Guy Who Makes Fun of Amazon Reviews (Aug 4/14)

I’ve been frantically catching up on No More Whoppers lately, and one of my favourite segments on the show is the fairly rare “Guy Who Doesn’t Understand Wikipedia.” That’s really just my reasoning for having named this post what I did. This won’t be nearly as short or funny as that skit usually is.

When I browse Amazon, I often stop to read a few of the user reviews of items that I’m interested in. Sometimes they’re helpful when I’m trying to discern details of a product, or when I need a little extra push before I put an item in my cart. Other times, they are something else entirely.

I won’t give any details on what product this is a review of, or who the person is that posted it (should be easy enough to Google if you’re that interested), but here’s the entirety of an Amazon user review that I saw recently:

“The only thing that would make volume two better than volume one is if it will have carrecter and vehicle bios on everything and everyone on the show , aswell as an explanation as to why the show had to end in a cliffhanger . Note : A cliffhanger is when a show ends with the story unfinished , the bad guys are still at large and your left wondering what is ( or in this case was ) sapose to happen next but with that question never getting ansered .”

What even is this? This isn’t a review! I’m not even outraged at the copious spelling errors. What bothers me is the fact that this person is assuming that there might be someone out there who doesn’t know what a cliffhanger is, and spends half of his review giving a loose explanation of the concept.

In all fairness, it’s entirely possible that there are people in this world who don’t know what a cliffhanger is. But those people are not the ones who are browsing TV DVDs on Amazon. I can guaranteed you that much. I really hate it when people feel like they have to go out of their way to explain really common concepts.

Actually the spelling is bugging me a little, but that’s not really the point. Proper spelling wouldn’t make this “review” any less stupid.

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