Aptlty titled

Last weekend I ventured down to the local shopping center to chat up a pretty girl that works there. While in the HMV, I casually perused their stock of Queen CDs, hoping to find The Miracle, the last studio album I needed to complete my Queen collection. I didn’t think it would be there. It’s never there. Except this time it was there.

Yay! I almost feel like I should start typing out the lyrics to “Happy Happy Joy Joy.” In fact, that’s what I am singing now, as I type this. Just trust me. So now my Queen collection is complete enough. I think I’m still missing a couple silly greatest hits rehashes, but I have like seventy of those already, so that’s not going to count towards my 100% here. I have all the albums pictured on the Queen poster in my room, and that’s good enough for me.

Now it’s just a matter of being not-lazy enough to rip the damn thing and get it on my iPhone so I can listen to it on the way to and from work. And wherever else I drive.

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