You’re so much more

Okay, so Picross DS came out yesterday. Ummm, you can pretty much consider me dead now, because after this post, I think that’s probably what I’m going to be doing until I die of Picross overdose.

But seriously, it’s… decent. Playing against people online is a blast, and the fact that they’re going to be offering downloadable puzzles each week (Free no less. Take a hint, Guitar Hero) is killer. As for the game itself? Well, frankly the touch screen is fun for a bit, but ends up being more annoying than anything, so it’s good that they didn’t remove the ability to play with the buttons. The fact that you have to tap an icon to switch between your chisel and X marker is a pain, and zooming is annoying as all fuck, so yeah, playing with buttons is the way to go. I really enjoy the board themes though, those make me happy. There’s an apple theme, and instead of just poking squares, it’s like you’re exploding little square apples, and it even makes an appropriate noise. I also enjoy the grass theme. If I could carve a picross into my front yard, I would probably demand to mow the lawn.

So all in all, it’s a great game, and I highly recommend it to anyone who likes logic puzzle games. It’s simple, but incredibly fun. The only real downside is that there’s no time limit on the regular stages like I’m used to (I’ve played through Mario’s Super Picross alone like 4 times), so you can’t actually lose a puzzle. It’s probably a plus for some people, but I like the thrill of working against the clock, as opposed to just trying to get the best time possible.

In other news: A Tales of Symphonia sequel? On Wii? You may remember that I think quite highly of Tales of Symphonia, so you can imagine that this might be very big news for me. In fact, it is. I’m crapping my pants in sheer excitement right now.

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