Who cares about the bottom line?

I lawled. It’s pretty damn funny, I think. But you know what isn’t funny? Having to listen to Christmas songs all damn day long. I swear there are like six of them, and they just get “covered” by everyone out there. And usually pretty badly too. I mean, I love “Winter Wonderland” as much as the next guy, but damn it, when I hear 50 different interperetations of it a day, it starts to get on my nerves. I suppose them’s the horrors of working retail.

I’m sure I had something important to say to make my glorious return to the blogging world even more glorious, but damned if I can remember. Must be all these damn RPGs I’ve been playing. They’re rotting my brain with their complicated plots, memorable characters and unique battle systems. Stupid RPGs. I’d looove to ramble more about any of those games, but alas, comics don’t draw themselves.

I will be the flame

So the old birthday went pretty well. The cake pictured above is the brainchild of a couple of my friends. And McCain, I guess.

Got a wad of cash thanks to my many, many relatives, and with it, I finally got a DVD drive for my PC. Not only that, but my very own Best Buy incompetence story as well! I’m so happy to finally have one of these.

Sales guy (we’ll call him Jim): Looking for anything specific?

Ryan: Yeah, I’m looking to pick up a DVD drive.

Jim: That’s cool. They’ve really come down in price. They used to be like $400.

Ryan: Yes, I know.

Jim: So what are you getting it for?

Ryan: Um… playing DVDs? Burning stuff? (to self:) What else do you do with them?

Jim: Cool cool. So they’re all pretty much the same. They’re all internal, they all do dual-layer, what-have-you.

Ryan: What about this one? I think it’s external. *points to an $80 Sony drive that’s clearly external*

Jim: Wha? *Looks at the tag that says internal, and then the box, and the tag again* Well… That’s fucked up. That tag is wrong. Huh. Well if you have any more questions, just ask.

At this point he walks away and I continue to mull over which drive to buy. About a minute later, he comes back.

Jim: Well, that’s definitely wrong. And also, the price on that one is actually $170, not $80. *rips out the tag*

Ryan: Huh. Way to be organized.

I don’t think there are many things that are as entertaining as stories about how Best Buy fucked up. Oh, and while I was there, my brother was looking for a cellphone, so my mom asked this one guy for help, and he said he’d go get someone who knew about cellphones. They waited five minutes, and after no one had shown up, they just left.

Woah, I feel it! I feel the cosmos!

I’d love to get an article up tonight, but I squandered my afternoon, and now I won’t be able to get on the computer where it resides until mucho later. It’ll probably be up tomorrow around noonish, but maybe overnight?

Anyway, did everyone have a sweet Canada Day? I know I sure did. We went out to Lac du Bonnet for a (craptastic) parade, a (a good as you can hope for) fair, and (very good) fireworks. Since we were out there already, we spent the day at the cottage, and there plenty of drinking, shooting, and steak ensued. What more could you hope for? I also managed to snatch a great little item that will be reviewed in a week or two. I won’t say what it is, but I’ll say this: It’s definitely a site staple.

I also need to tell you a little about the aforementioned fireworks. You see, we go out there every single year on Canada Day for the fireworks (only recently have we made the fair a yearly thing), and normally they’re pretty average. This year was darned impressive, if I might say so. And you must realize, I’ve seen all the fireworks spectaculars that Disney World has to offer. So this year they decided that to amp up the excitement, they’d integrate music into the show. It was poorly done, to say the least. Firstly, there was no coordination at all. That’s the whole reason for music. Secondly, the songs seemed to be plucked straight from my personal library. Among the various bands included were Loverboy, Nazareth, Heart, and Styx. It’s all music I love, but it’s not fireworks music. Not in the least. Music issues aside though, it was a great show, and the bar is definitely raised.

On a whim

I whipped up a short(ish) article today, just out of the blue. Actually, it wasn’t really out of the blue, but we’ll say it was because it’s not that one “surprise” article I talked about the other day. It’s kinda stupid too, but I’m gonna go with the philosophy I went by back in the early days: content is content.

Speaking of the early days, three years, baby. Yeah. I think the consensus is that the site’s “birthday” is on the 16th (Why the 16th? I don’t know. Technically it should be the 2nd…), but for the third year in a row I forgot. I mean, I’ve had it in mind all month, but when posting on this here blog, it managed to slip my mind. So yes, three years and I’ve still not given up. Huzzah for me!

Changes abound

Well, that snow sure didn’t last long. Being so close to the internet equator probably isn’t helping. The fact that I got annoyed with it might have something to do with it too…

Secondly, there are tiny little updates all over the sidebar. Okay, two. First, I added a link to Comedy Napalm, a fancy-pants new website which I have signed on to write for. Whether it will get exclusive content, I don’t know, but my full articles and psedo-articles will remain exclusive to TE. Only time will tell what goes down. I also changed the forum link to go straight to the Comedy Napalm forums. As you might have been able to tell.

I really haven’t got much else, so here’s a couple links

An Xmas gift via DeviantART


In case you missed it, this year’s Jones Soda Holiday Pack

The Xmas boogie

Surely you noticed that it’s snowing over on this part of the interweb. I know it’s like the biggest website no-no ever, but I couldn’t resist. It’s just so damned cute. *Loses 10 masculinity points* Also, there’s now a mistletoe on the sidebar, so be sure to keep clear of it if there’s anyone around. I don’t have anything to give you today but another entry in the CD collection, and that won’t even be up for a few minutes still (I wanted to get the blog post done first, so sue me).

As for the article production sheet, we’ve got two that will be done by the end of the month. One is the yearly Xmas article and the second… Well, it’s a sequel of sorts, I’ll tell you that much. Think about what time of year it is and it should be apparent.

The last thing I want to do today is drop you a new (sort of) link. You’ve all been subjected to my many plugs for the MOA-Online forums. Sadly, some two weeks or so ago, they dieded for goods. On the upside, they’ve been reborn as the MOA Aviary forums. While they’re more animal-centric now, a bunch of the old users are back, and there’s still plenty to gab about. I’m not an animal person myself, but I’ll be doing my share of posting there. Not anywhere near as much as last time, but there will be posting by me. The point of this plug is that since my forums will never be revitalized, all I can do is plug other forums I visit and live vicariously through them.

Holiday Viva Puffs! The Xmas Season Starts Now!

Another year has come and gone. And it went rather quickly at that. I mean, the site is going to be three years old soon, and it seems like just yesterday I was getting excited about making it to two. Of course, this is not the only reason that I’m particularly infatuated with the month of December. Clearly, the thing that’s currently on the minds of the masses at this time of year are the holidays. Be it Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, or whatever the Hell else that goes on at this time of year, people all over are feeling a little more festive, and everything starts to reflect that.

Supermarkets are no exception to the festivization that December brings, much like when Halloween rolls around in October, everything gets new boxes to reflect the season. While PC groups wouldn’t dare admit it, the world – or North America at least – starts colouring everything Christmas. Red and green start to appear everywhere, and products will take on shapes of trees, snowmen, and Santa. Everything comestible is either dyed or wrapped up to match the colours of Christmas, and today, I will take my first step into the holiday madness.

What better place to start than cookies? I love cookies, you love cookies, everyone loves cookies. And if I get wind that someone doesn’t like cookies, let’s just say they’d better watch their back. Nobody’s gonna make my broad statements false.

For the sake of accuracy, I’ve never really thought of Viva Puffs as cookies. They hardly fit the bill, but what else could they really qualify as? I guess if anything they’d fall under the s’more umbrella, though it would seem that s’mores are also sometimes referred to as cookies. I’m going to have to look into the cookie family tree to resolve this issue, but that’s going to have to wait, because I have to type a bunch of words about these cookies right now. Mmmm… Cookie tree…

I like to think that I’ve driven the point home that this article is holiday themed by now, but, you know, just in case you missed it.

It’s kinda funny, that without this little banner the Puffs really wouldn’t officially be holiday themed. Aside from the fact that candy canes are to Christmas like painted eggs are to Easter, there’s nothing on the box that really denotes a holiday theme. People celebrate Christmas and the like in plenty of places that may have never even heard of snow, and there are lots of things with green boxes that aren’t “holiday editions.” Oh well.

If you know Viva Puffs, you know that they’re already pushing the envelope of how many elements you can mix into a single cookie. Not only is it a marshmallow coated in chocolate, but it’s also got a crumbly cookie-esque base and that red goop in the middle. Like I said, it’s already a very complicated snack, but they’ve decided to take it yet another step and add a fifth part to the mix by injecting it with minty goodness. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for stuff tasting like candy cane, but that’s a lot of very different flavours to take in at once. I know I was going somewhere with this, but I’ve forgotten entirely, so let’s take a look at hot skiing girl.

Upon closer inspection, I think my statement was pretty accurate. She’s got no rack at all, but that can be overlooked because for some reason winter wear is inexplicably attractive. You may think to yourself that I’m nuts for saying that piling on more clothes is a good thing, but you know in your heart that it’s true. I know it. You know it. Hef knows it. I’m just wondering about those boots. Sure, it might just be the ski boots, but those are some mighty big clodhoppers. You know, I think I may have seen her Italian cousin the other day.

But I must digress. As much as I like judging cartoon girls, there’s cookie to be investigated. The back of the box boldly claims that Viva Puffs are “THE cookie with attitude.” That’s bogus on so many levels that I don’t even know where to start.

Firstly, the Viva Puff is not nearly good enough to deserve both capitalization and bold. It’s barely even good enough for one or the other, but using both is just ludicrous. Don’t get me wrong here though. I love the Viva Puffs, but there are so many other cookies that I would choose first. Namely the scrumptious offerings of a certain Dad. Secondly, Viva Puffs have no attitude. They’re actually quite tame. Sure, they have more flavours packed into a single cookie than most three-course meals, but none of those flavours really gets you thinking “Wow! I really need to eat more of these! They’re delicious!”

The box continues to make wild claims of the wickedness of the cookies and how they pop when you bite them. Now, I’m fairly certain that the writers don’t actually mean that it pops when you bite it, but let’s assume they do. Viva Puffs do not pop. Maybe if you were to put them in a microwave or something, which would probably just end up making it bubble up and make a huge mess, but the point stands that biting a Puff will not make it pop. That would be cool, and highly dangerous. Chocolate shrapnel is one of the leading causes of death in North America, you know.

Near the bottom of the box, they go on to promote the other offshoots of the Viva Puff line. Let’s face it, the goo in the middle is all that separates one Puff from another, and it’s not the tastiest stuff in the cookie. I’ll go on record as saying that the raspberry and strawberry types probably taste identical, whilst the fieldberry would just add some sort of sickly blue to the mix. The fudge Puffs would no doubt be the best, and I have an irrational hatred of any caramel that isn’t in a chocolate bar.

You may also notice the banner that asks you how you eat your Puffs. It implies that the website might care about this information, but I’ve been there, and it most certainly does not. I did, however, learn that Dare has a nut-free policy. Go Dare! Nuts only serve to make cookies and other baked goods gross and inedible!

Now we get to the real high point of the box. This little area challenges you to eat the Puffs in many different ways. And when text goes in a half-circle like that one there, you know that you just can’t walk away. It would insult your masculinity to walk away, and if you’re a chick, I’m pretty sure the box is calling you fat. Are you gonna take that? I didn’t think so. It’s time to crack out the puffs.

Ah, there she is. Our first victim. It’s sad that the Puff, like any product that consists of a marshmallow coated in chocolate, is consistently cracked. I would have thought the Puff was better than that, but I guess there is no coating that can survive the terribly difficult trial that is sitting in the cookie aisle.

Now, the box has presented me with four challenges. It says that I should be able to peel, smash, bite and twist these Puffs, and while I shall do it all without remorse, there is a chance that there is going to be some prejudice. Possibly of the extreme variety.

The first challenge I accepted was to peel a Puff. No problem, I’ve seen lots of things get skinned thanks to my vast experience with the internet and movies. Little did I know that the Puff’s chocolatey shell was much different than flesh, and it did its best to stick to the marshmallowy mantle. The fissure down the middle of the shell did help in the matter, as it gave me a good place to start picking at.

In the end, while it was a messy and far from complete operation, I think I made my point pretty well. The next Puffs will surely turn tail once they’ve seen what I’ve done to their comrade.

I weighed the rest of my options pretty carefully, and I chose to take the biting challenge next. Not only would it be the easiest of the four, but it would also prove to be the least messy. Indeed, after a mighty chomp, there were very few crumbs to be seen, and I was left with a pretty cross-section of the Puff. Well, maybe it’s not so pretty, but it surely wasn’t as mutilated as the Puffs which I smashed and twisted turned out to be. I also quite like the green dye in the marshmallow of the Puff. It’s kind of soothing, in a green sort of way.

The next Puff in line was destined for a fate worse than… No, wait, this was pretty much death. The Puff didn’t even see it coming. My fist smashed down on the poor little thing like the big boot on the purple grape. Actually, it was a lot harder than that. And only once.

In all fairness, I have to say that I’m surprised at how well the little guy held up under the circumstances. I guess I shouldn’t be, because it’s essentially made of fluff, which is essentially invincible, but I have to say that I did expect bits to go, well, flying. Essentially.

The last Puff was easily the worst off of the quartet. This one had to suffer through the agony of being twisted. Truth be told, I had no idea how to go about doing this at first. Twisting a dome-shaped object is not something that one normally does, so I had to think about it for a bit. I wasn’t sure whether holding the top and bottom and twisting would be for the best, or if I should hold it at opposite sides and give ‘er. It was a tough decision, and I had already eaten like half the box, so I couldn’t afford any more Puffs and went with the lengthwise twist.

I have to say though, that the twisting did end up with the messiest result. The poor Puff was in shambles, bits of chocolate and cookie strewn every which way, and gooey core spilling out everywhere. I would not wish this fate upon even the worst of my enemies. Well, okay, maybe the worst. What can I say? He’s one-upped me too many times for me to show any mercy. But that’s a whole different story. Let’s just say that I wouldn’t wish the twisty fate upon even my second-to-worst enemy.

Technically, I’m not here to review the Viva Puffs. I just wanted to poke fun at the box and mutilate some cookies. But it’s probably a good way to go out. So the holiday Puff is easily the best Viva Puff ever released. The addition of the minty flavour makes it delicious. As I said before, I love when they add “candy cane” flavour to anything. I spend lots of time during the Xmas season plotting ways to thieve candy canes off of our tree. Last year I managed to get a whole bunch of the stripey treats, and my stash lasted me well into February. And uh, Viva Puffs are funny.