I lawled. It’s pretty damn funny, I think. But you know what isn’t funny? Having to listen to Christmas songs all damn day long. I swear there are like six of them, and they just get “covered” by everyone out there. And usually pretty badly too. I mean, I love “Winter Wonderland” as much as the next guy, but
damn it, when I hear 50 different interperetations of it a day, it starts to get on my nerves. I suppose them’s the horrors of working retail.
I’m sure I had something important to say to make my glorious return to the blogging world even more glorious, but damned if I can remember. Must be all these damn RPGs I’ve been playing. They’re rotting my brain with their complicated plots, memorable characters and unique battle systems. Stupid RPGs. I’d looove to ramble more about any of those games, but alas, comics don’t draw themselves.