And this bird you cannot change

Time for a quick BotM here. This month, I’d like to pay some tribute to the greatest cover artist ever: Richard Cheese. And he’s not your regular cover artist either, he redoes all sorts of popular songs lounge style, and it’s usually a pretty sweet result. Some particular favourites include Van Halen’s “Hot for Teacher” and Sublime’s “Smoke Two Joints”. One thing that really makes him awesome is that when remixed as lounge songs, a lot of the tracks he chooses end up sounding absolutely hilarious. Take Disturbed’s “Down With The Sickness.” Not even the Vandals have any songs that make me laugh that much, and I’m pretty surre that’s what they’re out to do.

so yes, Richard Cheese = awesome lounge remixes. Check him out if you haven’t yet (I’ve already preached this to many of my friends), as I’m pretty sure it’s a kind of music that anyone can enjoy. End.

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