So yesterday was pretty eventful. As it turns out, my brother’s hockey team made it to the finals in their playoffs, so it was essentially required attendance (I wanted to go anyway, so it didn’t make much difference). There are two notes I should add on here. First, we’re talking high school hockey here, and since unlike our southern neighbours, nobody in Canada gives two shits about college sports, the fact that high school hockey has so much buzz around it is kinda impressive. Second, the game was so “hyped-up” that they decided that it would be played in the MTS Centre. I played a game in the old arena once when I still played hockey, and that was like the greatest achievement in my life, so I can assume it was pretty cool for these kids to get to play at the MTS Centre. Anyway, they got absolutely railed. Four to one doesn’t sound so bad, but the way CPET was playing, I’m amazed they got the one goal they did. The only kid on the ice who seemed to know what game he was playing was my brother, and he was the goalie. The rest of them were tripping over the blue lines and skating at a pace usually reserved for seniors. The defensemen spent most of the game just watching the other guys skate by and clearly couldn’t be bothered enough to even try to keep the puck in the opposition’s end. It was ridiculous. And sad. I still wonder how they managed to get to the final game. But I suppose the silver medal isn’t so bad, considering the team’s history. CPET didn’t even have a hockey team until last year, and that team didn’t win a single game. So yeah, second place is a definite improvement. Afterwards we went to Montana’s with my grandparents and uncle for dinner, and it normally isn’t worth mentioning, but if you haven’t been to Montana’s, you should definitely check it out. They have huge sheets of paper laid out over every table just so you can doodle all over them while you wait. Easily my favourite restaurant.
You’re too young to kill
A perfect drug for the fashion queen
Added a new link to the ol’ sidebar. Yeah. Check it out.

Oh, and you should totally visit that link. Plenty of good times for those who do.
Love is insane and baby, we are too
Everyone’s a captain, baby, ship of fools
As promised, there is a new page up in the CD collection. It’s the biggest one yet, though it’ll be beat out in time. I’ve also finally gotten around to uploading some more stuff to the old DeviantART account, so check that out too. There isn’t anything new (to my recollection), but it’s always fun to go back and see old stuff again. Why do you think I keep archives of everything?
Something else I’d like to make note of is that I’ve been participating (for lack of a better word) on the internet a little more lately, and getting my name and link out there. Mostly I’ve been posting all over the place and “networking” over at, and I think it’s working well. Not only am I getting more varied visitors, but it’s also exposing me to some really good music. I also made a comment in the X-E blog the other week and it roped in over 20 unique hits. Not a lot by internet standards, but far more than I’d normally get. This is kind of a downer for me, because it’s proving that I have to be sociable to succeed. Oh well.
Every single funky things you do
It’s a good week for webcomics. First of all, this week’s Coozy for Hire will blow you away. Secondly, I don’t want to jinx it, but Cascade Failure has now been World of Warcraft-free for three weeks. Lastly, today’s Penny Arcade blog is chock-full of hilarity and a crystal that I would kill babies for.
On the flip side, there seems to be some jerkass publishing a book about the history of webcomics when he knows nothing about them. Oh, and he also apparently makes use of several well known webcomic names and characters without having asked permission. Read more about it over on the PVP blog.
Partake communion with dealers
101 free games. And the majority of them are pretty damned good too. There’s nothing to really post about today, but I couldn’t let this link slide.
You and me have a disease
So I got an E-mail from my dad today. Turns out he’s an “administration co-ordinator.” I did not know this. It sounds pretty important though. Well, enough of this bullshit.
Up until today I’ve been using FlashFXP for my uploading needs, and it’s a pretty great program for someone like me who barely understands the concept of FTP. But sadly, none of the registartion keys out there on the internet worked, and my trial run ended today. I had to do something about it, because for reasons I can’t explain, normal FTPing through IE doesn’t work. I rememberd a while ago when I tried to get myself set up on Keenspace that I had to muddle around with an FTP thinger to get that done. That’s why I gave up. It was far too complicated for me, and I quite before I could even get a second comic ready. Anyhow, now I’ve downloaded SmartFTP again, and it’s still annoying me. I guess the only good thing about Angelfire was the easy file browsing interface business. Oh well. That’s really all I have to say today. I just wanted to complain about shit for a while.
Oh, and the February archive is up and a nice big CD collection entry will be ready by the end of the week.
Then I’ll start a commotion
I used to think I was pretty good at Super Mario 64. I could get all 120 stars without breaking a sweat and I’ve even beat the big penguin race a couple times. But my dreams have suddenly been shattered. Turns out some dude can get to the end in 21 minutes. Now anyone who knows the game knows that such a feat is impossible, and it’s true, he does glitch it out on at least three occasions. Still, the video left me with my jaw on the floor. His technique is nearly flawless, and there are so many shortcuts that I’d never have thought of. I thought I was pretty good, but it seems that I still have a lot to learn.
I could be an accident
Just thought I’d let you know that since I had a full day of nothing on my hands, I’ve finished up that one non-review I mentioned a couple weeks back. Yes, it should have been done long before today, but I’m lazy, you know. Anyway, that’s up and I’ve started production of the next article (pics are done, just need to write it) which likely won’t be up until next month sometime. But that’s only like six days away, so chill. Damn, I’m really starting to ramble, so I’d better end this. Ryan ou…
Actually, you should also note that I stole the hover-over-and-show-text technology from Penny Arcade and used it on this post’s title. Expect to see it all the time in the future. (ED: Or never if you’re reading this on the WordPress-powered site)