Dreaming I was Al Capone

I spent the day at the beach today. Bad idea. The beach is fucking torture for me. On the plus side, I got to watch a couple hot girls play tennis for an hour (boing boing). I also finally got a tiny litle sunburn. I say “finally” because I’ve spent a good chunk of time this summer just basting under the sun, and I hadn’t burned at all. I’m pretty much immune.

As far as the site goes, my productivity here is probably going to go down the crapper. I’ve doubled my workload over at Coozy For Hire by deciding to publish two comics a week, and basically what that means is I’m going to be double annoyed by having to write articles. I’ve still got a handful on the back burner that I’ve been putting off for months now, so maybe I’ll get one or two of those up in the coming weeks. Or maybe the ramped-up comic production will push article production even further down my priority list.

Now, I’m not just putting out a second CFH strip each week, either. On every Saturday, I’ll be drudging up a comic from days past, drawing (pun!) from my gigantic collection of comics written about my high school shenanigans. The art quality will be a little less than I shoot for when I do a CFH strip, but considering the source material’s quality, it still looks about 100x better. I think that’s about everything I needed to go through today, so I’ll be off now.

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