“Tonight I dine on turtle soup!”

Ah. It’s nice having everyone else go off to work and school all day. It won’t last long though, so I’ll be making sure to relish it. I’ll be noting a few important things today, and that will probably tide over my need to post for a week or so.

First things first, I finally got around to watching my old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles DVD. It took me all day to watch those nine episodes, and I loved every minute of it. It’s hard for me to remember the show at all, since the last time I watched it on TV must be well over 8 or so years by now, and watching a couple episodes really brought me back to the good old days. Damn, do I feel old saying that. Anyhow, it was an overall pleasant day, dog crapping all over the living room aside, and I even learned a couple things (none relevant to anything, of course). You remember when I complained about how there were only five “regular” episodes on the TMNT DVD? Well it turns out that those five episodes are indeed the entire first season. And then the four bonus episodes are from season ten, two of which are from a 5-part mini-series that aired in Europe as a pseudo-movie. “Never before seen” my ass. Ah, the things I would never have known without the good old TV Tome.

In other news, my brother has been spending entire days on the computer lately because… He’s got a website? Arooo? I guess I should give you the link, as I would with any other website I mention, so here you go. As much as I hate to say it, there are a couple funny things there. Most are horrible spelling mistakes, which is for the most part only funny to me (I find spelling errors funny because I’m great at spelling, like a mathemagician (Yes, I think people who are good at math are using magic (God I use too many parentheses)) would with mathematical errors), but there are a couple other things that made me laugh out loud as well.

I gots me the Pikmin 2 a while ago (I just couldn’t resist. I’m weak) and it is a truly amazing game. I played through Pikmin several times over because I loved it so much, and the sequel is about a zillion times longer. I haven’t finished it yet, but I am drawing close, and I’ve only barely scratched the surface of the excellent (and hard!) new Challenge Mode, which just happens to allow cooperative play. The 2P-Battle mode is also a blast, featuring a sort of capture the flag gameplay, but substituting a marble for the flag. Plus, you almost have to work together with your opponent to stomp the neutral enemies roaming about while still trying to get away with his marble, giving it a kind of Four Swords-esqe mix of cooperation and competition. If you were putting off buying the first Pikmin even though you loved it, this is exactly what the doctor ordered. Definitely a wad of bills well spent.

Still haven’t fixed the banner… I want to, but it’s just a task that I don’t have the patience to complete. Can’t put it off forever though…

That’s all for now. I don’t think I’ve forgotten anything that I wanted to say, so I’m out. This is RyanMan reporting on the scene for Torrential Equilibrium News. Back to you, Gene.

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