TE Video: Coming Soon (Sept 2024)

Here’s your monthly reminder to subscribe to my video channels on Rumble and YouTube. Also, if you could actually watch the videos too, that would be awesome and muchly appreciated. I have no idea how important the watch time metric is to the algorithm these days, but it couldn’t hurt to see it improve.

That said, what’s coming down the pipe in September?

Sizeable (PC) – The finale episode airs Sept 2. The first two are just me completing the game, and this one is hunting down and finishing all the secret levels. A lot of fun was had by me. Will you enjoy watching me enjoy playing the game?

Wario Ware, Inc: Mega Microgames! (GBA) – Episode 5 goes live on Sept 5. This is the beginning of “the grind” portion of the series, and I could see how even folks who are interested in this game might drop off here. Roughly half of Part 5 is just me racking up a ridiculously high score in Sheriff, Part 6 is over two hours of farming microgames (yikes), and Part 7… is a surprise!

Call of the Sea (PS5) – I could have broken this up into six neat, little episodes. Maybe even should have (to spread out the content). But once I finished the game, I knew that I wanted the whole thing presented as a complete package. I just really, really liked this one a lot, and I think it deserves a five-and-a-half hour video. Goes live on Sept 9th.

Whipseey and the Lost Atlas (Switch) – A one-shot that goes up on Sept 16. Originally, I had planned to run this on my birthday, but then Call of the Sea happened. I gave this game a less-than-stellar review some time ago, and I gave it another shot simply for the sake of easy video content. Has my opinion changed? Watch the video to find out!

Colin Thiele’s: Storm Boy – The Game (PS4) – Going live on Sept 23, this is a short, bittersweet game based on what is apparently a very popular Australian book. I don’t remember exactly why I bought it, other than it was probably on sale for pennies and seemed like an easy platinum trophy.

Willy’s Wonderland (Switch) – I originally had this booked for sometime in August, but then something happened that made me bump it. Now you have to wait until Sept 26th to see it. Womp womp!

Lunistice (PC) – While I had a lot of fun playing this game, I did not have fun with how many times it crashed. Starting Sept 30th, you can watch along as my patience quickly diminishes with each crash!

And that’s what I’ve currently got ready to go for September. As always, random one-off things may happen unexpectedly, but who can say for sure? I’ll highlight them with their own blog posts if/when they happen.

Spooktober is closer than ever now! I don’t have anything else to tease for that at the moment, but if horror is your thing, my channel(s) will have plenty for you throughout the month of October! As a reminder: since this is my favourite time of year, I’ll be temporarily expanding my upload schedule to include Saturdays as well as the standard Monday and Thursday uploads.

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