You call this a good time? I just call it a trend

Having spent a little bit more time with Wii Fit Plus, I can safely say that my first-night impressions were pretty spot-on. I’ve played all the new games now, and they range from totally rad to pretty fun. The obstacle course is the clear winner, being an adrenaline-fueled race to the end of a curiously Mario-esque course of platforms and hazards. The sonwball fight and skateboarding are pretty awesome too, and even the hip-shaking math game is a blast (particularly when watching others flail around wildly). Yeah, best $20 I spent last week.

Or, well, maybe not so much. It’s hard to say. The girlfriend and I also went to see “Zombieland” last week, and it was mind-blowingly epic. Everything about the movie was totally lovable, from the slow-motion zombie mania intro credits to the special guest cameo (who I will not spoil if you haven’t seen it yet). It was a barrel of laughs from start to finish, and it didn’t get all serious and depressing at the end like “Shaun of the Dead”. I mean, tensions did reach a height at the climax (durrr), but the laughs didn’t leave to make room for drama. They shared. And I think that’s the lesson that the movie wants to teach us. Sharing is neat.

The thing that kind of threw me off for a bit though, is that I could swear that when I saw the trailer it had Michael Cera. And then I started watching the movie and I was all like “hey, that’s a different dude!” And I’m not saying I’m disappointed or anything, because honestly I think Jesse Eisenberg did a better job than Cera would have. I’m just a bit surprised that I could confuse the two like that. They’re maybe a little similar-looking I guess, but I’m pretty sure my brain is missing and/or replacing bits of information here and there on purpose lately. Oh well.

Basicaly, what I have to say is this: go see “Zombieland”. If you like funny things, you won’t be disappointed. Unless you’re the kind of person who thought “Land of the Lost” was hilarious, in which case I’m going to punch you in the throat.

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