Sleeping about 18 hours a day

I’ve been watching the 80’s G.I. Joe animated series, and it started fairly harmlessly. It was G.I. Joe battling against Cobra over superweapons and while maybe it asked me to suspend my disbelief a little higher than usual (re: weather dominator), it was all pretty on the level for a cartoon. Later on, things got a little out of control, with plot elements like alternate dimensions and city-destroying vegetables and gigantic Egyptian gods. It was getting really sci-fi up in here, but nothing ever really made me sit up and say “hey, now this is just ridiculous.” Until this particular scene.

I don’t know what it is, but something about Cobra Commander sitting calmly whilst having a strategic discussion with a parrot really struck me as odd. Maybe because the parrot is standing on his desk. Parrots don’t stand on a desk, they perch on something. Anyways, just thought I’d share that.

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