Man of action

Upon the advice of several of my friends, I have decided to start a comic of sorts. Now, before you go gettng all hyped up, it’s not going to be very consistent, because I’m like that. I might have one every two weeks or so at best. As for now, I have 4 rough sketches and one ready to scan strip. Everyone who’s seen ’em so far thinks they’re pretty good, and the best part is that they’re 98% true! I can’t remember the exact dialogue of some situations, but the events all actually happened. And they might end up sketched or done up in Paint, it all depends on time and how much effort I feel like putting in. I might even have one up by the end of next week. In other news, Christmas is close and you can expect to see what kind of cool stuff I get. Sorry if it’s a bit redundant, but it’s an easy article and I take ’em where I can get ’em. Speaking of which, I have work to do! Later.

~Ryan out.

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