Art Gallery GET!

This day will live in infamy forever… or something to that effect. Today I added an art gallery to the site. Yes, you heard(read?) me right, an art gallery. OK, so it’s not really art per se, but hey, I get my content where I can. There isn’t much in there yet, but as I find stuff I can make fun of, it’ll fill up. So go and see my pseudo-article and be sure to tell me what you think.


UPDATE! – Two in one day! That’s amazing. Keep in mind though, that I did write most of the Zelda article a few days ago, I just finished putting in the pictures today. Oops, I guess I ruined the surprise. But all the regular visitors (1) already knew what it was about, so not much is lost. I suppose that that’s about it for today. Be sure to stay tuned for the next article!

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