What’s the matter with you?

Stumbled onto a sizeabe deposit of twenty-spots earlier today. One almost large enough to fund an XBox 360. But there are far more important uses for those twenties, so Dead Rising will have to wait.

In other news, my brother showed me the greatest candies ever; Ice Breakers Sours.

There totally isn’t enough to talk about here to write a whole article, so I’m gonna constrain it to the blog. The thesis here is that these are friggin’ awesome candies. While they go under the guise of mints, I’m going to be referring to these as candies, beacuse quite frankly, they have all the properties of candy, and very few semblances to mints.

Let’s get the obvious bit over with, they taste awesome. Coming in either “berry” or “fruit” varieties, Ice Breakers Sours taste like scoring with your friend’s hot sister. So awesome. They’re called sour, and I’m not a big fan of sour, but they’re not so bad. The whole sour bit lasts about four seconds, and you’re just left with sweet candy taste. The first time I ate one, the sour hit me hard, then faded away into the delicious berry taste that I could only describe as “happiness.”

They’re got a pretty good texture to them, being shaped and smooth like Sweet Tarts. They’re about as hard as Sweet Tarts too, but they crumble very nicely once you bite into them.

Ice Breakers Sours are officially regarded as mints, but they certianly don’t act like mints. Yes, their strong flavour will linger in your mouth for a while, but it doesn’t last long enough to be put to any serious breath-freshening use. They cost a pretty penny, though, which is common for top-tier mints, like these and Altoids. It’s damned hard to resist eating them like candy too. You know, the whole delicious thing playing a part there.

Overall, I stand firmly behind my opinion that Ice Breakers Sours rule. One might even say they’re crumbelievable.

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