I’m gonna rock you tonight

First, I have a very important link for you. Yeah, quit your moaning. The Legend of Zelda is 20 years old now, and 1up.com has published a very nice retrospective on the series. If you’re reading this post, you need to read this article. You owe it to yourself. And then go play some Zelda.

The other thing I want to talk about today is Guitar Hero for the PS2. It’s been out for a while, but it’s also been a very slippery game to get a hold of, and only recently did the local EB get some copies in, and me and my brother pounced like a horny teenage boy on the drunk chick at a party. Well, I’m more than pleased. The first thing you should know is that we have both found it extremely hard. Of course, I’ve never even seen a guitar, so that’s understandable. Even with the level of difficulty, I’ve been having a ton of fun with it. Beats dancing anyday, although my left hand is seriously cramped from the fret buttons. The best part of the game is without a doubt the soundtrack. Featuring bands I adore such as Boston, Deep Purple, and Queen, there’s no lack of great music to rock out to. First video game soundtrack (with “real” songs) to be free of rap, I think. Nice bonus there. Not to mention that the illusion that I’m playing “More Than a Feeling” brings me a joy that cannot be expressed in human words. Final word: If you don’t have some irrational and unfounded hatred of rhythm games, grab this one. It beats the pants off DDR as far as fun and music go, and it’s even more entertaining than Donkey Konga. Grab a second guitar and a few buddies, and you’ve got hours of limitless fun.

The mysterious vanishing title

I forget what my moving status was last time I updated you, but I now have all my “pseudo-article” content (except the Gallery – more on that in a bit) moved over. I’ve also finished up about half the mini-reviews, I’m even going over the older ones to incorporate the newer layout and the Pros/Cons boxes. The other half should be done by the end of the day or tomorrow. Lastly, I’ve also restored my address bar icon and created the January 2006 news archive.

I’ve decided that keeping a multitude of galleries is a bad idea, so to coincide with my Angelfire to Comedy-Napalm move, I’ll also be moving all the content of my art galleries to DeviantART to make my life easier. That should all be moved over by Sunday, depending on my enthusiasm for the task. There’s even some new stuff there to boot…

Moving everything is all well and good, you say, but where’s the new content? I’ve got some good news for you. I’ll be finishing a new non-review and a proper review soon. There will also be a new article on Comedy Napalm from me in a couple days. And don’t go spreading rumours, but there have been talks about bringing back a featurette that hasn’t been seen in a coon’s age. I won’t say exactly what it is, but I’ll tell you this: it’s not exactly the most popular feature on the site.

That said, I’m off to be productive. Funk Master R. Valentine, away!

Super Equilibrium Bros

They say you can set any mood with the right tune. This has got to be the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while.

To balance out the entertainment levels, here’s the collection of this year’s Super Bowl commericals. You know, if you’ve got nothing better to do. Which is likely considering which website you’re reading.

That’s really it for today. I don’t feel like bumming any more links at the moment. However, I just discovered that Resident Evil: Deadly Silence comes out tomorrow. The name was pretty accurate, as that one really snuck up on me. Well, there’s another forty bucks down the tubes. So anyway, what’s up? We never talk anymore. I feel like we’re falling apart. You know what would solve that problem? Joining the forums. Or if you’ve already joined, why not post something?

From Ryan with love

Woah. Did you know there’s a Super Mario Bros soundboard? This is awesome. Now I can listen to the underwater music indefinitely.

But to get back on track (actually, that was the whole reason I’m posting), I have some news. I recently rented the newest James Bond game, From Russia With Love. Yes, it’s made by Electronic Arts, and yes, it’s third-person. But you know what? It’s not half-bad. I was as surprised as you, my friend. I’m not going to go on about it, but it has turned out to ba a half-decent shooter. The last handful of EA Bond games didn’t even convince me to play more than the first level (Hell, I didn’t even try Everything or Nothing), but while I didn’t finish it, From Russia With Love is definitely more enjoyable than the last few. While shooting takes the forefront, there are also plenty of bonus objectives to accomplish and goodies to find. The game has a pretty good upgrade system, and there are plenty of things to unlock. Didn’t try multiplayer, but it seems a bit half-hearted, as you can only play as villains. From the time I spent with the game, I’d say it’s worth the seven bucks I spent to rent it. Not as worth it as POP:T2T was, but good enough. I’m satisfied, and that’s all I ask.

If you don’t feel like trying it out, go play with sand instead. Eerily enough, it’s just about as fun. Oh, and the Steve articles and Chat Radio have all been moved over.