What’s your price for flight?

Ryan is back! Oh, right. I went on vacation for the long weekend. I have many items and foods and other stuff to talk about! Maybe I’ll sum them all up at once in… an article? Naw. I never write those things anymore. We’ll see.

The best thing of all, is that this morning I woke up to a pulsing blue light. It was my Wii, and Nintendo was informing me of a firmware update. It didn’t seem to do much, but by gum it’s awesome!

Look! The Wii can now tell time!

I’m just curious why it didn’t do this from the beginning. It seems kind of obvious. Anyway, even though I’ve got like three clocks in my room (I like to know the time), I’ve been pining for a clock on the Wii since I got the damn thing, so this makes me happy. Also, they redid the Wii Shop, and it’s a little prettier and somewhat more functional now. There’s still room for improvement *coughXboxLiveMarketplacecough* but I guess it’s pretty good for what it is. No good Virtual Console games this week though, which is a bummer. But it’s okay, I don’t need any new VC games, as I’m still not even halfway through Paper Mario.

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