes and Miyazaki-esque art direction. There wasn’t exactly a great wealth of PS1 games that made such good use of so few polygons. Not to mention that the characters’ faces were all fully animated in cutscenes. It’s not so impressive today, but was definitely a Big Deal in 1997. The only other game I can think of that had complex facial animations (defined here as more than a hinged jaw) in that generation was Turok 3, and that was in 2000. I’m sure there were more, but those are the only two that spring to mind.

Moreso than the graphical prowess though, the characters and worlds really popped and brought the games to life. Every major character in MegaMan Legends (the first) is lovable. I could go on to describe all that in great detail here, but why do so when there is a perfectly good article already written about the same subject?

Point is, Capcom may have figured it was a lost cause because all that matters is profit, but I think it would have been a fantastic game. The people working on it were committed to the project, and there was a fairly huge community surrounding and supporting it. It likely wouldn’t have been a million-seller, but maybe it would have been the 3DS game to own. Now we’ll never know. And we’ll never have closure to that cliffhanger ending in MegaMan Legends 2. Goddammit.

Just sleep

I was going to write a post yesterday ranting about my lack of sleep and how I hate being tired all the time. It’s good that I didn’t get it finished though, because it was really stupid and I spent most of it blaming everyone else for sucking up all my free time. And that would make me a dick. What it really boiled down to was that if I want to watch FullMetal Alchemist or play Half-Minute Hero, I have to do it in the time I should be using to sleep. This causes problems for me in the way of me being exhausted all day long, but it’s still my choice, and I consistently choose leisure over a proper rest.

In actual news, I played the Duke Nukem Forever demo. Glad I did too, because I don’t see anything there worth picking up the full version for. Firstly, the gameplay is not Duke Nukem. Maybe the full version is different, but in the demo the levels are pretty linear. No exploring or backtracking necessary. I suppose that kind of game design is outdated, but I’d really prefer if you kept your Halo out of my Duke Nukem, please. It would have been much better if Gearbox had just dressed up Borderlands in a Duke skin. Everybody likes Borderlands.

The other -and possibly more important- thing that threw me off was the difficulty level. Maybe the demo stage is at the end of the game or something, but I chose easy mode and still died every time I encountered enemies. I’m pretty sure I don’t suck at FPSes, because I don’t die all the time in Borderlands or… okay, so that’s the only real FPS I’ve played in recent memory, but I don’t suck at it!

The good things about it were… nothing. Maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but there surely wasn’t anything that impressed me. I kind of liked that you can see Duke’s body when he falls down or you look where his feet should be, as opposed to other FPSes where you’re a disembodied hand. That little detail is something I want to see in every FPS from now on. It really should have been standardized years ago. Other than that, I suppose the full version promises boobies, but that’s not a good reason to buy a game. Last time I bought a game because of boobies, I ended up with God of War, which I found so incredibly boring that I didn’t even suffer through half the game before I traded it in. So yeah, Duke demo did not impress me, and I’m glad that I wasn’t one of those people hyped up for the game enough to buy it blind on launch day. I’ll stick to Duke Nukem 3D, thank you very much. Or even better, one of the old side-scrolling Duke games.

It’s all in how you disappear me

Huh. I typed a lot of words about Portal 2 there, didn’t I? Played a little Friday night, and the surprise at the beginning of Chapter Four was fantastic. If it had turned out any other way, I think I may have stopped playing. I <3 GLaDOS. And test chamber 19 almost got me. It was a brilliant puzzle, and I don’t think any game will ever match Portal 2 in terms of sheer puzzle awesomeness. I kind of wish I hadn’t waited so long to play it, but I having the other $30 still in my bank account makes me almost as happy.

I’m also investing PC gaming time in Sanctum, which is a first-person shooter, but also a tower defense game. Yeah I know your mind is boggled, but it works. I love it, and if my computer was able to run it without turning off the graphics and knocking the resolution down to 800×600, I’d probably spend all my time with it. I really do love tower defense games, but I can never seem to convince myself of it until I’m playing them. Plants vs. Zombies, for example, I actually didn’t buy until Stephanie got herself addicted to it.

Sanctum mixes it up a bit. Whereas most tower defense games have you build while your invaders are on the way (PvZ, My Life as a Darklord), or let you set down your defenses then start the wave and watch the massacre play out (Crystal Defenders), Sanctum has a build phase and an extermination phase. Like the latter type of tower defense game, you have a nice calm period in which to build and upgrade your defenses. This lasts as long as you want, letting you concoct the best setup you can muster, or just to bounce around and explore the surprisingly large and detailed levels. Once you’re done, extermination phase removes your ability to build and upgrade, as well as starting the enemy wave. BUT! Now you have guns, and rather than sitting and watching your towers rip them apart (though you can do that), you’re able to jump into the fray and pop caps in monster asses. My play style mostly sees me trying to snipe targets before they get to my turrets but around wave five or so (depending on stage and difficulty) even if I’ve spent all my resources on upgrading my sniper rifle, the enemies bulk up enough in HP and numbers to necessitate a line of defense.

Like any other tower defense game, I’ve spent a lot of time trial-and-erroring my way to perfect victories, but as of this post, I’ve yet to earn one on any difficulty higher than easy. Which is a shame. The multiplayer aspect is pretty awesome too, though it does seem to be considerably harder. Even on the first map, I’ve yet to survive an entire round in multiplayer. Super fun though, and I’ll likely stick with it. Not even because I just want to get as many cheevos as I can! That gets an exclamation mark because I usually only stick with games longer than I should for the achievements.

We cannot afford to be afraid anymore

Portal 2 was on sale for half price last weekend, so guess what I spent the said weekend doing. Not Portal 2, that’s for sure!

Actually, while I spent most of my weekend playing Sanctum and being murdered by Gigantuars in Final Fantasy XIII, I did set aside a couple hours for Portal 2, and I even booted it up for a few test chambers before bed last night. So far, I am not disappointed in the least. Everyone else figured this out months ago, but wow, Portal 2 is awesome. I’ve just finished up Chapter Three, and I am about as anxious to keep going as I am with a good book.

The thing I think I’m most amazed about (so far) is the difficulty level. With Portal I spent at least a few minutes solving each test chamber. Some, like the one near the end where you have to launch yourself from tower to tower took significantly longer, though now that I think about it, that one in particular took a long time because I had trouble executing my solution. I don’t recall many of the puzzles requiring you to make portals on the fly as you bounce around in the air, so that one always sticks out in my mind. The point is, I was certainly not as good at Portal while I was playing Portal as I was once I had finished Portal. Common sense, no?

Portal 2, on the other hand, is a breeze. At least up to Chapter Four. For almost all the test chambers I’ve passed through, it only took a cursory glance at the room and the tools I had to work with before I knew exactly what to do. It the case of one of the last I played, there was a light bridge, a laser and a companion cube. The cube sits on the bridge, blocking the laser which, when unblocked, would raise a platform to the exit. The cube would also have to be placed on a button to open the door. Trouble was, once the cube stops blocking the laser the lift is up and you can’t get to the door. Tiny spoilers ahead, because I’m going to describe the solution.

What you have to do here is get up onto the light bridge and make a portal at the end of it, then another one on the opposite side of the room, so the bridge goes through and creates a second one parallel to the original. You’ll then set the cube on the second bridge, positioned directly above the button. Here, it will also continue to block the laser. Then you run onto the lift, and create a new portal somewhere else, removing the second bridge. The cube will fall on the button, leaving the laser unblocked, making the lift rise and the door open. Victory!

This isn’t even the trickiest puzzle I’ve encountered so far, but it is the only one I actually had to stop and think about for a minute. Solving it did provide a very satisfying sense of discovery, and that’s what I love about both Portal and it’s sequel. I usually don’t have the patience to puzzle out solutions in games, and will often end up on GameFAQs after five minutes or so. Normally I much prefer the sense of progression to figuring out puzzles on my own. But Portal’s puzzles aren’t like those in other games. There are no obtuse puzzles that you need to keep notes for. Trial and error is minimal, and it never takes long to come up with and implement a new solution if your first didn’t pan out. If you’re poking around the rooms, it’s not because you’re looking for clues, it’s because you’re looking for secrets and enjoying the detailed environments. Mind you, I’m still not very far in Portal 2, so there is potential for it to get significantly harder, but this is the trend I’ve seen so far.

Otherwise? The narrative elements have been fantastic up to this point, and I can’t imagine it won’t hold up to the end. I can easily see how Wheatley is supposed to be the new star of the show, but I have to say that I slightly prefer GLaDOS’ abrasive sincerity to his goofiness. After Portal, GLaDOS earned the rank as one of my favourite video game characters, and her Portal 2 appearance (which really shouldn’t be a spoiler to anyone) only serves to help keep her there. Her writing is top-notch, and the fact that she is totally bitter about the first game’s ending is great. I have kind of an idea of how I think things are going to play out, and if it’s even close, I think it’ll serve the character very well. My hypothesis is a little cliche (hero and antihero team up to defeat common enemy), but GLaDOS is a psychopath, so it’s pretty unlikely. And the hook at the end of Chapter Three is eating away at my soul, killing me a little for every minute I’m not playing. Like I said, it’s gripped me like a good book and I can’t wait to dive back into that world and see how things unfold. I might have to completely ignore Stephanie tonight and hammer away at this game. At least get half an hour in. My goal is to be finished by Sunday night, anyway.

Eyes of flame

Got me some of the second degree of those new (for a limited time, most likely) Doritos, the Firey Buffalo flavour, and I was not at all disappointed. It was a while back, so I don’t entirely remember how they tasted, but the description was pretty accurate. They were a super-hot version of buffalo-wing flavoured chips, and I found them much more in line with my tastes than the jalapeno variety. Still not exactly a kind of chip I would buy regularly, but there’s more to that than only decent flavour.

These motherlovers were hot. Like, insane amounts of spiciness lived within these chips, and I honestly could not manage to finish the entire bag in a single sitting – and this is one of the small bags we’re talking about. Luckily, I did not manage to buy a Pepsi Lime again, so I had a slightly more effective and much less disgusting glass of water there to help soothe the burn. Though it didn’t. Because they were so hot! I won’t say I’m a connoisseur of spicy foods, but there were definitely up there on the list of the spiciest foods I’ve eaten.

The odd twist to this story, however, lies in the 3rd degree burn Doritos. I’ve been looking for them since I polished off the second half of this bag, but I cannot find them! Perhaps I need to search convenience stores situated a little bit father from my house, but they seem to have disappeared right off the racks. Now I can’t believe that the hottest of these chips is the most popular, because I could barely stand the second level of them, but they can’t have been pulled or recalled because Frito-Lay still advertises them on their website. Perhaps the Scorchin’ Habanero was subject to a very small production run? I may never know for sure, but that may be okay, because I’m fairly confident that eating those chips would quite literally set my mouth aflame. Aflame, I say! I really love getting the chance to use words with a’s tacked onto the front of them. It makes me feel all dramatic and whatnot.