The 24 Days of Gluttony : Day 18 – Herb and Garlic Fries

I’ve been combing the local fast food joints for seasonal specials, but… there aren’t that many. At least none that seem all that special. Today’s subject is no exception, but I was half-drunk when I ordered it, and it seemed so much more spectacular before it was actually in my hands.

These are McDonald’s limited-time herb and garlic fries. They come in a fancy box, and taste pretty much exactly like normal fries. There’s a bit of a garlicky flavour to them, but it’s not nearly strong enough for me to be any more excited than I am. You’re also expected to eat them with a fork, what with all the garlic sauce and herbal bits that coat them. I dunno, man. Eating fries with a fork? I don’t dig it.

I was honestly much more excited about the run-of-the-mill cheeseburgers that you can barely see off to the left of the fry box.

If I had to say one nice thing about these fries, it’s that the tool they use to squirt the garlic sauce all over them is kinda neat. It looks vaguely like the Aerospray MG from Splatoon.

I like Splatoon.

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