Just another substance abuser

I was playing Crackdown into the wee hours of the morning last night, and it was probably the best thing I’ve done all week. Near the end, I decided to go to the marketplace to snag some additional game content, and then when I was done playing, I revisited because it was Wednesday and new things come in on Wednesday. Now I don’t usually keep up with Marketplace updates, but this was a great day to check it out for two very important reasons.

The first thing I saw was new junk for Guitar Hero 2. Another new song pack from the first game? NO! Better! Three completely new songs! Now THIS is why I shelled out the $90+ dollars for the 360 version of the game. And they’re great songs too! …Well, I like them. They’re all songs from My Chemical Romance’s The Black Parade. “Teenagers” and “Famous Last Words” are two of my favourite songs from the album, but they’re second-set songs at best (read: eeeeasy). “This Is How I Disappear” on the other hand, is respectably difficult, and while I personally would have rather had “House of Wolves” it’s still a fantastic track for Guitar Hero. In summation, if you hate MCR and love Guitar Hero, you’re boned. Har har har. Good times for me.

Less in keeping with the good times, but still significant to me, we finally get a Beautiful Katamari demo. I’ve watched the trailer like… well, just the one time I guess, but I’ve still been itichin’ to get my hand on summa dat Beautiful Katamoori. On the downside, it’s a pretty short, bare-bones demo. Oh well, at least it’s something to quell the itch to roll until November or whenever the game is supposed to come out. Or, you know, I could go back and actually finish the other three games, but the PS2 games are both just collection headaches now, and the PSP Katamari is annoying, so I don’t think so.

Oh, and something about Metroid Prime 3… Uh… that Aurora video is cool, but I guess the entire rest of the internet came to the same conclusion like two days ago. Prime 3 is going to kick some serious ass though. And it’s coming soon! Hooray!

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