Delicious and free

I told you back when I reviewed the Sons of Butcher’s first album that there was another one floating around there too. Guess what today’s post is about.

When we look at Meatlantis here, I could pretty much sum it all up right away. See, you can just take the general parts of the review of the first album and past theme here. The materal is very similar, maybe a bit harder. A lot of the songs lack proper context, and it’s even more apparent on this CD (why is Doug singing about needing an arm?), so people who don’t watch the show might be confused. Then again, I can’t imagine anyone who doesn’t watch the show would ever think to listen to the CD. Actually, those are really the only particularly similar things about the two CDs, so I guess I’m going to have to go into more detail.

Meatlantis offers a few “upgrades” over its older brother: most notably, the length. The disc contains 17 tracks this time around, and most of them reach around three minutes as opposed the the ones on the first album which often struggled to reach two. The newest version of Winamp is a dick and won’t tell me how long the entire disc it, but I think it clocks in at around 45 minutes, which is short for a 17-track disc, but a large improvement over the 20-minute debut album.

Sons of Butcher featured a couple bookend tracks, but they didn’t offer much, being mostly screaming and various sond effects over guitars. Meatlantis also offers bookend tracks, only this time they’re completely awesome songs called “Meatlantis” and “Meatlantis (reprise)”. Essentially two versions of the same song, but it’s got some of the most wonderful lyrics I’ve ever heard. And not wonderful as in “smart” or “thoughtful”, but wonderful as in “Meatlantis sounds like the greatest place ever”. They’re transcribed in full on my Facebook page under my favourite quotes, so check that out if you’d like to read them.

To be honest, I’m kind of running low on things I want to say. The songs are mostly just as fun as the ones on the first CD, but of course there are a couple tracks that aren’t as awesome as the rest. Most are great though, and they’re great to sing along to. The lyrics are tought to find on the internet, but not too tough to figure out on your own. “The Ultimate Drinkin’ Song” being at the top of the list of fun ones to sing along to. I really just wish the SOBs would appear in a Guitar Hero game so I could play along (because I still cannot play a real guitar). It’s a pipe dream because nobody outside of Canada has ever heard of the show, but I’d be ecstatic if, say “Party’s On” or “Razors” were to appear on a GH track list some day.

OH! And there’s a hidden track on Meatlantis. It is a hilariously graphic about… well, I’ll let you find and listen to it yourself if you really want to know. And as hilarious as it is, you probably don’t.

That about covers that then. Recommend it? Totally. Again, you’ll probably have to order it online, because regardless of what HMV’s website says, they don’t carry it. Best Buy, Wal-Mart, and similar retail locations are even more of a dead-end. But ordering it online is great because you get the free air freshener! Also, SOB plushies are now for sale on the official website, and they’re shooo cute! The stock is currently sold out though, so my dream of owning a Sol plushie will have to wait until another day…

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