The Xmas boogie

Surely you noticed that it’s snowing over on this part of the interweb. I know it’s like the biggest website no-no ever, but I couldn’t resist. It’s just so damned cute. *Loses 10 masculinity points* Also, there’s now a mistletoe on the sidebar, so be sure to keep clear of it if there’s anyone around. I don’t have anything to give you today but another entry in the CD collection, and that won’t even be up for a few minutes still (I wanted to get the blog post done first, so sue me).

As for the article production sheet, we’ve got two that will be done by the end of the month. One is the yearly Xmas article and the second… Well, it’s a sequel of sorts, I’ll tell you that much. Think about what time of year it is and it should be apparent.

The last thing I want to do today is drop you a new (sort of) link. You’ve all been subjected to my many plugs for the MOA-Online forums. Sadly, some two weeks or so ago, they dieded for goods. On the upside, they’ve been reborn as the MOA Aviary forums. While they’re more animal-centric now, a bunch of the old users are back, and there’s still plenty to gab about. I’m not an animal person myself, but I’ll be doing my share of posting there. Not anywhere near as much as last time, but there will be posting by me. The point of this plug is that since my forums will never be revitalized, all I can do is plug other forums I visit and live vicariously through them.

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