Psssh. That wasn’t so tough. Here I thought Guitar Hero 2 was going to rough me up a bit, but after a four-hour power session, I’ve gone and made “Freebird” my bitch. Okay, I’ll admit it took tons of both skill and luck, but still, I imagined it’d be a little harder.

Oh blah. I like to pretend EXPERT doesn’t exist. Hard is just where I like things. Besides, Eric’s playing Expert, and he says it’s kicking his ass all over the place, and he’s a good ten times better at this game than I am. And yes, I named my band “Six Machine”. It’s a freakin’ awesome band name.
I guess that about wraps it up. I guess as kind of a teaser of the inevitable, I’ve already got most of my “10 best games of 2006” picked out. Guess where GH2 stands.