And then this happened

So I was all sitting at my desk this morning, and upon opening my browser Google popped up with a fun new doodle, as it is wont to do. I did not know what the Google doodle was celebrating but I liked the art style, so I clicked on it and I got a search for an Edward Gorey, whom I had never heard of. I followed the first link to an article about Mr. Gorey on The Christian Science Monitor. This is a website that I have inexplicably visited before (probably also through a random Google result), and I was all like “Hey I’ve seen this website before” and started reading the article.

I only made it partway through before I saw an ad box that asked if I thought I was a true geek, and that I should take their quiz to find out. I stopped reading the other thing and immediately clicked over to the geeky quiz. Now, the thing you have to realize about The Christian Science Monitor is that for the few times I’ve read it, it comes of as pretty well balanced and doesn’t push the “Christian” part nearly as hard as you’re assuming right now. I know you are, and I know you’re writing off the website just because of it. Stop that, you jerk. Now, I was a little wary of a geek quiz on a stuffly global news site, but I think I was even more compelled to take the quiz precisely because it seemed so out of place.

42 questions later, here I am. I am not entirely happy with my results, because apparently the one thing I thought I was good at (being nerdy), I am merely average at. And now I know not to answer honestly. Welp, guess this weekend I’m going to have to go out an pick up some not-six-sided dice, join a LARP group, and watch Firefly on Netflix. To tell the embarrassing truth, I’m not even totally opposed to the whole LARPing thing. I just have a piss-poor imagination and no desire to make a costume.

Anyway, here is my result and the table of answers I chose. Go do the quiz yourself and see if you’re geekier than me!

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